Ttefrenffe. T.h ep^pporbu mby ofrkseeingfa youth. who, anspaffed •faffi*
inctoslstehti with jj her former, ? viewsief
relircitols ^jrefiRacii^fa% nNotwith-sbandln g*,; the«;. appa*epf ■
ffeedomdeft to rioiiee$tte[-?aIter Theiri intentietesj ifc is;,
iftTaeb, as unsafe a$ it isira-re.: This typungtnoy ice .manifested,,
ifo ^sy mp toia^fef > reiuctaripe- inrpnrswrigr -her'
original ypcatibn, and, pr,epferationsrWgfe madM ferfilrhe
awMfeeremohy, of staking fehdalast -solemRi>vow-: to;,»renounce
the worf
On«M.©hedceasions it; is theieustoimTathrow Qpenthe
gates’^ .^ lfe eenMOnt, in order t&{satisfy Hlie?j|SlbiiQ,*v:that
the ladies.gvithin
nltogdther, or to glffitirwafe withinLifenwallsr Wheiilthe
day? arrived-; which) was to seal her doom, arid resign
her for \ ey er f to the cloister,- her- relations pandofeiendi
assembled, as is usual,;fp>3bes fp^eseuh ori* the-idec^gsiojE^.
In the crowd of the spectators^ was- the youatg jgentlei-
man, who was disputing with heiaven the fail
After solemn exhortations .from the: pulpit^ot-hat ■ how
the final moment was arrived, when she- wasrtec,devote
herself to God,?ab»adening aP^ublunhryfeofesIdhrBlapasi
as well as all ties of affection or :of blood, or-ihstanbliyjali©
quit the jjioiyfeplaee, she
Stretched out her hand, tQ;tfae,youtfit who advanced
quickly to reieeivejit, and hurrying with herdiiieptly-, while the priests,? the nuns;-her rela?
tiorisj and the people, stood motionless with astonish?
i%fpj;jibhe/happy^paiff g&b gsopn- safel|$to: a place;‘Ayh ere Tenm^_
they ^fjgjjmarr^ed. H
0*^hqtp^f^enI^j^hop^df«fchehj3g(riaryf< «islands »’resides,
Squally,t at thewoh^ ofehaLmds* in Qanaria. Butahis ®d-
|f|^$j|§$whiclu arg-?nofj;l©ss? than 'fingth.d us a ri d p d pifd Ska
year,] ai;e ;dis bribgtdd, jalprOAd dftti|rdlp^iq«^^d,9‘fi^harity
and ■ bguefig,gne,e.j(;th r o u g fe^ - ’all- th,©»islapIds: ! Tor thih
hu/nane^di-spqsition he^ToWiesyer, j oins--, thfewgcmr of* e d
-d e ij^ p c »^di^ciplinef;, and e»Jphf#gQS .d^^sfisyanle^of
Oerepionies pfispiety,; by * offers ipf? jindufge{$d§stto, ithose
who:pracrisp^them. : He, who"shall.knerik^prisBji^t’beJ-
fo^ft^he sh^ii^.%d^^ Beiti*ardd>i’»/t%e;^q«/are>ec&S.anta
Grpg, and; (repeafvs@ygpaiiy tSimed'aldndbthet pra^er^pf
e%emptin@?bim,?for forty days,; ff omimapymfi those obli?
gations-whir^th^v^panish church,, mo re i r %i d - th an its
parent ilon^e, imposes iop-ri<(dd^PtaifeKbaslsa.-te&l9o^tbheir
pbqdieH^gn ^nd|-g^n,e|al'liy}-jKac't*s,yiirideri!pdna<l'by$©f;dam^
nadRnx jft^ S e dffeilus^kr
Th,e. qbseryanGpJpf relflgidds-dutiiasti^ •, little interrupted
in/idie^naYi9s.}hy'pnrSri#sjpf;r,G«!»m-eTee^m5dr@ign ships
seldom, tpu,ch ^gf '«any cif them oj^-gepfcjTenerifFe$0he,pro'-
dype^of-^hiGhls ^hieftylo^portedifrom/Sahtal Grim. It
consists, principally, ,finj whit4 f5Kin^o£*^hih||..abbut
tw e n t y t h o p s a r i d pipes, annually^ajreLhnadej in 'the
island. ^Partf^sppktp thfe Spanish,{settlements in. South
Ameriqafj the,E{%gjgsh take-off as considerable quantity;