i%gS may&rise more from local and temporary circumktanees;. Janeiro. - ' . -s *r ' . • - ° • thaB from t t e nefeesnarip iBfluaRee;;^^^
town fei.siteated'jcfor the most part1, npon aiplain,&ur-
ropMded ,on all sides,iex_ejept opposite' the harb.cliirj By
hills* (generally hovered'-with thick 'forest tapes, wh!ich
not onlypreveht’a free-ciroulatioh.of/theair,' bufe render
ibhnmid dn ■ themornifegs and evenings ; - for theimoisfure
evaporated.whileithe sun is upy condensis after-itlislset,
'and the descending vapour falls' u^»on^h> it-own? inffche
form ofi a? fog or • drizzling hain. Gf tbiesedampmfighfis;
piecededrby: scorching days, -putrid: knd..intermitting
fevers must, often ;be .the; consequedcei It-, is- (xsracommo n
a spectacle to see, even .-amongi" Europeans, as well i&s
native -whited and'jnfegroes,, 'that - dreadful disease; the
elephantiasis,’which destroying' flae: sound texture of the
integuments of it.be human uframe,oiswellsi, iand; distorts;
and discolours wherever itattacks/enlarging thepafcight’s
misshapen limbs to the bulk of those-.of-the liug^iani-
mal, the-resemblance to whom, in- that particular, ®ebav
stoned the appellation this horrid disorder hayreceived.
: Not only ■ the vicinity of the woods must be: noxious s
but li kewise thadof water, by being suffered to, stagnate
in marshij%i,jaii|iircthe town, tho they might'easil^cbe
drained; or filled with earth.- "Strangers,IrpafeticArly,
feel tkeiritormenting consequences in thd infinite swarms
bhmnsquitoes,. ordlaxge gnats, which attack them (for
some timelafter their* arrival. A long residence here,
ho^ets^r, b r id g e abp,Bt<$A<piel alteration - in the body,
whioh^giuardsj it |a§aiask those'inse^fs^[hot th&fbthe skin -=
becsenlj'ble) of theiroStin^; h ut either it is no
longer' liable *,to be}ip£ndtratedi|))}ot|te^,,.h®rtiti.h<^l|bSe^
ffiffn-ndsi'juices;;aiM-Eagtiv'ev.ofirthlib (kSte;/ This is.-,mdt5fthie
pnly} an hoy anoji to / s tr in,- fc^OKnight, at
Kaim-ssitfie whsfels .QhqaTtss- a^e.jjpurpt§el-p:PQnSfiin,cted^ ;tQ
makela rnoit-rharshkandIK^nakij^n^se,vt'o-. p r ^ e p ^ ^
1{devihfrom-; harrin^ng-;.thd -ea|^e.' th'atpa>repyo,k^, to theim
The jfertii&-powers ofisthe^imaganatj^j^oeuM^j^rAqly
have? deyised arJUbr^ producing- |a
ib.Nosreal or fancied dange«; .however; curbs theippoi
pensity of all:classes?of^ooiety^Mere, towaids;g^fy|and
pleasure. There-; dre .three convehtkTdfe men, land ,ty^o
-for women in this plaggg -butJittle i§>;said toK.he.pra(r-
tised, in any of fiherpionf - the1 austerotyj and-j $tdfolenial
supposed]to bejinterided/by tHeiExbrigihal, institution/-.
Thofethej eorfquesti .of .the qophtgy iQ^gihall y w,as>mnd<%
taken-with the professed intention of! converting: the
natives' to Gh'ristianity, and -ample*endowments-Iwp
•been made for maintaioimgtiriar! to preach feheagospel ib
those infidelsayet no thri^ofTthe jformec wn s-f now engaged,
in- such a-troublesome, unsafe,%ahd,^ perhaps .hopeless
.entepprize. Indeed a few 'Italian; mission^ies&ihiding
here took pains to,-, send amongst', the Indians such of