ftneriffe. Spanish ^a'Mëons,iIySö^ in this iohlyhearly'equahto his
awn in strength, independently of the powerfulprotec-
tipif fromVtfeè sfebrè. Tho hebactuadif sifëeeddfedfc in
destroying?the wholfdofThe.iehemy-’s;- shipsy and,? foiyk
ffuddenand uncommon chèngë b'fidvind, jkassïeh^bèed to
hriHgalf h isow n ^ o ff:safe, at is difficult to vrewvthe
T^feng of 'action, %d consider the circumsfcanijfeAgehè-
rally, occurring there, without-joihidgfto'the^admiration
of »the bold attempt an^iskéëysfuï/ëventp'fewce' portion
df^the anxiety which is felt for Sptefdy^all infpeaaditogV -
“ The latitude! ©f tbeiroad’ ohiSantak Gmzrwas’tsob-
served, byx!Sir. Erasmusrt^wëHf tó •be-lwehty^a^ht
»dëgrees’-twenty-eighb minutes north! 5 ; itsilbnJujiBdlg,
“ by the uimè-ieé^ëï:? sixteen »^^^fes^^enty-iix'kmi-
hutes jwest of ^Greenwich, ?a®d tik^y^iatidniwffihe
compassLsevdnteen degrees! thirty-fhfö minute&f^fK'fc
•sS westward ofithe-pele. Thqdide?Hsfis.perpendi<^My
“ six feet.
• “ According ttk thee regulataons: oBithe;'])oit; there;
" should be no communication between’kkë ships «arid
-W'stórëS'from the setting to-the r isin g^ th e t sun. ISis?,
“ also, prohibited.to fire the mQrningmrnvening'gun
“ on board; tho it was done byra small Fr ensArfrigate,
'Af-, ihén ly in g 'in the road, under the national} colours-.
. ‘' English men of; war do not :sal‘utê’, 'beoaése the Spa-
‘* niards are ( forbid to makê»; a.* return. Beef, mutton,
& pork, goats, poultry, fruits, and vegetables'are ;yery
tbgd#diTOTid^reaso.nibl&J; and? fèrjiships; bound to the .tteenffe.
‘‘iïS®!$tfeward andfroqiuibiffi^ke&'eshmantsf thnbplace has
‘ ‘ mamy-d'dvantagosmdei’^Madeiia; particularly thé wine;
fd^ he '«hip’sr.ito.mpany) i s ofsa
saAd^afeÜ' !touoh>( oH^p’grrraté.
“ ^ ?ipp^^con|t«a«ing onii;hündrédcand' itwieptyi#'il9ns,
"|edWs.-|ïot itepfrpdubdj -mo i
omTthg>i§hippingi of thëyée^SSajrsy supply» of. wïnèyfor
th e , Lion,, ^as-ifikehy^ to thke jupdiwodob threepfdayS’;
antksdyse^tof th^.pas|,0 g j^ ‘from.thasg^hip^, and some
of^iècHindostanp tooXltheii^^i
port<ü®ifiy o f t f e Oldenitowsit
^ ; Ha^cfcjib^tfel island,.als . they igduld. The- town of
Sjgfta slkuzdswhichxisïlpls&iandy lii^h^ddtdid mot pre-
s©®t t%;them -thefjerowds] of? ©eopfel qp,-.scenes'of business
per-eeptibk, in F u n c |a l;, byt*(jr appeared better laid, our,
more open« ekaner, and mdre;(eom-lpiMbf©. Tho'Welb
buil^pier stfetchfés-dut iÈ$#AlN|o|^ thero<^y©nie®*ces ,
jq^^livi^for^safe-andfea^landing negi^it, felref hand-
some-abneyda-iji®?uËÈpjb >■ along^the quay>- sbade’d withjse-
vè^hfrqf^ of;tre.es-, the .fountain adoriiedupilh^marble
sba^ués-imthé, squar^^l-appaTentlylgdylate constructibn’,
denote angvóyörnménttattentive,r tb; the . improvement óf
tfi© placq., The hills, abayp Santa Cruzbtare nèithér sö
h igh ,no r Qyerhang,bi> immediately thbttowny as those
behind Fttnehab, yrh^fc^j^assiheipge the last placet that
thei-pr^nt-»party yisitecl,,-was. notwfmoE.e readily the