Batavia,' were commonly seen at -their'doors, -or met With in the
streets, appeared wan, weak, and languid, and as if labouring
with thef ldisease>afideath.’! i Their place of residence*;
indeed/ is situated • in the midstsofi swamps and
1 'Stagnated pools,: from whence they arè every >morhmg
saluted with “ ahèohgregation of foul and pestilential
‘ ‘ vapours,” whenever the “sea breezetslts'in, and blows
over: this : morass. The meridian sun raises from the
shallow ;and muddy canals, with which the /town is
intersectedvj deleteribus miasmata into; the iair ff and the
trees with whidtufhe quays and streetsrare croiwdedj emit
noxious, exhalations in the night. The sudden transition
likewiseufrpm a cold northern fegiön'to the middlifof
thes torrid jzonfe without the adoption- o f ;ther habits re4
quisite in the; latter, must render the human frame more
liable to beaffeotedbysarty causes loft disease'.]?
Doctor Gillan i understood that “ there werëvbut ifew
“ examplesjpf strangers remaining in Batavia ldng^With-
“ out, being ?attaeked (by: fever*-I which isifbergauetó
“ denomination, in that place, for illness of every Mnd.!
“ Europeans, soon after their arrival-*: sfirSt becomèdan-
- “ guid and feeble; ; and in a fewiweeks, sometimes in* a
“ifpw.days, are taken ill.: The disorder, at first* is cOrn-
“ monly a tertian t ague,1jj which, after two or three pa-
‘ ‘ roxysmsj becomes a double tertian, tand then a .'eonti-
nued remittent, that .frequently carries off the:patient
‘| in a short time. | Many fall victims to the second or
thirdï f i tbut km thesocases a^ebn^fant delirium/arid jj|
a great determinafcfbn gf the blood, to. the brain atecom-
Sp'ariyHhe otherisymptoms... In somemtobeginsim a
%tölMiam form-^witkcregufar^inteEm^ions fdnat&ty
ibtf‘tWb;^and then**beroihe*alcehiaÉ^limiStóntjl'^-
kendéd with" the ’sak£^fatai$lbm^qtieng©|as'the fejnet.
tlFhe'Peruvian bark^wasr^eM^Hfiapro^ife^lririi aliy
rkage of the'diseafcsjl oHH.fc^as%ivóh i é susfckiaail
fqMntities'' afp toqb«» productive of didlewbenefitto: Nó.
Change wasmade in'the diet ©Wt^men^gthlepatieht1,
'and the chief, or ratherthe.sotemfidkirieiadministered,
’Was »'solution oficamphoc
^ •tablfe-Spoonfut’-wasdakeril ©dettsibnally, irila gh<$ óf
The-'p'Wotkioners «èf physid m< BatMbfesdtfsrh
the presence of the -.most'skilfaB egit-aMyi wa^netes*-
Mtfyy not’-haVanghadthe< addantages^€«fe^»ddibakiedu'-
«'cation,’ were -satisfied*: a$ito .tfifeo^f^ithraonsidming
the nature' of thrè fdver a'^beingnorrdl and-corrupWftë
hünföh frame; l a n d , p r a c t i c e , tha4feampharéhJ^g
Th^m ó st^w ’erfuLan%isGeptic known, iëWaSprdper
ftó^'Érüst ’-tö it? b > ^ rules more sim p l^ ^ en .tham-Mo1-
»Stei^artd W exhibit it inxeverywariety Widbpékiöd I
of. thd complaint-. The« intei mittenti
v h ow e^ e r^ ^ ^ d alwaiy^fatal; hu te e'
instances ,-Wên hor m k ^ f c a w ^ tfte^ajj^tBrjfc^
(Somes soiJamiliarized’td it-,' .as^sbaikelys to think it-a
disease;-' and inihe ■ihtesVafcsw&its raftends to