regulatethe quantity of water in the canal, fa The glacis, or ine'lined plane,*
is had recourse to only where the surface of the country is toopuneven to
admit of a continued canal. The vessels are- ftifeed: up- these planesdby
means of capstan's fixfëd on each pier.? and if one machine o n each^sidehie
finffid insufficient, hóles are ready madp'öü the topjofithé-pierfor receiving
others. By the’assistance of a number of men, who obtain a livèlihoodhy
constantly attending at those places, vessels are.made to pass front .onmoanaj;
to another with great expedition. .
XXXV. Chinese barges of the Embassy passing th^QUgb^tfBhiiijt^.Qï
floodgate on the grand canal. Wh en the planks that fbrtn; these floodgates
arc first drawn up, and the su rfa c e d the water onjope>sjde happen^ t^h?
considerably higher than that on the othci, die vessils a ro ia iin d tliipugh
by the current with great rapidity. Thothe-Chinese are, v.erydexterpus in
the management of dieu vessels tlius shooting duo si fin os, yet tojp^yS pt
the possibility of accident, the soldiers that are-stationed at sittall mhiUgy
posts, usually erected on the ab’utni' nts, attend on ta ih sidt-s.jth l( iid|r sjrtf"
•leather stuffed with'wool, or.sóine other softlsübstaric&jjtQ.preyent the bai^f
from .striking against the stone pier, The; doubloi oolcd-bu doling on die
left%re'r is a temple of religious worship,- of w hich t in c f e h f ^ l f r s j ^ f e
numbers in almost every part o f the country,« . -
X X X V I. View across th e lake Tao-yng, shewing its sepafatio'njfoni the
grand canal by a strong embankment of earth. In this lake an .extensive
■fishery is - carried on, principally b y. means; o f the Pelicanus pïf
fisMng corvorant of China. These birds are here. trrined upi toi the exercile
o f fishing, and sent from hence to all parts o f the empire. Atjthis-place the
barges-of the Embassy halted, while their l a r ^ single masts were taken
down and others erected in their stead, consisting each, ;of two -poles meering
•together at the top;,, and extending, at .the bottom, ta,each side of the vessel,
Where they turn on swivels, and may thus be lowered down speedil,y,gso as
■to permit die barges to pass thro die arches of b rid g e swh ich are Very frequent
h cf Vo iMg ffi! pSyt 'titrfchSM’and-canaL't
fishing coiVorant o f Chirris
T h is b ird appears to be^a- dlfferenfSpeofe from an y hitherto described b y
rfkffirdliW. Its speeifie^Ifi®6KpA‘£Ly<be th us'distinguished. Brown peli?
can,' or'corVorant,' with- whitfe th ro a t; the body w h itish bdne'afh; and spotted
witbffiroWri; >the tail raulfded : the irides b lu e ; ‘th e b ill yellows.;
'' ‘^X X V H T ;> V iffw ifth e i fkibufbS "The double-Voofed
building 'on'fhe’^i'ghiffiandi^CTOfijiheprint isia?temjfle^Br®gicto^.Worsbip<
T hd!-sm’aflsD0x,siippbrted.0mfoVl^p®l#l!1 and ascended b y ’a laSraisf^ri look-out
IjbuStfJfin’ew® which S^<ftestedl&t< alntb^tf ev e ry m ilita ry post a n d the
buildSrFg'with the ^gafeway^nrePitcSgtfyes1 a-B’ a repository • for lannk^ckdhes}
and' other ib flith y - stores. st. 1 lit} trie i frttfdft>f fishinK wi th”a h e t‘ stretched. ouf
byffoun' pieces'df bamboo) and su spertdedt&.ta^Loi^gjlpdlevas in th e hands-of
the #gUSe- sitting on- thetBanktoiK dfetiiver inShel'fore-groundi'is- an u nive rsal
practice throughout.ffidhmpire.ii»,«! '* * b * i>s • L t;
X X X IX . A view- o fttherC hin sanV-tir,gt'loIeiif,i-riand, msdie-haaptgjtses
kiang, o r greats liv e rio kC h in a . Th is island, situatedMn the huddle o f th e
K'ian'g w hW th e width is near three miles,-‘is ffiejprapeisfcydfiffife Emperor.
I t is interspersed with ' pleaSdre-houses' an®gj3d’eris‘,'iahdrcbiit-ains"a large
ino'nas^fy('b'f''ptie!sts‘,-1b y ‘ which- th e islanffiris''almog&..eiffire]yjVinhabited.
A ^TO PV ^ ^ ^w 'V e s^ S l^ im ffM ! ahu!£si^eva^ehHstanflyrmdvihglabout1 on
tn^l&r^ePTiver. dt T h a fto ii the defi'-side (ffilffiesprint.-is latoSadcurate: p o rtrait*
b£a' GhifleSeship
XL.<" ChmftWfbMgjl&’of-'dig E ^ftbtt'ssyip^pai^^tcdpass under ’a b rid g e .
T h o som’effiffffie bridg'esl in ’ Ghsi|a! af.e’sufficiently" highitos admit of-vessels
tbh]*Ssi;thrd'l^h**,imhi^fchB^5'''v^i6®iiifr.striking'their.' ma^j&y£itas ’th ere are VQL. I. n