Riode “ pf.feld-spath it comtalinefiL - About two miles within Janeiro. A
"■ ‘1;tbe^-harbour, on ■ the -sfouth-webt rsid'ey- wa's^oVie ■ high
1 i, rock f, entirely. jcojmposetkof columnar‘masses, beaming
‘h-the resemblance;.bf'.basaltefp»»lit rested upon clay.- Ini
'ftGfll the^uarruesrofigranite it isTound incumbent Upon*
‘ ‘ clay and sand: Tbbre - were three- speoresftof grama
h'nhe^s’ The first, ,redr,celi<s0Sbdvis®f% and-sh-iyefylHTh'd
- p jseeond;ndeepfblueaeblouifed,' harder;^ andrpfha-closer
‘ ‘ texture ; -and ^bh&dafst^ -of» sat whitish shining colour,'
,‘bcont'a^ oTmicav'Jand-HttleaifeldfsiJathtjtsitS
“e^®{;ujbsso,ft; and incapable of a. good pblishl” o
The gentlemen-of the. Embassy, in theirtubservkions,'
were indulged- with-’greater liberty than« ismsuallytallowed
at'Rid to any • strangers..siThe v®c@Epy^seifit ohfe
own barge; f@ convey-them round- the~harboiar5, ;am!d m'ad’e
a-fi?offer of any other civility in hk power: He testicle
a» desire of shewing, every mark ofi respect and; attdhMon
with di&tingui^iedjhdfe
npiirs* c|n -his coming on -shore; * provided proper ubcbrii-
modatipnS'for him and his suite ;' and" pfFeEed. a- guai'd to
attend updnshis pef son. His Exebllemcy ( whdbad ibeen
- n^i^hr.indisposeck at1, sea/ rirecbvered bis health: on .shb®e
within a fortnight; and', anxious to arrive- at theaplace-of
his destination^*still soi distant,; returned oMibiard before
the ships fwjeretentirely;provided wkb'/all the necessa-
ritesTop the. prosecution of the voyage. The Portygiieze
- agdnh-howev.ersinowigotieveryihingready very quickly.
Wood, wafer, and ipjiO^isiond-werd*,fis.upplied in such
quantities,'stas to fcujidr&edeftlhe necessity of .stepping; at i
thet©ap6 .ofErood* Hope ;Oaind. to enabldth(ei ships to con-
fimie (theirtrautev with dktle -dfelay-bkldevlialioiil to stbe
•pbinesfe ^eas. .Th^yhwdgbed <bemanchors;,,oii;the se-
'YkiteBnlh’,of(I])eoeihber,iTf§®. n
Ships,sailing from Rip de^aneirb/^eldpm work dutsdf
the harbour^ a-gaiQ^|l|l|§j^indjjd^wingdyom the^^a^-but
move 1 n! the. Anm i ufos for th‘e benefitof tlyedand bffiezp,
at wMph^timeathejIta^bou.r empties itself of-sthb^mass of
w f e .thrown into it ’by the||l;a wind at night*. This
reflux» is< stramjggj$iigf<^ften, than >Jke*j$yind. Its |p|pj?£ 1S
alongw.%€ bays, on the ^eastern? s h o r e , k f e y wards
.sets upon the point of Santa Cruz. The■ Lion w ^ | , ‘
- *ied into that*part of the. stream .where it-r^n .jW^t-^the
greatest-impetuosity. Theiship- boredireG|lyj,‘toyards^the'
rock, and,1 in continuing to mov^lmuSt^^yl^s^rpck
u<pi)p:,i£ speedalyiif-iThe alarm instantly spread ;.among
th ose^ who - best- could judges, of the. imminen^^of thep
damge^ij One of the officers let^fallstb^ vfords*, tk$re.$$ &n
end: to the expedition! To. those who, had'"set their hearts
gm its accomplishment, which -was the case- of
mgstepersons.- embarked invthe- undertaking, no^gectablp
could be more afflicting than -now exhibited,
ands-no .consequerice^morg. painful than what was
fo^geen to follow from it. T^he, ship was approaching
to the rock so nearly as tb be-already in the wash of.the
Rio de