that'1 tlifere- Was a ba*r of»sand ’across the mouth of -the
rfvfer ^PeiMo, --leading AO'Tiendting, which -prevented
ships, that dre#'more -than ^ven sor feigKtMeet water,
ftom ^ teri^dntmit; but tha# within a dayowtwo’s
thfer^Vas^-^safe harbour for dagger vessels*
under theisland-Of Mi-a-tau. |
i Thesfe two' men were'commaitded by the governor to
prepare tftefefsel^s» to repair immediately orwsb&ard thfe
EErpOrC; in ordeT^o join the ships, and pdotetbgm to
that island, orlas near tcM?Tiefi-sing- a$ t bey#eouldfegcfc
Both .thesfe men'were set tied» And had famlliesfftn'Chu-
san. : It waVeontratysto their separated
from themt- Theyfdeelared” that their absence. * from
home would be injurious to their-private nfl^irs.t* They ;
pspstrated themselves before -the gowerUm, supp&atingl
him tftexemse them from being employed uponthiFoc-
easion. The English could not interfere without giving
up alEnlaim to pilots^ and thereby risking the^afd%vnf
the squadron and the Embassy; ahdtfre cgqvernori de-
claring the Emperor’s will must be«obeyedj woidd
listen to no remonstrance,- f
While the pilots went hastily 4 o ;prepare4hemsflvfS5
for this unexpected1 service, the gentlemen returned on
board the Clarence to make ready for departure. They
i were&scarcely arrived when they, were followedjby the
governor, whose visit was- influenced, probably, by cu-
riosityv~ai? well as civility. His attention Wait chiefly
struck witK»th^relativdfe^Mheshrl|hSe masts* the? coni
tri^k^c^|3fta.*s^tteg sd^eralfmilsiup^l^^onaafe©ve 1 ■ =
another, .and thq dexlpritylof the fsaflo^sisin running up
(^e^sbrohds. TKe^li^h^epyhss^i^h,add^B^?|sdl,4cs’qhi!'e8i
Ernes,b>meycanvas;>fcqftsaBroyer» feh@q$^p^a‘jl i . Thetl^tter
■fsjlpisn a de ffofeimath its« support!, ate
'5M'£h30>*p laded *pa|ail41§ 0 e - b amboo* i a
hoflow,Wood,. re?markalble^Cfa&*'ihe' samWtiade, fibr, strength
awrld,igb»<lniRss^EpdhyMsddMsi»tkfe(i!h»ifl|ie^ei?SailQr's mount;
r but .‘iMeyrgeneralfy'
earjff on the'marieeuvfe^0i|na^§afeo*ndup6n?de:©^^:
, BurinSgitlie staynefrtheEfeheaT^^n Ghmsan'harbour,,
t^ne^of febd persbnsi,\ph®deamei^t^,ke^|^|^,!sei;zed«^ith a
violent cholera morbus*. in- ooilseqiitresi$fe^lo£|^a36j®fe»oi
I freely oftsomdiaeid fiEit'h'e had.doundbmshpr'es;!) As®d
hiediilal ggrrtlemian, hd^rasty r^hdiseines - happenedfecebe
on;board} ifsqtririesnwearer madesimmediatdyf foVv&GhE
nese/physitian to^adjdinisftd^tat feasiy^oihE momentary
reliebitd ithenpaken t, their labouring Hinder ' e ic nreila ting
foiifneptss- , A ; p-hysi|5'an.,' soqnb ahei^od ;ylwEo?i'Without
asking,-any questiohsidaoufciheisymptoms #f ol&giniof,the
eomjflaant, with jgreafc sqfeten ityfeifethd;spfolse', oEfch#lfefi
arm ©f .h’is patient-, b y app'LyiUg^genfcly rbis- dour fingdfS
to,it; the'n raising one- of them,! ihe* cbntiAusad ,tfepres4
ydtshthes other three*ih£terwa-ids withi-tw'd» ?i®d; at dustf
withj;only ione, riiovingi hisJ handr)fof| sevefadf* minBtres
backwqrdsl .and-, forwltrdsi along,thd wrist, asfif upon the
VOL. IV ■ $ 1 '