Tenertffe. On the approtaph-of day;the party rose? little: refreshed
““ by.sfeep, and their clothes dripping with the rain which
had; fallen upon them. The,summit of the mountain,
on whfehjhipy; stood, appeared only at/a little distancé)
‘Z but the weather was extremely boisterous ; and thcwin^
diove with violence heavy drops of rain. The point of
the-upper cone, or sugsrr-loaf, wa-s clear, but the large
conical; frustum, which supported it* waMfivelopeidin
thick clouds, rolling* in- continued succession, along its
sides, and hurled rapidly from thence iptb the. vailles
between the .hills,: against which they; were .impelled,
and quickly pendensed into rain.
Of the party some concurred with ; Ah^bkiplld^s in
proposing to abandon the project .pffgqjng farther;;. but
Doqtor Gillan, Doctör Scot, Mr. Barrow, and; Mr. Hamilton
of the Hindostan,’ had the firmn’ess tp*pej&eyer,è
in the; attempt óf ascending,- still, as high as;possible;
while the rest turned their eyes, readily, back to On>
tava,eieept, indeed, a boy little more than eleyen years
oldi who, i^t;disheartened by the sufferings of theYprë?-
ceding day and night, saw himself, with evident reluctance,
separated from his more adventurous'companipns,
to follow the retrograde steps of the person who had the
card of him. "Of the two;guides,.belonging to the party,
one conducted ;the'gentlemen going to Orotava, who;
as they descended from the mountain, which proved to
them so dreary and inhospitable, experienced a most
rapid, of climatefas tMd^approMhed to the genial
faMtelath£oSpfeelfe>b; sudh' cftangeibeing;
litdedegsdthajrr if, in that' short-, spakk^ofrtime, they had
suddenly «been > transported, 'from^tjtesidy' Goasfrof Greehr
dand,' into the} ivarm datitudesAtff,* the*E^dific, Ocean.; so
■muohjquicHdfi is -GheJtrlffl'kiitiili'n, ’ wi<M*B4g'a^l'^o it£ effect,
in a .vertical} than.'mranrKori^ffltajlidiir^efeio’m 5 ;
-s^BeEoreith’es’e^ra-AJeHersIgoi^d^theUseaporMof Orotava;
Ithey^assedithi»Ughtth©:dfcy^r.iipp.eT<"}t0Wini dfithe same
.naffl&,5 neatly^ built -nf Istoh^sbn» an iifcregulAhslirface;
^hdyi<to@k; the;; dimensionsf' of korerri'jkJLable; dr'agobhW
blt)od'^tffeeugtowingi neap it ;Mog-w&ielnitreeqan^oof the
isahiebkihid iibfMa&itfaf’-thotth^'e^hbnigfot'llfaEg^^wdF^-
comparatively, - but; striplings, flits' trunk] measured', 'at
the heigfediofj teniifeeb;%‘qm afe%*pfrnd,i bhkty-sm fffeet
in girth; at the height)®®'fifteen.fe%ffvhhaktru%k<:divided
it'selfdntp'-abouts'a) dozen brandhe'sdtsproutiEiyjr^ulafiy,
asiffomia.5ce®rtre,'dn an obliqdWddi.eSioO“| upwards',dike
the„stibdivisit>ns mifen>' umbelliferous npiaSiti;all ofcequ&l
dimensions, and producing', -ab thtfiid&xisenliHeswordy,
thiols dnd spongy k^eSfanesemblihgSkb'Ub'.mti'chl'smaller.
thah, thctse^cff th'^commojfl^fedb^GorcderMngiihis^brefe
thbreiwasr artra$itibn^:bfirren&'m the j&IandjC-diatfJt'. existed,/
of no!bacon siddral)Id dimensions,' .^ITenjtlibiSpa*-
jiiardsi idadei ithfesieoJxquB^olf tMree
centdiies'ago; and that ifcdwaiJheni/what it still is,’a
I 1‘
¥;0:'b,.' -I.