Çopfrin-. china. “ them. A little before midnight ‘she crossed thé
“ bar. The Tung-quinese,- then pgp^jving that the
‘V vessel W a s . t h e m the. slip, keptmp a brisk
till long after she had -got ont cif the reach!®fifehfeit
‘‘>guns.’’, •.
Similar instances have, probably, occurred to other
nations, which determined them to abandon the- trade
QfTnng->quin and Goçhin-china altogether. T l i e French,
it is said, aware ffpthe inseenrity of tr a d in g to those
countries without some independent settlenttenfti hadl
formerly, in contemplatiomto pMehasl ^ e Small island
of Callao* lying a few miles to the snnth\wd ^Tispon:
Such- a circumstance rendered that island,' in some
measure, interesting ; and Captain Parish afedMr; Bar-5
row went in the Jackall tender, to visit it, ibwfc<nftidef
injunction to avoid giy l^smy ’kind of offence ®® alarm
to its inhabitants._
" On approaching the norfeh-^st eoaat o f^ lla o ,,f
according to Mr. harrow’s account, & aidjstandimgsfeell
« in towards it, they stretched along the eastdrh shore
M oE the island, towardsQthe southward-,.niarL©ntmglv to
“ perefiye that,, cm that side,, from the northern: to the
“ southern extremity, therewas ho landing ;pla^wdiat»
f S'Ua ihe shore consisting o f a continued range Of immense
.rocks, rising, in some places,, perpendicularly
“ pntpf thçttsea, and, in: others, overhanging;.it:in spch
“_a manner asi.tq render' it completely . itiacééésifciLe.
1 Ahbufe haM a rniisAom\ the southernmost' (point of cocw».
| CaUaoi^yksxa, s;mEllv:r@:bkTyi: isjpfc, makd* which; they =■=■■■...
‘ saafed^^a^’ ca’^tgi^o^enturO; the-' brig thtoughuthd
‘ p^ssagcidoBmed.- 'bytflt and Callao",! bhd,‘from the ap-
Vpearh'neeiQff tfeentAyoi&hoBe^l'iah^iitlk^^d^thlof waftef
abreast, of theuopenfmg^ffe scapce^}»could■ be- doubted
OBt that i(jhe> largest ships- might- have* passedufchrOugft
3 without any .risk.
iffavihgihauled round the .ifef&kydslet,- they began
‘ tft, openioub'the; south-wOs'd^eoast«' ©ft GalUfo« 'which
‘ soon discovered;-itself'to»'-bd>Oi|l a very diffeiwnfe'na-
‘ true/, from ,thafej»§;the> oppOsite^iMybein^'cov^e’d
* 1 h number oft small |
lilfpdy.: baya,,. in alii loft whiohsthese was^the; appefif-
‘ a®cyofei$8fiepaMdeonye«ientilandin^.y They Jsteb’d
V i®iftowardft Use ikf gesit oft those bay% ■; SPfew the* she#
f* W#®edistinguishable.'anumber of houses^ andpn&ti-fat
‘ from them»^SOyltal^fe^ts^sohie^alKat, others;'hauled
‘ upoOjthuhsacb;; andibeyomk the village, landsb&i dui- 1
‘ fiyatinji*: Th^hwatersishokling^ very suddenly from
■ nine to Jiyesftathcim®, it
jfi1 thei anchor..if THev two. pncjeqting ^points, form ing-'th!^f|
-'b^hbo^Psmihide,venjdeg-ri®bs »westpand notfediiWp-
ftgix degrees,.eaafcffjtkfcolatte* -about" aMnile and ii 'IMf
‘ distant,. Ittwasiafterw^rdssdbundfthat' the'yessehllad '
( bean brought} totijusta upon the point -©ft a bank, that
‘ stretched, autuaboim.anule' from the* extreme •• points' .