hands. j|lfhè! IfcWeiV- ahd-y W: Müst-/ f§ëpï®fef’ ether rarfks,
generally, g©> barefooted,*;1 and their*!®® ^ÉÉvw> thus,
Irdè^iöiötidnv and more$ ^Sa^iitll^-pSÉw^intlian cthd§#
which are always inclosed in shoes f tad sery^^lntly
with the hand andffekgëfs '5f8®
thfèbeXèf.cis'éaóf many'tradesf particularly that' öfdaoat1
builders, | The beatsj cdfemonly' in ttseamong^ the®,
consist'of five planks onl^JoHiëd^^giÖtowlttódfrtbs
or timbers Óf ^any’kindi'' ï®osë: plahtó!arë bèn¥-to |tire
prdpér shape, by bemg®xposed some time*!#® flame !<rf
fire brÖugti&ftè< a finëmt ^aöB^en^ axid^flfè
edge# ire joièèibtogéther with wooden piiis;* and* Stitched
with bamboo split into flexile' threads';: Snd th'élséam's
- afterwards smeared w i th a; pastef madeAvith^biokyMiS^i
from -Sea sMis, and'watèr?- *~®thliPëie madfeiif wlclpft
Work, smeSMdihil Over and ¥ènderëft>wiiPlighë bfAtlfe
same composition as is used for the former. ThëOWn'ers
affefct to paint é^Pépon thidiÓMS of -all IhisÉHboatsr at
if* to demote5 the1 \dgilateè requisite' in the1 eOiMdsftl’it
them. ’Thëy fft#-remarkable1 for^standing5 fhtlï^i#ién
shock of violent wayes, as^weh as ‘fér^bÉi^'ttifiPmpM
the water, and tailing expeditiously/ fFhe boatibefong-
ing to the chief Of the district,' 'was built upon, the same
pla«i but on a larger scale, had a catvéd Md gilt head^
bearing some résèmblance to that of a tigef jr* aMd a Sterff
ornamented with sculpture, and painted with &■ variety
of designs in lively colours. Ini these boats the' prineipal
sittersl^rei'gghepbty^at. th^Jstem, ^gfetead of being
near ebb stern, Ja&sis the custom sin .Europe,
^ h i d 6hinAchine®^#ied'Su|i|i^ntlyjfc:tggE0ps.*and
attentate, tho withrpa^^f ,any principlespbscienceuto
j®-afee,:on.any sufestanebsuwhich promised ^^giollu^or
comfort ton’hem in prim4elife$ such trials and*a experiments,,
as .V;er#likely/t0produee hehoficialresults. In the
cultizremf their lands, and in.tbi.few manufactures.exercised
amongst >tbem| l#key -were mot behind ^nations