gfesan I poinjjeA neajd/yertorthe ,same-,«>bjetstls on »the shora > The
■. . —■ c ircumstenee sofUirregular tides hadMbëhd notiGedJimthe
man^cript-Journal of thdArkrger galley, in thê^ëear
130‘S, where it Is mentioned that ‘‘/in the- distanqessffJtwo
i . f^tlèagiie& amohg the'Ghif-sah islands, the irregularities^
, V tthejtideawgES&uchifchat there was the difference of two
“ hours in the-time/ofhiglte water-in the'twofplaèq^j^f:
v Among these.,numerous islands- therejarèk alme^as
manyfyalnaile h’arbqurSiOr places off -peEfeetjSi&a.m(iyv dor
ships:-of kanysburden. This ‘ advantage; together! with
that of their central situation, in jéspeét? to the ^eastern
coast; of;‘China, ..and the vicinity of Corea, Japan, dbeod5-
kee©, and Formosa, attract .considerable .eohtóer^aMs-
pècMlyntó Ning-poo, a city, .of great-/trade indhs ad-
joifhng*} province—ef Tche-tchiang, to which ^aflwfehe
Chmsan islands are annexed. From one port* in^that
province twelve vessels sail, annually/ for^c®ppter-<t&
Soon iafter the Glarenee had anchored, some'eh»! &nd
militaryjoffeex^came on board to-inquire the‘occasion
of hér visit; which being! declared, it was settled -that
’the ptety shbuldtg®. ashore the next morning, and wait
on the governoT to make their demand. With these-officers
xame, serve-as an interpreter, ^a Chinesermerchant,
who had formerly been connected in trade With
the agents of tbelEast India Company, while they vvere
allowed ito frequent this part of China. He still retained
sóihewjiat oftheE:mglislrlangü#i|f Bysthis man/s.accoüojt .jjgff
the1 English had'giiVfn necijltSt'ca'iasé^fidissatisfaetipn in “ a
tills place, tho tikey hay^heen interdicted'fr.omit-,fthrough
the-me'ans,i>asyds -most likel^^feh^t^peEiop influence
©f 'the officers1 gbverhih-g|0t'Ca4 |bh^4^hQ®are4,stKp:pq^edftp
drawjliïlgêlisüms from t^Bf|^imulafeio,n ofifp»tn^trade
in Itkah Iporfc; t> ag»d'Vp,erh ^ps^alMlftohinth^iin apï^
rehêpsion,. on-Mthe^ar^of theiG^f#e.,government,. of
■theqill? e^@|sf®whrfeh;might1/arb.etffsFom{an unrestrained
t h r ^ l l o f - i t s ' / p o r t s ' . t i t the^ame,;t-imfe,
namjes<?of.Mr. Eitzhuglnand-'-Mr. Bevang tw^ofthp Com,- ;
p'any^-prin^ip'al -/agent's a t ; lH i a n d ^ h j n s a n ; and
indulgë^'achepè'thétcthe^EngMfetrade woull^^gpgain
permitted .thereto He explained.the reason- why a’; sal-ufe
by7theClarence,o£sey^‘g»ns-was an«wered by three,only
from the shore, h^pf^ftang# that among4he^%«|atipiis
o f ecoripmydnsth&,fChinéi&gOvermnenf,l nb; gïékterjtnumber
is permitted to be fired from thejsamej-'s^^Phri'any
OGeasipnfeQf compliment. This circumstance, led him to
mention thëirvrhiéjdn salutingrite; point thqir .gpris al- -
ways^ijttQv the |ai%»t adding,| .th a-tn iifssp chs > aypfr udqntid
cautiqn-.had ■ been* paactisedhyf th e ,E^gli||h', "the^ident
/Would not have happened at Canton, when(two,Chinese
were, killed by a 'shot- fromian-; English,yesseFonfa' rer ,
Hoicingi/lay;', which endangenii^^@dntipuaie®^#)f the
- G VOL . I .