Yellow se
in paying this early visit, they had Giol^dsifee, bar in the
first sea junk thoy^fopnd, whichwas littlioprepared 'or
cal ciliated, for such passenger^: being, oro-wded^foteyi and
uncomfortable. On leading.#; they/were the moreforci-
Myjstruck with thei0rderly,as well as martial,',app©ar,andh
upon the JLaon^ssdegk pithfriltjhwtjnd elegangi^of the,great
caibip fitted up for thbyEmbassador,; into whiohHthey
introduced, as well as the multl^lfodreonvepfenc^
throughout the shipf» They
in?. tfip r®pi|>ei-ori s - name j andin feh&i E O w n, on h4s>safe
arr%afoaftpr, traversing^so; ggeafrra portion;of,themoean;
theyf-tt^d/him they! wore;appointed, to attenddum>fcoi bhe
imp^rfial^€^ft; that • it .was .the, e®fj£^A4ill;U?/theifosb-
yereign, <aftd their own disposition, as iiideedi it iprpyifidf,
to render his«journey safe-and agreeabfoifo him. // Their
conduct throughout deserves that they should heantr-odu-
ced with parfciculaf notice in this work. Thepivil mamda-
rine was a man ofigrayejbufe not austere, ma4Pftl&
meanour indicated, a plain and solid understanding*! He
was,not forward in discourse; < neither appearim-g-toiaim
at afty thi^,brilliant in himself, nor to be dazzled by Shi#
others. A faithful and b^revolent:dfefcharsge:of hisiduty
seemed to be the sole and simpfo object of his pursuit.
He had been, some of the imperial family;
and was considered as a map pfTeaming and^judgment.
He boffefthe?honor#tyS,distinetion of a Ldneglobe. placed
upon tfor bonnet covetfoighis» head. AIL mandarines, or
p er s on siy ested!mith*audiority, from thctfest minister to Navigation sP' > r .'w v • ^ ^ . i through the ih<£fawest/copsta^^ ntme$*c$as and Ygiiov sea.
bear, indikerananner/ smklfoglohes«ovrssballs ;ufpon their
bonnets, hut of different flou r s and materialsy and are
disIpgpi^beH^hesidcfptby^ipprQpnathit dresses, in'order
to point them>mdbi4(^4he^pedpifii'':and- tbi strangers, .and'
to;secure;>fal all times, a proper jB@sp!ecb to ithieMipetsojis,
and dtiei'obediencdlQ.thefo. ordO^s. This mandarine had
like wide. thaf^hlebofiSToTAfo,v or 'sgreat man,', sxiperadded'to
his famiLyiname? of
I: j Thp> military! mandarineiwfio accompanied Ghow-ta-
zhin was in ^feh^tdrue ioharaeforlof .his -prO'fessiorhh'JOdpen,
bold;;aind;btayet^ His name rhasS-Yan,! aitddae,* in like
manny, wasu styled Vito-,ta-zhin, JoK^an tHe«great man.
Beside;a;®'editiglobel4ah'o;veJhis bonhfeit,’ he iwas’ honoured
with-andtfresnhiafk«©^favour-for his services^ This was
literaljf&yfeathbr, and taken from asp^ac’ocklsi taM? It
wasyg*s§ehoBykthe Emperor, with directions to wear it
pehdentefffoli^hisIfotmntetobHe had ’signalkedwhimsblf
in J battle, >and' received» several wound St His Ip'erson *
iwa^i perfectly! suited (forWw.arricM'tJjHie. wsas^bovte tht ,
middle- size, ereht, and uncommonly‘‘fiiusctlla».. In the
Chinese ;armies, where • tbe*bow anduarroW-’zffie’ still in
USCriand generally preferred to^firCJafmsphissaptiwit/y anrd
strength, as well hs; his other martial qualibies^wfeaf©' highly
prized. And, tho; he«was npjboaster, in his deportrfiteE&
was spmetimesperceptiblean honestfeonsciousneSs of his