106 F.yuM.ssv: TCrssaiNA;
Iafadjaark, to distinguish fh e boundariesfof landed. pps?*
Sessions neat itl: :<
f r T h e ; genthman who wished to pursue r.3*h&E.|®fct«ije£
•upwaBdiy U££t© aeocaripaniel
*nannwas€hfiip&tKfe aalf)tfewhmaihing^dr th^deSGsndanlfe
p£ the Gua&&e^irte%ipal.inhabitants fi asrfsblqspifsws-
sorsof the island, when'first inmdsd fhyitheDBpOTtan(&
tetistfGS'i®that anekppraefe?/ihe was a talbisfeag^pn^d
man,.dittle’lefs-xthaHusiKffeet.high, and ^lke<feereafe'auad
firmy thb i®rfafe:hisrgmn:d eKmaeferit^drinpwaEds^fi?®^^'
^^fs>ofii^e? thiGlihean^nfis iefchi^iebnntgnafflfiSebwdEh
strongly marked ; his eyHifflaws high; an^ia^Edd^rhis
j^elrksbones' ph^rmcnent,; his nose awsiepfit^Kflattenssd^
and his- Hps bf. a thicrkness approaching* to ’those; of 'the
bMekshof A£riea;b.
* \Mit|otbis 3man the four gentlemen, above-named,
aeiiapling^tp: Mr; SaiibwhpFyktioa,'M<s«nj^inndfttte
1‘ f'SHniniffijof the mcamtaih: from (whteneeUhe^S^fc^oiie
‘ikFosey tyhichisbemg often xKwfersd; Ysribh snoV^pikfc-
•I * Iteadp. among ancient wrifeepr, .the *panoEe[«iiiNifearia
ft for;the whofen island;.i On this summit' was:another
-'imxiensife,p§ai!h, not cfothBd,likertfe;green rnminteamv
iwith perpetual Verdurb, but loaded- with irregular
“ huge 'mhssesibf blaek lava,°- seatteredilroundi: not: the
-■ ‘ ieaHt traiee;©Ewegetktion. being Visible pn; this dreary
e m m s &y t o ' c h i n a . mm
<nw&t«y-**espt hew an^he&a's,®lit§ir^c^tisOi§, pegpl4g|
Us'with ititfeifek' and terahchgsi‘%hi%ffigb
?nfchu>fissuteuf thetuukl : Thddiollrfe^fofbfe'wWcilri- '
.^tlflUe^nhu^fjaMhe^BMslii^^dh-i th# -\^¥y 1?pek' o f the
“ Peik'sfet^attctd'^be^byeifrlji^^iih dltfiidM0 A'PletigfH,
for the tu Steffi'5 the
St/ckirretrtcof fhd-Wirfei'P atlE’ifer'®e®rM'©x« ,°fc? kB^ffifeir * •
’ “ Th#y alrea'dy/3hw^lv©lFf had^lswiM'efli^boiit' two
i'ifhousiffd! had'fpl§secl
‘.‘tthte nighU^Ml?
‘11 theotaaiina'M^qh|mihili1
“ ithermaftietet kfhh#t.y*'isi}t^'ggr1bl|)K arid»l®gdffi^r%|th
“liUhd is fe t, ^ilfnbsthtPUk the ‘p'8'hh^30’f xhoMiih |
4‘. steadily: the reins. In tle^dfi^efefhhi^lSwIS^'^rr^S
“ Hamiltoft-Was '-li’tdral^ blbwri off J^tihllfS^? ^f)oCto’r
J#hn > happuile'd* «1®
“ boldlyoforWard t u h a t k l '®Mie
1£$ fwa®.'fbsO^rcbftll^^itsl^i^tHe % ieM ls§ < # th e HSifst'.
“ Doctofc Gill&H’t'kMe'aVofured upfifile W3 b u f thtf^Vitld,
ufu.ctual'ly>' forbe^filF mftlte^hthe^agfe of^a1 htefep*
hseip^eip!3wlMfe, *fertttAM6ily^sh'£rfe lh inth a* bed^OT
PiMsfeaiii’U tUh’e su jf %b6hahitish 'iiihfh|lfl^,^htvl^f^ i e ,
“ down tf^^redipiw, arirf'^perflfifSH^' "N’b hffdifnhbuld,
'fftfie^ardsp stimulate th£ ififfle^th'hoV’S’^orVthds u
“ siHgle istejpV- nAh6'thdf!haht' uhdSr'ffhe-^'^KMt**m a