tHrough^the ca**e^> but, perhaps,. a*fro@«6V dorrupt^koqptyvi He had
Ygipwsea-Y thi-s projset^h&comtemplation for ssem^timeand .pro-
videdr whate'gekfhe thought mighgfh^'60^du^i¥:e?-to?h:is
comfort in his new-residence. On his arrival jih^g^ he
I Vgave ’upjhi^iVfesseli t^feher^entfeh^afi^he'*! in. commajidto
him, arid .wrote ar?letter*16 his employers-,*) as§ignirig\
among-:©t-her' reasons, for tbe-'Step (He- had taken, theide.-
sire he*-felt -of distinguishing himself by a-eoiMuct of
which few examples 'had previansfylheen afforded&H'e
was- weU [received by the natives sof theijBelew island®,
and honourable distinctions, with1 cbnsiderable authority
amongst them, ofieredfM- him, which he declinedcontenting
-himself, with a moderate portion of land allotted
todiim; and better pleased to benefit theicountry of-dais*
adoption,» byr the-advice' which his super-ibr know ledge
and experience mightenAfediim to give^ than tO'exercise
any command amongst them.- Such’ -amproeedtik^
WaS certainly as likely 10 sfeetoftlo hiin the perman'birf
attachment o f!the people, as the-assumption', ofi power
would belo excite, in the-course of time, -^ealohsyiaSnd
discontent. * It is far, however, from being certain that
- no accident will happen to disturb the harmony subsisting
at present between’ this hospitable * race and their
new guest.; and that noibhaiEge^will lake place in.his
own disposition, recalling those affections and partialities,
which attieh most men to their original connections
and ancient habits.
Captairtdhpctori.cohiimedv injnanyslns^nftes?,, trhe'fa-1
vohrWblefedis^rilsIgidiilrflhefHel'Msj^isl^ds foyCaptain Yeüow sea'-
W-ilsbaièkSo. (fardfroml à feroeifey) ©Si character js ok pyên,
dislike o f strangèrs'dth'4gfehabitants’eiW^lâiw^hi®sé)wh.o
ipbmfe among them)with ^èohtëmo&tït kindugs s»,i andjj erfrol
some ofilhe .principal; ças&theiÿi didbSaptain , Wuhoftteand
Gâptain; Pr©<stoa$ hr the list of théi^nobility.) 3?h0M.tte#5
||jj|g had! visited 'SQmeibflhefriieighbdurifflg; phlsdof) New
Guinea), wjïierièf hnllié cbntr ary bistoangerçfapiè generally
treated«wilhfin h um an ité isdnfclined' tô atfribut-^-so? difr
fermait à bqhaviounnrorb(t(^aose^sfe6%#ehtmbht{%acts
blvtfeithéry and»;; cgtjelty .Oxergisbcfoag-ainshtheml ibyffih ■
reÿ^ayM&ntwefs far^iég-uponlhëiltrfMs^ than t© the
l .pfedokifnhhcebfbad’qualitie^ndtmtaMyspherentiin.their
b»â, ebàr&etefii ni
-ToTheiEhdea'wou^which hâdcdlied-at Chur.sànÿ, brought
from thenfcejsuèh a pilol aSewas» firsfcôfferedlQ, thms^uhr
dron. He conducted her bfosë-tolhe Ckïnesêkhoi^with
liftletdatoghr-ito iheu^ndeSv©urs«'as4 she drew «but ai few
fei-tiya&r^ She^ssedrnear thfei island kïfÆsiungaming)
bppésile the, river Kiangr ^This^lande^nliketïthôSài ©f
^Churîsa-mt^shery low? àody i©>appearance, formed ©f earth
brodght doWn by ihe^meMbofithe. river rbekwi^ntfhç
rfioùthiôfimhdchia'nèlhe-.'island, tberyhteBji^'Wriem^’
shallow; The landisee^iaè’thbe^aMng üpôn ihe ,wat<t
veryxfast; and iéisinot unworthy of (notice,Ithat* ûfc&e
àsMlfop^S&erved' in tbetdtofcaà païaèelof „Veinice, sujfiph&ed
VOL. le 3 L