experience,), to acèompalny bis. Ldrdship a?s Ms Majesty, s
Secretary, oftheEinbassy, and'bvtmtual Slfceessor tó the
Emba^saddr. | His EtxrdSMsp.« Thtoriir®èiïtóiöiis amsm
a'ccèpted in every other* departmenttef’the Erirbkssy. e*
: ;?B.y ^hafri route ,thé expedition,should dfudciard, ‘te
China, caiM-oot dong. admit é f doubt,'.Tho -EeMn
lieè ori.the same-side of .'the. equator a*s Loridonv^wifh
a difference jof only- dieven -degreès jof datifeiJde>; >and
tho a 'dkfcctvlin'e frotn-one wantal tb 'tfcfe ‘oHa^' pa^S'es
over iverylittfe sea, and thEbugh'i eduntri'es- which lia-
t#iolföSi'r^dened !pleasanti.®nd ^&f#th&bfe|tïöSj|-hei>ê
feflolld: and hfealthy; .yett=tte stafe\of hunfamfeiVil-iza-
|£on, through’ tbixiloiig tract Epglftsfe^itilleS,
is, in^faany pkrts, too- imp'eifdrt to adniit ol travelling
■with .ease1, safety^, br dispatch:’: The .passage- fey’^ ^
H^r^fnrf-v;. was alone fbtted practicable,.IcfewitfaHItflding
|t is so circuitous, kst© be ^tflbr6= than; thrfbes the .&btu&l
distance-between Chinaaffidcpfreitdlritairiv-
On this occasion the,'first Lord .<$£ Ihje, Admiralty,
thinking one .óf his Majesty ;s ships*fcOüld n ót'-bh
employed in ttrine óf peace* deteimfMedThatyffidxt-yffour
gun; ship shouM' carryrthé Emfaassadör ^fit'iftd hööie -;
and was pleasedjdalSo, to leavedfeBoyliord Maeaitney to
ndmifiate .the. commanden This ndmin^tfon was, ‘•fit
from being a ihatter df indifferencefor^^sdd# th&^fti-
per qualifications Jo ‘conduct any very long voyage,
with safety and comfort to the passengets and crew, still
rilif®* f)mib3lf,«b^brequisite in an undertaking
i'#wh%^h^mew- Mac#of’-sea "Was to be explored;; as it Embassy-
bW^e^^pitf^of^thBpMiHtcr sadMdirecitly for the harbour
nekfito Tbe.^ap%aifbf /China;-: through the Yellow
sea arid'/thei ‘gulf (IlftPekin t> fbffa :sp&<{ o f ten degrees of
#litddef and morl^tl(lijhrh|p#M^ quantity 'of longitude-;
©fkimpartn of whrchvbpAsAmsl akydiqiaiHed aecohnt,J
hf>European makig’atdrs'h -B^WsfbW ,is^exicteptf at its .
en’ttkrfdff* boundelo by* th e ^ 's^ n i and- hotherbr coasts
offiifeina^kn'd’b^tliiose^ofi Tdtdtb&y fend^Qsea^depeiis
Htnt<d#4hat'\dmpire^n®)rfeirbM'dd^sii§3@|tGOuld’ offer for
j)ehetrktifi^MtoAdtfMrad’'addm»gi ’so^ mdch • to {(marine
kndwled|d, without' 'GXea%kg/sifipiteioniyf<i5dgiving' of-
fedcsl^to theOG©u.rte*ofi Pekin'.; sinflnthe<'avowed and
justifiable1 obj<Mfc of'the*, missioniyd diieody through it.
Besides|> nothing feonldftemore expedient t h p u r s u e
this Soutev in Reference,* <oh the11 present scjcQzsion, to
that of ) landing '&t1Canton,.,jjpi® the^Sbustherni^eteremity
6‘Jhtfee Chinese? empireiirand/piiqgosfe^ todproceed from
thencfdp through; theskiteaaoilv^ftiwcoi^ntr^iitbithefGa-
pitalj- at the - distan|l|tofbaboub ori-dl'B^lusand^andifour
hundred mildtl$ Fonut^wafivceTtamly,:- moth dbshable
to prevent' thaMto^eXperienGe ,'ll;©'!Mfelays;>whieh1 in so.
long ’^journey, the Embassador jfi&gKb$fe)iliad®- to; undergo;
therobstades that mi^ht^'e? thrown; purposely,
intoMw-way; '’and th&t,intrigues,~efod which^o long
a journey >Would. afford ample>;oSpportunhl.fes*., Such