cochin- diess unfavourable point. In the'mefjn. timé.theyhbad
china~ • ^counts, that the tbi^ts apd. packages^ theydaadibeen
“ obliged.'to :Iea»e behind them at Hdé-fdo, were*Broken
‘A open by Tungrqninfese: soldiers, and; the aanfeeftts
' “ carried ofib Soon afterwards they, perceived armed
“ gaHifes.&ll o£ nmn,r dropping, down, with thetide; kid
“ makihgno other nsjO nCtheis oacs; than t® .preserve a
tfe propefc direction for. boarding- the English ivqsseh
“ Mad. they héén suffered to come along, side; hhe-.rn.uM/
■f. havermevitahly been taken. Thq gallies were, thesasy
i‘. fore; hailed, and- desired to keep clear, ofthmship:;
“.they.'jamtinned, however,1 ter/approach; without
“ turriing any answer ;, and were: stopped? onli)Sini!$ir-
“ séquehce.: df guns being firèd I at them frqm.the. vessel’.
“ Batteries nawr- began! tot be Jerected. by the pcdple
“ ashore, in'order to:pr.event her escape,
‘ ‘ In the mean, time an European linguist came with
“ a message from' the viceroy, to assure! the - English öf
“ the continuance of his friendship.; that the. illrtreat-
*f ment- they had suffered was witbodt. his consent,! or
“ participation, and that -he-eamestly de-siredan. accom-
“ modation. After delivering this message, thedingiiist
“ takingkhë English envoy.aside, said-to him, thatrtho
“ such was thé fair speech that had; been oidéred. tö be
“ made ; to? him \ ryet-iftwas; incumbent, upon; the English
“ to bfcfconstently .on their guard; as "the Tnpg^-qninese
“ were.manning more gallies, in order to, take thé vessel".
;^i^iiidnsw©r was ?rfetni:n:edl(|) thd viceroy, and a de-» Goohiiw
-maud- niaxieiof: jfchfe; hadLbe^ri ^zed: at —
HufefStd1.' . Rromisesftwergjso^hsfgtnfri tihafi iftjsJfoidd- bfe
hobieyer; by whom, these; prorriisefe ^erenepqif ey ed,
privately meritioned^hsB dnHmtte-rifc-yl pfdsucb -pr^^s^
sibns, and that^iihtfekt hbstil.&f p®dpar;atibns> wer&tiaf ^
ry jpg hn,! a^kift thewesseksI
Oil the fewen^ffourth of Noveuikei;? ,the^jbeather
appearing m'dderate;»idi©.kabta&i»i0f( the ,sbi;pr- moMed
?hefeiniearii5 itb the river’s .mouth; jhbbufe, as mile above
the spot whero^ffprodiigious.‘high sna!ge>b,rdk«;aqros6.
the bar.- On each bbnk.of the,river,, ljheideabdiatsj ;Were
mowids*uf; people busied in bringing! do^ss.gnMm^’S^
sines,' and stores; and. in, ereetMg, .BjffcteJj$guo:wl%h?
nbtwibhstandiiig every effort td>int'errbpBii»h^®Ls! were
soon/epmpleted), iaaid bbgare$b .play upon the vessel,
thb w ith -little feffect. They were>ihep'per ie’n eed in- the
managfemfent of giins,, and took;;asi yet, bad cirri'- Th«ey
ceased’ firing during the’ obsfcurijty^ofrtbe ttiglft ;nt>ut
in theedwrse of it.the; vfe&sek was^exposed t’o appther
danger ;• » hearo y : swdlk Srfev e? her/tftbnfe <fep,an§hqrs'
and sfcvealaf violent shoek'sf anrfounjted fhat she was
.striking; upon the; ground' ;,7andnibWa»\t%tbb; dreaded
that she |aoon -wbuldTcbdrlfe to pieotessf^Eortunately,»
[Hpwfeverfait happened* tey be! low,
tide ’ fose, she got off Without damage'. But th,4b#ak’Pn