obtained. Few boats approached the shipSwith provi-
=^u...'.isions for sale, thó it be usual to do so pin great numbers,
in] most .harbours, The market on shore wakveryScantily
supplied*; and extravagant: 'prices demand e.d 1 far
' every.]article. It was obvious that the1 göVeréingma-
gistratejof the place, whccjiit^eems, had instantly dis-
patchecL^L rhhssenger to the capital, withsari •account of
the arrival of thelsquadron, and for id$fsftS(aWsahoW3#
act,-had, in the mean time, checked the sale;pf alhprovi-'
s i o n s .
A person of some rank soon arrived at Turon,rwho
delivered very handsome ’ compliments from his master
to the Embassador. He came in a large decked galley*,
of a light and sharp construction, formed for quick sailing.
The rowers,* who were very’numerous^ rowéd’ ih
. an erect posture, and pushed the oars from them, making
short, and frequent strokes; A state cabin was erected,
on the middle of thé deck, painted in liveKy; colours;
each end o f the galley was decorated with streamers of
different colours and figures. The state cabin was, on
the outside, surrounded with spears, and various'tmsigfts
of authority. The principal officer, who came in her-]
was dressed in loose robes of silk, had the polished maai-’
ners of cultivated society, and was attended hy a Chinese
interpreter. His galley was followed by/ nine boats',
calculated for carrying burdens, and full of rice and
other provisions, animal and vegetable, as presents, for
the use ’of thBqfèsf,fe||e^' and- crowWi From that' moment gstel?
theiïmarkets»^^kr^^l^)i|?HlSfy':slipplie'dii?^and’ thè^-prices* ■===
of the"dist^K§
feéatfdtwnpay his ^jJpajfs^iUv.i6edh;(?hie* ErrïbWsadér and
his^sUite1 ashW^hiidiijl^osédktQlfeèpv^fiöpèn tableéfor'
thein^anstaml^f'Everp mark of' attention^Wafs shewn
hWcëforwird: i arid, tot. dult'l^M'ileé
best vuttderkandin^f with - MsnjElxe©]ikneyu,hhdï ther'sqütff
droiL ' “ i
; Qver tuffel were' ma'depEóitf the »pyai'eh ivseiqfvrk'rniS'i and
ammunition; anddftwa?S|dasy t©1p%é j t J ^ É f t h a | j f-
ance given to1 sthel cause of the prince, then reigning at
Turon^a'sï.welh#siats'the^ia|pab^||ftfid|mdrthern' p’aït^öf thé'
kihgdèöi^wöüldt haV^h^htowillin^lyr' pMëfe^dfji^r any
terms. His''shua'tioi^t^deëd^
•seiuret)1 Beside theprbv^ae© of Don ai, ön south efrhspaBp; 4
of* 6©chi®i-chmav>'which had=reve-^Jednt oïftfliëi; a nê ie nt
family of-itstï Sov drëigife, ^Qüiii-nan^f?©ril'lM'fn iddfe province
of - the" king dom ,p«dass in bheyïharïcfc; %& ‘Ihéidafer,]
uSuTpfer-'OfKthe (whole. He had*entrhstédbéh^lii'S«ybhhig^
hrotherthercaré of hwroêp^uesis^tö» tho^itófÉiward föhnt
thélfa tter(availed himselfjoMiis command, ffrstyfiöïiiiYaée
themeighbourm’g kingdom of TuraigHjaiim, withcomplefb
success! notwithstanding thesassiscan^eü^len1 tgilÉlè la't-tèr
by thesChiSnese, and themdé^laffed? hhi 1 sp&’e£ciy,k both
of Tung-quin and Cochin-china, initkndinghföil^fcst^'for
his oswnsuse, from, his elder brotherp^hatfeVerThe ItófêS: