througgh 'thc to be taken, .'(as tfar as -.relates te>Ghina) in great measure,
from A e draught made byAfecetebfated»teav@Uer 6fAat
Olty; i® AeAirteenA centaur, Ma®eoTofc,\to trwgslare
fotod ty£ Aeiisknd Tsu>ng-/ming ?dho thpsetof jGbn-San,
1 to t smuGhrtpfthesouthmiA’rfAt.-iare' disiihqfjly, marked;
wkefeberdt was^titbat>periodi.asiyetis0isiinall, adtottoAfe
thought tortky <®f ;being-totoed,wto so dow, asi/tB;hi
passed»by him?‘Unobserved'.£ df /that lislandihad, .in fact,
increased in any| considerable*degtee »in the» space ©f five
centuries i only, it must have undergone,^previouslyto
that periodf-ehangesof an opposite» kind. And it istnot
difficult ? to Sconceive* Aat isoft pairth, > gted®tfy. Arovih
out from thecinouth of aigr^at rivers andd'eftosit^ wf|(fe
Aeifatther impulse ©f the stream» was resisted bys tterisf
ing tide, niig’h’t be liable tb'fee put again immotion, and
washed suddenl y a way AyAe iforce/ofsome.togtoy ftor-
renfr overcondng?Ae -obstacle Aat • hadbeentormedi by
Ae sameuiYer- m. itsnsuabatohgemtiet.-edurse. ii
sin the neighbourhood '©f> Tsung-m«kg/-and along the
coast of 61hina| Captain dProetnr met-several small-yunks,
witb'*nandaii®iesion» /board, cruizing about,- by order of
- the» Emperorp tcofind out /and welcome theEmbassador,
as swell as:-to conduct him > into’ port ; but» they:. Seldcaal
went-out of the:^ depth o ft wo fathoms* not aware that the
Lion, which had> bis; Exeellency ©n board,’ drew about
double that. quantity» of water: so little had the people
here iany just idea »of the size, x>r -rather the> construction,
©f EngllA»4 # « - Those, of China, tho^ten of very jtog*»
considerable: bulk, bei'Dig more flat bottomed even than Yeiiow sea.
most Dutch vessels.
The Lion kept to theicastward; of the track of the
Hihdostan, and nearer, tho not insight of, Ae western
coastrlofsthe peninsula ;p£ Corea; ^ lieh stretches from
Tartp-^ina souAemdhection. ,Thepeninsula;ofiShan-
tung extends from the- main .-continent e f China so far to
the eastward, as to reduce the breadth of the Ifellow sea
t© forty leagues, or; thereabouts, between Ae eastern extremity
nf Shan-tung tod the opposite part of Ae peninsula
nf •Cofea.
•Both divdsions-of the squadron had, -on the fifteenth,
theTwind from the^souAward, attended, part of tfie,day,
with>A*g. WhikA war ifeir,1 Ae «indostaniperceived
aismall'Cone-shaped island), called by the pilot;Ka-te-nao.;
and, ‘6n A&h&kday, came-in's-ightiofothe? rugged land
^^hgn-Axi^tometoory,iaf^^#oJbaSsof AspMlhislandsto
Ae southwardnfiit. -At this place,-a »slight cmTentrwas observed
to setto-Aenorthward. The lo%ifeufehnre was
foundiby the?mean'»oflsevei’al'observations»of Ae distance
betwebri Aesunand moon, to be one MnAedAxd twenty
two degreesTorty minutes east. The observed latitude-
was Airty-five dpgrfeeis ten minutes north; irom.heneeA|
Lion steered north by west bydompass, until sh^gotirito
Ae' latitude of- thirty-six dfegrees twenty minutes nor A"
The water then began rapi^ly’toilioal from forty tosixteen,