dfröfs~V)? bt’r the StMatra shore, nearïyopposüté to -the hsiiaLplake;
'*’*%— of |Wasi ëhosönvaS> most-convenient for the
prffpbsei The northern extremity h f thsvhase. ooms«
eg$lheaï; ffiè-P watering.’ placet; and • ;was aesntin&ed
'frQfththeriM’td the dikaneêfof eight eehvK^ains. sixty-hvfe
M M fökh httadrêd tMè
rhërïdfan an' ati'gld'oftwenty=ei|ht degrees^ rEro®a henc®
it -V^pfolo'hge^^isfhe’ariy in the same dirébtióVr‘as eh?ö
treridihf* èf-tfeè ishoréWould ralteW, - twénry-five ïchbins
dr'fi^;hhhdred:f'ahd'rfift^yardsi-fürthpr.! Frbm the exj
1 réiiïitifes óf' fhis>base:,?Se'tslioï augles^yere takSff with m
éM^idéfaM^degrél tif Mh»ffléf? by. a theodolite «fïMr;
Kamsd’én^s,"-'and the situations--óf. North..Island-,.. Puló
SM^cfeÉ^B^ïh,^th@Canêhofeife 4 f thoXion | and. dün,-
dhstSr^, fhe thréê-islahds ‘cldse toI 5eaeh.:other mailed
fhë # i t » | - ahd Pulo iGöppirx*enêii«ÉÉfeé cktkmined'
1ÈÊÊÊÈM Pulo Cöppia>,i‘ and mne of thé.ïSisteïstwere
ftffë^iMf^fe®^afe>StatioftsUo ascertain Bie-pastern '"and
WësÉffi' p’êihts r#f :Thwètf'^i-t^ay ^ Ba^&nrIsland,3arid
Nïdhbias Po|M bftitlthrlsle pf JaYa^ asfalsö; tdHT#r^' tH®
^situatioh^'iof th e ‘fifst mentioned/places, iasr ,'theyi had
feé&h'deteiTOitted. frofti theüfirët fbas©^ .Thé- Hindostan
béi’hg -hbtfjït tö:' <Jtfit:4êït;gtaüon ’af’North Island,’.and
sfand'ë^ër tè NicMactBay/ on the north iide^éf Java, a
^db^*dppórtunity" offered for .extending thé survey from
:§Ü®if8s Töiht - tb .thfel SoüthwardT?^ far' hst.Angeree
Th® ^h%’hèÈVffig fek>*g§*«ö in!tbê<My ,Xhe tóttide-óf stm^-of
heifcaÉÉdfefagfe Ssasdbund by>a m®rMfe4>al;ahÉaide'ofJthe -
s-uri^'andüf the'hearing of North Islan®ïfcajken carefully
wieh’a fcÖftifSÏSs,' mounted’'Wït‘hV‘pair of sights to direct
thé'^fey^èènliiionly 'called'an azimuÖhfe^Bap4® '; atnd, in
or derto öbtain'th.e di s t a neéSsbfM*He* sh i?p ‘ffe® m-Pulo Salaer,
a smatfe island in the bay. «Lwith möfe precision than
merely by computation-, th&deckiofffehe Efedd&t&ft* from
stenrttö siern^ CWaS as.SHmed^o;i^f-|a)as^ from each extre-
mity^of which,’angles tferê «bffeerved-jwith -two sextants
aftthébsamfe iMtfent- of.time^Mad’dlth^listarifce' ö&l'èhtóted
from thetfiêhh’igonpmetrically. The ..ship',hein;g4ji&fiy
ftWnth® island; this method f . •
ïlëila«M#?'bfi#«d:ö-'-Sidie3t,. was femnd
gi^ësy fifty ïÉihwfiêS, %Mriy xeoöMs, xoMtih 'éf fcbedeqnatór;
iftdiits fenglt*tidé,' by a® imffiêïsieftr eflt^é fitsttpieMite
dXJmipieer /observed through tt^oxfteleseöpas ipyced fön
thelisland, -piotéd'ito*he, «wre: huttdïêd ia«f ffive>ésg»e«i>
fifty^ix mimite8;vthirty;se’cö®ds teast, OTrcofitputirig by
t'he^ppsrewt tiwïê :of «he itnm:erMt>n of-tire- xatêüïeè at
Qwetiwïéh, asfgivenin-ehé Nantfeöl Ephémipistb j
Th®»fettócfe dF iNichél^s Point* found ïó bè ïfive
^ègfédé, ififty ïhiftütesv'wföfty*sdcbads: §outh ,• and the'lêït-
gitude, vdédö&ed from thciafed^mett^iorred 'obsewatina
four minutes, thirty seconf§laéi. ivFrom various inter«
sëetièas mad- oh&elivations,' the iatïtudes i ©fitlee ifcstleiiving
YÖL. I . mdCrv