qising their pwer ©yoE ilfchp * weaker sex, in .confining
-thfifssiEWÈl^ wives, and over thé people
oppressionsj whichtneither the inferior twas emboldened
to-resist; ,by»de|i^nding <tmón4hiyright; nor .the^supe?
rior deterred from continuing,.; by axonësiousness óf
doing wrong-,;»,as'if no prjneiplepefi^ebgion^br maxim
pf morality/had been mculcated among them'in support
pf> justice; or,;fbr/xputting any limit tajauthonftiyb'Ji Subordination
was strongly: marked by prostrations and
other exterior acts of: abject humiliation .far !tl|sppfiin
: Thoi a great inequality of :conditions:-'t©^ds,öiaS .some
instapqefipto the: cultivation;
lappen .to, bhxstëemed,, because it jmovid:esmaeanssif0
tbfiïhcncduragement', there, .did not-appear among the
Ccxhin-chinese the ;least dÉaebs'of paintingAorcof sculpture
but they had made some proficiency in rnuisio^-
Thé Embassador was induced to;;accept of ansenffertainsS'
ment,- given on shore oir;thé -fourth :of Junp#rbeihg ihis
Britannic Majesty’s birthday.- On this occasionlai grand
dinner.,-was provided. After whifchlia .pfa^<:wafe ijlfi-#
fpf®edk in :%Ityle superior ,tp any .that haditteen hitherto
exhibited. The piece appeared to be a kind of historical
opera, in which were the/recitative, thet air,- and? the
chorus,: as regular' as upon the Italian stagèo: Some of
thé female performers, j were by no means |despicable
singers,. *• They all observed time' accurately, not only
.with' ' th^irji^©if©es^ bub :eweiiy. jdihfeafof their'.hands and Cochk-
.tevtheMr©gMlar'imov©meht(.oflthesinstru- —■ ....
menis;: Both theirs s thing->bnd‘ windirife&tmMtemfMnwere
aae^®^ud3et,jbutrf©rmed4©n j thpiksameipripeiplesy and - with
a viewiito prnducputfe same- effeet#^f|6hp;sewi©i|%Ein^)e’.
bujeta, hoM«e^ga)Silhj$jfe^?:©i&hghfeahd national attach?
mient, dhat<iieiipeEfoimarice ofvfehetEnhsabfen^in^hfe.sei^
yieelof tkkEmbassado%-wht'ehl|was.t' yerygratefulr'to the
E-uropeano'ear, - wasbhotv.much? reLishe'dfhy''felfe'»^o,chin-
. 'The building, in which the Emba^sldorrfwasreceived11,
appeared) t'o> havesbebnoerected on The
awMecwas,-1 hung with printedilcottoif ohBritish'lmahli-
■faeturiv andithetsoldiers/ attending uj>onkhe gpvefeionbf
thedi&teiot/who gavertheientertainmenti-’hado'utsMekeStS
©bdark red cloth,- which likewise;- proMbly^feamie from
Erfgland. .TheTortugufezeo>f>Macao, who xhiefly-cairy
onwhatever ^Weeis ^stilTsubsisfirig/urn tberpopfcs'' nf-Gb*
phinTchina, buy: up the refuse' gobds-ipf^hei^antoh «mar?
ket,uwhich> they disposeKobihdfie’ih gireat -advantage', -tho
they-sometimes «ares- made to ! suffer ■ many impositions
bom thefgOiverning people o f theieollifltilyr^'j
TheaBoch-in-xhineseesoldiery w-erergenerally armed,
besiideosabres,: with pikes of >vast- length, orna'feeiSffl
withtasselsofhair dyedred^ whichcoMunno subteb'tjtfex?
eejit in the saa^ioe, or hy the-order? of th’g^:verdig%f was
allowed to use in dress; or equipage1.’ The-Eriibassadof>