draughtsman by profession,lo f .whose • merit I sufficient
specimens w ill accompanyLthepresent publication.'
In ^Doctor :Gillan, the Embassy'was provided'with a
skilM-pibysician: a idircumstance.^desirable'not only
for .persons destinedito pass-through a ; variety e-fccl-i-
mates, but .also.:from the; consideration that,kaftehis
arrival. in China, the' suceessful^eseatdae- ;of hishprofest
sibn. among* a. people, suppmodTtoj be » far. behind
peans in everydtind-oH scienee^mlght exaitfeuthbie* admiration
as wiellias gratitiideij^and, thtrsi eonjpbintdjft©
advance the | general- purposes of;:.the^missidm T,he
Doctor was likewise deeply vierspan chemi|try| which
being the foundation .of ; manysbf ^he'‘arts;iaaosÉ^uSéfial
ip? society .1 the. knowledge ofi-^tueapacitatdsjs*
abdiawparing -tb what degree
carried; in the;, different igountries
tempted. Doctor Scot, asf^éntlénian: pfeigfe.Mbmsi;4®d
experience, was ’ appointeddnkihffcsurgiontj having! lhng
Sgrved in that capacity^h thenavybr^
Doctor Dinwiddle and Mr. Barrow,'both *nsb^.efsa^.t
in astronomy,j.mechanics!,, and^byer^other hranchtaiel
pendent, upon the mathematics, were likely tobe use|ui
upon such an expedition as th'e>pies§bt>v/ i
Mr. Acheson Maxwell,';who hadi fprffierl^residedlita.
India with Lord: Macartney :and; was 'tnuc&'dft'lifSijèphT
fidei^be, wasti taken from ; ope ofy the public offices; to'
sbrye, now, as Secretary to his Lordship, in conjunction
withiWte. Edward,Wmder^a(iyotii%:gentleman* from the
p n ^ s p l s i4^ ^
Mr. Henry Baring,'^lately appointed a writer in Wm
E&st ‘India > Compamyi s wa^allowed? «to* accompany}
the. Embassy; to Pekir$|as-aptalified tofimprpye his
residence thefef> <b the* »purpose? of becoming afterwards
na0reis.er.vieeableito< histemploy ers, Ja&Ganton. |
v .Ih< the< train .of' thes Embassador .-also^'. was . a page, of
years too.* tended notetolfhave^stillgo^^SHbmifdrj-d tutor/
who was*a^pfe%n, .gs|ntMxilanft®ffopartsj.aA>d ieruditioni^
and, itwilhbd see^th,a%f.neitsM%'h1e^©r. h-is,ipupil proved
useless; tditMejpublic.i h
j}nlt-fe$t^he<|g§0r@ttedl, thak sfedl tb&disUnatenqftbe added
any >profess^|hinatiaralisi,hy|lib>niight have rfiade' the
mastiofithd|b|*p©®t uniti4s^for observation, .whichJsnch'' a
yoyfa^efafforded:. The-ydbnge&t- of the.party Wfas;2per-
haps, th^deastugnorant in thisjfesjiedthi'i Mr. Afzelius",. a
Swede;! theniin Eiiglandv and .©mirifentf fpSriniVkrtow-
ledg©; innr most branches;, of; natural*.! histor^;. wWbnrce
intendeds tOfe.hMemploy edp dip; this! ^oebsidii buhA©?
alfead^Rado engaged; himself ini go;.< tcmthg^nbw4se$lle-
mendat- Siexara.Leon'djt oiitbei-eo^st;®# Africa.4If
•m TJh.es; zealrof naturalists; wasmbp.rhowever, ’wanting ?
and ^twe^bofanie .gardejM|%were:proYidfed,> one at the
publib-fibafgef and ’.'oine' att the-xpehe©"of an .individual
of the/Embassy,: forthep.urpbsefof.ao&cting ^specimens
for the