.mBAissr m m m \ -
Mthbraflairs, md-mixes m
“ that predicament,t conversing # 0 » the n^tus^ of fthe
gfjj Mimah?,•< kifeapwd rtfiat, oh* fact, .* towfe. fatal *A®£^a>st
« I numbers iof: Europeans who came/t^tftehfeie^ntiiat
-‘Ahe:,lost> many .of ihis friends
^ enj^d^excelletit hea
•^Sealed foRauapJdn to wipe bis forehead,-adding-,? that
%'this.was his .fever day; die hada.^qqkirig fit that
d o m i n g , and ‘still continhed|%^#Tspre-'pMst§^T-
‘UHp&9 being, reminded of hisi latfr assertion | | | b W
.‘it;:alsS'ays healthy* he respliedte »3» s o , y ^
^bfthoserfits, ^rbicH did’ notfpreyobt Ms® from.beifig
- lW he ^as^rnHsoio.^^fee-y
iV w o u ld d estro y ; h .im >% 'ile g is e s ,iiw e r ,e * i f t r e « fb n - in
*fc*hmc»uat*f! long»;
ffienable him to leayedt:befoxe\thatieyeirt^iW#sdik^')i\t®
•‘-‘ita&i'f^^T hciev fii* are tfway^foUa^4nfc&-ob-
«,«'structdonsiffand hard swellings in the bowels. ■ Their
and he. .thstris-^ttfen**
‘‘ •tfxve' to.their progress, may almost- calculate hoyr long
“iMe has yetto live;I It is supposed that 6f the Europeans*,
8‘.of «all classes’^ who. come to .settle- in Batavi'arj'ftot-,
“ always, half the number.survives the year.-*Thte place
resembles, in that,respect,' a fifild of hafc|le,.'0.r.>a town
of . deaths, renders familiar
.“ •the »mention of .them, ,and littlesigns- .are- shewn, of
ii emotion,or surprise on.hearing..that the companion
ik o|gye§tèiida(yn is !^|€ayro^m®K0. -It rs/piabable; female BataTia-
&j hé?apfeaf%^ ssflbtylw at BataEviïa £'hdn#ih‘ë men. The
sj ^q^e^eldidmhefcpo&e., them ihffiw of dhe
h‘i sjun, -make ?,f^quéjiti#a|bl^Sh'o^.co}df'baèh,'vah|l jlivè
|I mpre^qmpgpfeefypthan thskoffeei^S^Om
v/t@h )t'be( ffaMlnteflfec’tsi ,of. thei (fTOAte,- upori both sexeS$
hoye^gii;1 ^isterop>gfp®o®flway4g’iven>‘b y a lady there, who
ggFgagonffdh T-hafc joutS»offrelevfeja> «persons of akeiru family
.yfhpïhadxiéQinevdo Batayiaj'onlyxteu. months bcflte,* her
badoaili^idy‘ paid
ih^debt -of natufc;.1-jjj ..That-iöhcfei-are.?fccm^6uftions? how1-
evfer.4 j so^jprmiedM as, ItO be dottle' affecledHly«caiisdsrfatal
to maja.ytpthp'^appearedrikirfpaxticurar dnsfeadeest; such
,yfhen the Eipn was-at .Batavia.. He had beknkupwaïds
$ ÉKyf fèïM&0thévepu ntry, was. a man' of %rètÖappli'-
pation, to, husjnqssj? and stook.? nebiundoiffimon5 rpr%e&iffi.on^
for the ^preservation ofphis health1 5 suchl.al’soi w3$ oMè £©f
thp,, Gounspfessr^f|jhi Iudielo a§3Ahe^ members»? of this
goyerapnentrare .entitled, at who&§ Hohsesthe Embassador*,
andyt^bipegsofas ©fnhis, suite,or ©.sided £ ‘fend .were^eöieR»
twined 'Vf itb^equal hospitality and splendour,iwhileftlrey
peryained ashore. This .gentleinan-V ho us es! wasf^ené- ^
rpu^Lyr.ppenijto^alb strangers; nor did: he-js'et them the'
example qf abstemiousnessdn hisi own,'person/ Botlnhè
and t^êj governor, were not'only exempt föoin-, siekness',
but ,qvenrfrpin any kind of) languor, sdfrequently. expe-
VOL. I . ■ l ! ? I