for Batavia, caused a board to be nailed to a post, ‘erected
om'theSumatra Beach, xm which hdardjw-ere written
ddrecti0ns.*fortfee;jAdilaH,: in' case, she should calbthere
•in his absence. . On -fcisl retarn^'h«^ereelved? that -the
Board had been taken -down; >ared>tfee -naihr which/, it
seems, weie Valuable tofhe .Malays,; carried away5.,; Aiid
here 'ainère saltra^e wouid-feavehsedbed satisfied wJthfbe
gratification hfhi« own. iwamts:, nB€’Mttteéofeat0i»ïab<ï»t
i e <^ject-for which the board >had been p&cedMhefcerby
strangers; hut tbe.Malay' wiHfog -to -aecondHe that ob-
jeeJiI with his own, took-rame,•’after' Ye&ovimgtthe. teails,
to repkce-thehokrd with wooddnjpegsf -arid it was found
in 'thri«ondirión,‘inverted indeed, through igmoraaicë-of
the language!written on it. .That .fetters are.not absol
u t e Unknown ;amongst’Aelni was -evident, from the
circumstance ofsdme-gentlemen -of tke-Eion: mëeting, as
they were walking throtagh-the woods,:na a conspicuous
path, two lines, prbbablyin the .'Malay '-language,-cut
hpon the thin bark.-of a bamboo, tied 'across arpost.
Ohe of thé seamen'of -the- Lit®, who-by-chance was
left alone on- shirre, wiiih^no.'inconsideaFable quantity )«?
linon to be washed, and Who «öblledntettónkisgl^ tP?fc
neighbouring Viltagte,' was hospitably treated- and assisted;
but such is the precariousness -of the -manners
and principles o f this -people, ': that the very next-day
some -of-thfe'. Malays murdered one o f 'ihe-mostvaluable
artificers' befonging to -the Embassy, who went with a
smalkbumdlfe pfolirteWip his handteh wash dm a.paftof Sumatra.
the d r i v e r ! . s h o r d . This manf-was as, re-
markable for ih d ingeii-aait-y-oh his .mindy^for;a. thought
fes’sd@s'siatfrc0^dukt-5wHioh irend'è^diehe? formea?l@fclitt<k
usedohk owrbwetfare; „île^idé^beihg anjefædltentWorkman,
- a fc (h i s «own îfr aateofi à'îtjoi.merjafe^iabirèiijhaikèi^â^
k hewjien®ugfo*0.f seMèralhbthers»cfo»;»»|)!pi^@ecasi'oriâ'lly
thiéfcWant, ofÆhsfoiwhbt'hadheeri'breditoithem'ijIjaÉîdiiW'afS
theçtfof edaighiyt?U®e&l. situations| like the'.present^ .
vyflji dt^.arh feners mnstpibe ésCak^tjjteHe - had Seen bette#
d%s»;j but.=i »fehefl^todshumbaB^andT merry . disf^ât-ioh^
which -he-i stilltBètaihedd de®i-dferefel‘- him at ih'ybuhite-^i'th
tbeSroSôw^and fëwdë’àriijswquldhaye^beeasdÿfeiiedj' so much
•as-,feis,-.?aide(sestati©n against)thé£authærs^of it. Thidp||X
of-Sumatra was under -ai ffioitèhhsulsféeti©® ) to, ffie Mfflg”Of
opposite eoâîstvsf gavai Iv-wafedeteimiffedbto dchoiiriee
theimurdeFito' him ;Yfor«tHônt-M p-dtpobatois
or. m'àrinêttef-i.^edidd-tnodbQ^ppiritecIiOm.lf^yei fteSrrlnul**
encèroh bis, authority ‘might" pikdùeêdav dtusiovei^dload^
instock pulishment .ofipheuguifey». KvSfee Malawi upoii
thisj part,of the-coast! were! feàrfnleifeeprisalh]iwptslî
alleged, thit the-faet waSiebmmittedihot byfara^hRfehfd
inhabitants, thereabouts^hnfohyipirales,,.who1 sometimes
stopped, there ifor-'water.l Tbjl|fe)piTate& hh-M-ïl^s’alsô,
b uti cHiefl jhfwrmj the? more^bsternoisiamdsfi who isail ‘in,
vol, r. P p