h in the rests-ef the \ftget)* the^r YeadilyperfOrtieek In a
‘ little .time the^P-orti^gaM^ fleet-©hsix smalbvissdls Vdt
‘ saiLfo« Japan; > upon whOseld^parture i&was*^fp,edM
“-thatdicense. ofi.‘traded would havbtbeefi permit tedffac-
‘ .cording as, they- still badhdr-hMin handHfee1 English ;
“ but.being then- freed of tKeir 'cOncOived fbar^l€sf4@ap-
“ tain Weddelliand- his men shouldlhrfvk smprdsbdhheir
“ vessels), theyinstantly flouted' the simpld %'edulity (the
“ inseparable badgeiofffold^)^o£ the riatibn1';55 a-rfti f%t4as't,
‘t having assembled a:cduncii of purpos'd, sent*
V: lish a flat denial. Tflieissamd d’ay) at ^^WsWllw^dfi
‘‘^called aboard theiadTmr|L^fed4^1|*)4^tb^pn^p©se,
‘n Captain Garter, John Moujnffcafeff and Thomas Robin-
“ tsoin deliyirJedi to ithe whole 'eobncily a1
“ draught of the.riverylthe sum ofth'eaMttewp^^su€@|ss,
“ and Jiopes which be ing wtld pondc i>c<1, it wtis were1-"
■' rally [consented, that therwhdl^iftkOtlshouId stil’forfpe
f ‘^river of Gantori. They krrihedytin- a -fd ^ d a^ f
“ theTpsementioned desolate'castlc : and weftig/fto'w*f nr-
1 ‘ nished with some slender interprdt&r[s)i1t'l#^b''<gn&Mad
“ speech with divers mandarine^ in the kingwa 6ttb£kds,
‘‘ .to.whom thefcause o | their.-arrival- was dec&Mlpviz.
“if§)§ntertain peace and amitywifeb th^m^ld* traflflcS^fy
“ as thePo^ugaPs did, and tube forthwith supplifeddbr
“ theij.moniesi withlprovisions for their ships: all which
“ thosei mandarines promised;' itb- sdlf cit”with the5 prilrie
“ men resident at Canton; and in the-mean timedesire an
Ie^^g&i^ispf»sia!L4days-; which weti# granted; and the
English* d iip ^ ^ ^ w h h sw h ö ensigns .©hihdpoop ; •
h j m t f t h e i r oïtuga-ll s, had. in all
j that. l||ia^^ihe!ehtheC%furn o|$tthe lpinnabe?i so beslan-
i^f^J.'^emv<iQr-the-()h<i^^^ repórtin^Éietil® be logueS, 4
t-hifeves, whall rt^Wthat they became very
pi>tli'MgwoJfiïiekningfo’lbtïheihhglish ; insomtich
^hldSi$iglh t* thne&they putitf©j*)|^sixt'dfeti‘®d\ca,St
tbEdnahp^nitd^lp' fort 0^^Sfe3^lï^fëÉth'ehrink.oÊ,.thè
i>»ivc»apfa'éh hpi^-c' betv c & no's ix4at§d£1 sêatêhft nu ndred
iWeigl't^'ahd \\ c®Ipt«]5(oMji(>11]■ el*p and -after thdiqmd Of .
p^n»da|ts;-fJ i a \ , i g l i t, * siailic icntly forti-
fflédf-thlbmsoLve^#^^MlSpMfigid divers?- sfeetjt though
,wiftlf0dt?ihurt, upOnso^a^^tö^harigest, pöSsingby them',
to find («■^^c^óriwrii.e'ri't' w*a1(^rin',^|la^e.yHerewith the
wbOlhl^t', b^|ig.fihStainl’y?i^|§hlbdft^di4^©Oi;the^sud-
; dèn^ displaydhphrbloodytéhsignbjr^^liwbllihf'iïgth'eir
(^phprs^fel#A^v|iththeIflood*, ahdffcirthe#themsê'Lvë^
b&^^è thé ^^tlé.ii’jfrQmlwfteWdSi^S^inany^sftot'j^^m;
;ïi|)t|a>i^y)t-hat tdne^d|^m^pfl|a^.hull whdrÉi '
ujponpnófebêidff^^fei-to jendur#thhh4brav!adfd^S an^t
jlfng®,(ea|h shiphe|®^töèplay)£4r*ié'usly uponithem
with their-broadSid^^ ^nd!f aii§le?Eft'WO¥0.r?fi^^i hoursV
hériéeiving-theiffcbjW'ardl^sfainting;-.tho b'Oatsb’wëre
landed -y:kh*f%sutjt©be .hundred men; *#hich sight
feèfcasibned them, |^éa!§li'Stra'ëti©nsv instantlyilM» a-
bandon the ,cas;tle|p§d fly ; t the'boits^ëreWjS; in thednèan
lm ti . 1 t ^ i ‘ , G s