coohm- more the attention or adrnirationspf the i ClOchi n- chin ese
*■ 1111 than fmanufaetUred ornaments of polished£Ste®lL Steel
hiked swords were-vastly coveted' by%hfe military -men.
This clasts held the fbstrank in the country;- iNèM
eamadhéjudges ; but tho abuse soil-power in the former
was notigreater than in thfi latter’? and amongthferg^vOral
hurdsbipssMffered by'all claSSés, were the bad practices
in »l^i»tablishfittefits intencteddorttb# adminfsimtiôfttïèf
justice. Clauses wore tried, iBdee-d,'#ithMtohfff|M<ahty,
and; an apparent iÉesiré to find out the truth, in order to
a fair décision ; pet, in fact, a favourable - dfe'dï%fe Was
generally purchased by a bribo.'- presents' w>eile aoêe'pted
from both parties ; but the rkihest was most li kely to he
successful, m
Amohg^fcjeetrnf natural eurioskyf#fcïdèïît led té the
observation Of sotté s warms of unedÉtmon inSfeetS busily
employed upon small branghésdf a 'shrub, thénMeither 'jh
fruit or flower, but in its general- habit bearing*kotUewhat
the appearanceof a privet. Ttese'insects, 'èach not mu<îh
•exceeding the size of the domestic f t y / s # i ^ ^ a^ct^idils
structure, having pectinated appendages rising- itl a curve,
bending towards the head, not unlike thç form of ,Ûj$- foil
fëafchersof the common fowl, but in th e apposkëdiréciaOtï.
Every part of the insect was, in colour, of a perfect white,
or at least £nfo|det^^>t^ered* with a w hite jKfwdef. The
particular stem, frequented b y those insects, was entirely
whitened b y a substance or powder of thadbefour,
strewed upon it by thenb ■* Thdltnhfelfd engraving will 'Cochin-
conve^on^'H-J^oPS^h at' is ^^S^yer^lnipeffectlv de- c ma* ■
scribed ; ■ Thb’s‘^^tadc‘e&-.powdé^^^S Opposed to form
thë^'hîtèj^^%'P'jîhe[!Ea*sf. This > s®^hn'ce al ;a&sçrte|y
0n^ # ot^ '% ^ M # bTefty. b y afparticullrjmani-'
pula^ii '(citain pdaplmoh^jwkh vegltable
oil, such soliditvlp the composition asdo§®d,er j;he