at Rio. ’ Sm e of the men were accused-ofmuelr'worse
practices';/'in yielding to depraved and unnatural
petites. !<
.Among .the? more innocent pleasures1 *of "both Jfedxres
were'operks, playsjland masquerades,-'except--when^M!^
pended?®«, account of the indisposition of the'-queeAVff
Portugal. Company often.-met^at a©j>ubliejgaf deri4itfr^
a ted - h f the seaside, and. at one exfcr town!
This garden: Was laid out in gra^ 1 plats] ^shrtdiMfeff
and-parte»®»]; interspersed! with spreadirig jfe^s||^feS
ther with arched atcovesto»b0Wers • of wOodeji 'frain^
work, painted:green, and decorated with‘ip'Sss&n~flow:
efs, jessamines, and other fragririt-pMnts. In ^ te tfep
cesses /’during,/Use' dry seasdfi of the^aV^thetg^y^eietiy
dfeRio/iafter Cakirfg«bxe£eisedh th e # ^ to in |^ 8!?6vW^k,s,‘
laid often after .hearing 'songs^arid tiAustc,' sat-' ddwfF to
partake of banquets, accompanied, 'SOmetimes^by-fnti^ie'
and fire-works; and in this mannSr^ffSn
protracted their pleassufcOsfar into the night. Towards1 the
middle of the' garden" .
rock-woik., -with figurfesirf two; ali^ithft^fif no mean
sculpture, spouting water into a: marble basdn,- ifi whlrfl
aquatic birds, well imitated' in'bronze,' appeared" spelt}
ively? indulging themselves; A t/’a'Jiteto dypfice from
this fountain was another imitation,! which seemed' a
Work of; supererogation. Much expence and labour
were’ employed to represent, in copper, painted'green,
the'papay^treCvxatvegefiible natural to the climate, and k
On the- side of this? gfedenlneMr-the'sea- W^s4 tewaee;
o f 'granite’, in theomliddle ©f< ,whLdh ?was also, a.fouMain,
with y^marbldi siatuejof/aiiboy hoWing in
bird, fitoin'wjjose hilliw^ter^gushed into the ibason underneath
, w h ile . from the; other1 hung alabel, with the
fullcfydisg Words u til wklplying: his
being useful eveniimhis playfulness.
| £ Atthe/eMremitieg o f .-the terrace were' twoirieat square |
buildings:; likejrwhat .in'Shglafi^ ;»e/p^3sd,i>shtmnerii
houses. 3 Imbue, the walls were.decordted with, paintings;
representing views o f the-.>harbo«iv and particularly o f
the whale fishery that usetl to be carried ohfwithin it,
until thedarge black whale,, which formerly frequented
it, was disturbed anddriyen awayi^m'consequence §£.
the incr^ased.aebncourse..©£» shipping*! ;The ceiling of>
this summer-house was ornamented with: various de*.
signs;, and the cornice cexhiWtfed .the^ several specks tbfi
fish peculiar to the tcountny, all in their proper shades
and colours, the. whole; in shelks'fc'ork. Tfiesceiling of.
the other building was composed ©1 deyiees wrought in
feathers; and along ;;the .cornices were! portrayed; the:
most beautiful of .the birds proper to.the, .Brazils, ^curiously,
arranged in .th'eir natural plUmage*; On the walls
were-eight large paintings, ill executed indeed',?’but. descriptive
dBithe principal productions to which that
Rio dc