ftthAMi ‘‘.’ceiled their: size to.fee immense, «tfBroigh IHfe . , , r . . - r andr formedoa pfopof- Yetiow^ea. js tionate .ldejrq* ..the quantity or presents necessary to
~ “ #11 them. They ^ave, orders fob .preparing junkS’ to
Wdhtarr ife0S4h|RcdteDb¥ ksi.wWItWi the pasfeft^ps/ fain'd
tfeggi%e, > on shore! lA considerable|BuiMihg »©p^the
st riy^%&me'ui,h Wax provErfted forit#0 ie(^e|ift3oia wf»ithe
‘ ^ EmlWssai&r, where it was expectediibe woutld remain
“ some days to recover from- tkfesfatignefe .of so Jong a
V voyage. And it way observed, ithat .h&neednbt pre-
“ cipkate his journey t© the. capital, as die 'Emperor’s
^birthday Was yet at a eonsMebraHe distance.. These
“ people riot imagining that an embassy could he any
‘tHiwgJMOre than a Yisit or messagfeof -high eompliment
“ >to their .sbvereignoh that anniversary , or o n the ooea-
“ siom etf Solfte p;tfher.soiemn festival.”
Mr. Hiitoer wsuh Hot fdbag. returned to t f e E ion w h en
yeYetal Ghinese yessefejappeared with live-stodkj fruit,
and Other vegetables in sue# profusion thatrihei ships
OoifM o’nly contain a part, and the. overplus was necessarily
sent -hack!. It m ay not be nriinterdstang to,see:the
list of what WaS seHt at once. Twenty bullocks,-:rine
hundred and twenty sheep,, one hundred .and twenty
hogs, brie hundred fowls, one hundred ducks; oroerhun-
drfed and sixty bags of flour, fourteen chestsofbready one
hundred and sixty bags of common race, ten chests dEred
rite , ten db'es&s naf White rice, ten chests ofrsmall nest».,
ten cliests of tea, twenty-two boxes o f dried peaches,
twenty rkwfflhfc&Snsf fruit prèSefved with srigâr,' twenty- NàVîgatfon
tw©-Hnes:t!sa|o3iB]‘a pSlau.TmJ. s aVr la« ;i* appIi©'SjOtwenrt y.-jt, Wo\ ,boxes ;w yuio»*«.*
bahray,! : twenty-1 Wo^rbMeS5%f1 i pM | §i ifoky
basket«! of 'large'»cûytuh’bêriS,;: ion©*- thousand sejuashss,
forayjbundies ! twenty ^W^ih^êswo^. pbas iÂ
podsydhè- thousand« W-afetWiddhs; thteetf’flfrdÜ’saïÆl ftinyk
melons; Besides iew''jârS.'of' sVëêfi wïnêpârid spirithèks
liquors tol*elh^hf#itfrUeft Wheatsréf candl'es’pând thréfe
basketh'&f'lplrf^lâiitèl»’ In thei«Tmè|i^fe&ttetloal$df<graS-'
mann®fo were pfovisïoiîsn ÊOnshntlyfîMppli©^
and^itadiêddîtheï Pt©n tiôftsioff “©?eïy Hthër k indy wMchtne
-EmbassybandvsqiïàdMn' -expèrielncedb’on ■ àMrfe4%$ÉKlns’,
partioulafjy.'at TuT*hcbayv.'Chu-s'ati, Ten-dhô©-J©0; aîïd
h'èÆ| weSeWuWiWfriStrangdrs !SêfdOrîîTnêfêt,fê^&hp1?>ih?ïtteè
eastern ipsitei a f thè; Wôrid. -
•chTw© mandarin esfof ran Ml âppôifrtfed’byfhésqohfî? bbé
randî^ëâtoahte civM^SgP^igSpwith^a^hu-
merous train -ofI atteMantèvf?apprclfché^%hÿ>B'lo‘ilatët«p!1^
theiïirçspeèts fqh'the EmsbaSsadôr. ’ These mandarines, 4t
sèemed, h®J>hg^f'lbeen-%èfbréîifpdô^Si¥fî4 rSKr!5 ^Th^
had Éè^éhsêem'a* shipuaTtheiEicuds' cohsiMltiW,%mk,
dHôftinessi They were“ at a lbsVhoWtO §§ce#M her 's-M%§&,
but -chairs .werei qni'ckly'‘fe§tfefièdtVtd3WdMésfV!By!whli'li
they Were lifted* up j ‘While|rlîtfy. Mrbâf miMhfibfWlr^id
and admiration y this easy, TSpIdyhhP^ppârfett^ptfi-
hp®? conveyance^ In ^thëiriàh'il^^^^ffirdtheir1 ‘duty
3 P