Eürcipej tfadingto-thé EMf/hïd Cóösiderable intercourse
with ther ©èïhin - chinés^ I and. their^ i*e%H’b'0®ïS the
Tun^Stfuinisd^ But tmthingBislilew I» «feö jfeeft -in*
thiéirdÉÈrboürs except- >th*eifioWn galleys, Chinese
junks, and riolsv'and then a small Bortugué^etM^èWrarn
Macao. THé ravages1 ofëbivil war'sbavef' no döubfejeon-
tributèdut® drain the s^Mröks fuf' corniheree js aiirïd the
want iof I security and protéotibiu to foreigners1,J >inclined
t&;tirade fchern|jmust impede5 its-itlviVal. *
311 Not orilylaigesüms have Bebtaf dfemanded for pêrffiS-
sioni te trade, ass Well lts arbitrary duties#eYild)sn*jd©ds
eafcrifed tbereforsale, and a warieiy of s presenté -efeMteö
b y sail yrerSonls! in power of? officef; with whonr: thwfei
reign: merchants. bad teydeai’V But ssomethnesfïthe »08X61
and whole; }<at!r^#'feve-b€m-atteffiptedcSMbliicuty«i.? i <i£
this :a strdffiglii«itaniee isfceGordetfc; among theman uscri pts
of the [ East IndraGompany, t o fhavei happeffed*-dn fbfe
year 17A8ir-*
- y :Tw.o English vessels were sent from Bengal, with a
£l viëWÉd*pen!artïadeiin the peninsula of Cochin-china,
upon (.certain fixed -cOriditionSi For thisipurposena
/'fegwntléman ?was deputed byahdigovemméntiOf Bengal^
‘ ‘ with powers to I itreat i with the rulers o f the country.
“ Herwas sw.ellrreceived where; he first stopped in the
‘^southern^provinces p drom wherópe■ hb; was < irtófeiBfo
“ Huérfbo; the capital-, then in the hands of the Tung-
“ quiriese, where assurances were given that the, cargoes
“ on board, mightfehabdisposedcof to advantage. Oné Cochm-
“ orilÿ>>®fthe vesselsi®«pM^efe(®^.ér thesbar, which lies — ■ ......
“ at'the mouth^of (fhe^ivér. leàdinfyto it*,Awhile, the
11 largestnrekiaMed .rn -Turon harbour. Some of the
t.r.go.ods’ were landed at Hue-fob1; where the ag^ntjifor
‘£- their salep.asiwell as the Bengal i%sv-dy,j resided for
l ‘ some time.' Presents were imad^jKasausual', to the prill-1
,%eipal 0ffi,ff®ive>MgQ^®»hmerit, and part of thcj cargo
f‘ was-sold; when the en voy-dfspovered;that the viceïôy;
“ allured by the* hope of obtaining a valuableifbnbtyp.Had
'^issued; orders for seizing thepbrsons; of all the Em^,
>f^lfe&-öshore^ and for confiscating th'©|,v.essêir®teLd; cargóP
“$9$he;English at,Huc/foo'just had timeto’iget on:board,’
“ whemiroops’surrounded the dwelling'they had.left!
“ Their safety required, that»,''they; should sail away as
»“ fast' asfsapossi'ble ; ..but it was* extremely dangerous td
* *, attempt».'crossing ; the«, barj at the ' inclemen1^s|^lfov
“ which was then-] > in 'November, stetsri®. The-vessel
1 had^been nearly: lost in-"crossing i^won' feerS-atrivaifsiit
“ the finest weather, tho- she had theii beert fasSiStediby
l‘} the boats*, and people of fehelcdun^y#; Th ekndrthfeast
“ monsoofï, ,nos$ at its height; blew fd&rècfelyilfi%>' .the
m m m A me&sàg€K$$$as sent to the lying*''in*
“ Turon bay, to---G'hdfefi'to the mouth of the river, or-to
send-Boats, and peopfe to-assist hericonsor^jin,'attem.pt-
1 | bng to: gefeb-ver the bar, in any-moment,’. wiMrithe
weather sHouldj proveîùioderatei or the wind shift to’
vox,, i. Z z