sRiSde - ‘î! JorThè; eggs1onhy of those insects. For about -thfe space
fane‘ro- “ b f a* day' they ^remain without any appearance; of life
‘ ‘ for motion ^l0É soon« ; afterwards;, shdw sign ss of anitria -
^ 'tiüâ^and begin to: 'move- with great agilfryfoyerslthfe
“‘Yurfa&efof the leaf, on "which the'mother had deptf-
f‘sited them.' At this timcbthey appear, through: IbiiBâfS
I‘ niher,difce small specks of-redunsHapenmatter, thinly
Ï ? fîéeWëf ed-over-with ajfirifeeottofey down. f ni three or
• ‘‘ four days this dowipy enŸelopemenfe bechâa^ Yistble
9f for ih© ti^èfclt^«'^ihe.'^ôse^*^''€âahM9^4a6KlèâàÉ%®SS''
With; this
“ motion", and when arrived at their full gftowtH; they
| ¥ ^adhere1- to- «thé leaf in a Ï torpid1 :stafe g i ïiiAtàtBispetf®d
*fëthepmemk|pfrom:the plant foKUseVbufodf suffered
~#tb remain, will ndeposite their young; as aireadyiiften'-
‘‘ tidned. Amongst they clusters àf>tfoEsê. insects, 'remve-
'loped? in their cotton, there are several iceHs] »©f’Tt
“ cylihdrrc form, standin^ipeipiendtofefly fon thefi&r-
$3 face: of the: leaf. These cells arc the îcbrysabdesî or
4* coecobffls^rfthe male, and cart ©f whicb the wings1,” in
a.r their hasceiitestate/ make their ifirstappefraricfe^fofotd
“ are visible about three-tdays before, the« jperfeetpisect
ÉNslproêècèdl Itfemjbys it« existeh®#in that state^otily
K three or four dayb, -during which it impregnates 'the
“ females. The plant,ori which this insect feèds, is
si‘ bailed at Rio,i orumbela,' a species -of the cactus or
:ps|iebly^pear, anld, pobafolyiidfre ^aptusfopuntiai of,Vi sens. - Th^>lea>vesi^^^TdiekrbHd fleshy; the upper •
;side motedflat,! a y eveyaeb®e|yf i« $h ad - the > oppo site;
:,€re"S0mcwhat©flanij9jrallfprmsigrc^|t^g withofot stalks,
ibut iisingcon© .immediatelyfromUthei fotherfs edge,; as
.i^ll.-alfromthgiStemi, ,ahdrarmecfe^ithi?ro!undi and tapering
prickles, about an inch, or nearly so, in length“.
rThese plants g«awi,l son^etimes«, tQ)th,eiheisghtof twenty
sfeet>; but they, are generally .presented from .rising
.above eight feet, which; asiar size more:convenient1 to
the manufacturer,«and, at,, which thedeyyes'are though!
Jto,contain «juices most 'nutritiQus”to the insects. The
ypung leaves are .ofa dark ,g)}e,em\;;bwtdhpliii©fito wards
.ajyqllow= colour3*as,drey w e e i«n.a|fefo«The internal
.spbstanceofthe leaf is of thIe-sam,eM®ui with-it**»**
rferior .surface. It- is easy .to discernLwhen any:injects
t»re | upon« the- p an t g they , first .appearulike, a white
powder thinly, jspreid, upon itsi flat onshdllownsidei
which is marked-,^sdojag afterwards, with ‘snaall profu-
berancels o f the same, whiterdowhy iS.ubktarieei^akeady,
said to «resemble the. !finestseb(ibn«,> v
Anoth«“ steh isi i found upon the cactus, and is
supposed to,-feed upon :th^^oe,us;or\ct)ehineal jo s # ^
in its,perfect state- itSbgpsrM strShg^re'scmblancfe) to a
four? winged insect, called ichneumon; «.but, .on examination,
jis found«t©i?bd a fly,with two tvings onlyt
Rio dé