prowess an d<achf evemfeöts.v B uÉjfoa^teâdïofliany arrogance
fcrQu^nfaiSiân his !dispoâkiéh1ga}4 hhtMreiwas, G®èapl!-
cuQÙs in h is eountenaoheg andbis manners testifiedihis
wdBw§n,^sitertórg®3.: He ;Was «heeriil* and pâeasaaaÉiin
Mtówy ersation, bandshingiaMhrqseifrte$ andstrekting his
ïl&W j&SS^db':'witil •<3«iÆmqlMrifey?efAlAaio«|w«Al«:a<»fe«r| - <v!
*#& TartarMiâeel
had hgÊn!s«nfeasi|ir4nci^iï-le^feelón' thianéöaslonby sthn
Einperor.icbeing /hi'ms^’fohaj^-aj^âdid^riasÉÿ.^ jte ts^ è
legate, a man of a haughty
feaidwliOf thfeise|m waited; to- reoeivefh^E^câiainï^iliier
teahould^getedh-shore. -] The : others, tho-ofm diffment
ebaraOteijMere nomore. than the fófinerntn^ ihebnëd tn
trust themselveS:Upbn,>that ëlement ; b uf beingof.Qhine6S
Origin, as well as birth,, they' thought ibfecessarydobe
w isirict in their obedience, at ;#hieh they had obéar-
Sion. afterwards, to rejqrieeâ-rn
> Th^egeatlànemweæëireceivedQniboaiËd thedsiônfwitlï
attention>and cordialitya Muck «of thé stiffnëss rwhteb
generally liccompaniesLacpmmunieatioèfrthroÉgk' tbfc
medium ofgan óierprëterv^wast;feinöïïed'i'fep‘>tlije-j gopd
humour of the parties,; and the ardent desire they felt;of
maling nut w e .another’s meaningm Their discourse by
hojn^ans.partdok offcthe:gMafded intercOurserof st-mngers.
suspicious of each othér. Sometimes before .the eifplana-^
.tion waç given i Of the .expressions used, thë occasion
itself» suggested; what was intended to be said, and
--gestae;Often ieamëgn laid of wonds.aBTheïë was, howeyer . throughthe
Mo;mnehiempMyhlendfordhe-Ghines^8th.teppreter)ithat a —
-trial iwas. n o w h ïa d o óÖ f e ^ ^ ö h t f iik o ïp f e r s é n s jb e lo n ^ ta 'g
endeavoured to iconiïhn^Site?se®ö®ïhnowld<^||oÉ3 tdaseiar
taty^^before. OneJ Of? t^ e s persons appliedstó ithis
'A ^ j with Tthetenintèif»^ niaturd age,
sSareely muderstahd! a>WordxrfAWbat "was" said 'to'brim b y
these^neWOGomeK^nto' whomnbis pronumdaiiomnwas
equally unintelligibferi wHifetiheiöther, qyöuth;,1:who
.CjertairilyitQok lessdphins,.' but1 <'Whosë setose» cw eré i m «wfe
aoutbeand whnsesorgaufewetsedmoire flexible p provedal-
rèadry>a~,tólerabLy good iBdgrpn^OTCöManydrord^it.seönsv
hf.itbo ;(3hihrèke^ tongö^sbfiïfeowoëer oppositérafssignifi-
datibnv ; frequently» differ, ;from& each other;'iiïi'theduttef*
apeedöiÉy in some-slight' variation bfit accent or^intona-
tiphlj .?ajnd;twhiohbis;qusGeptiblb]of;feemgr«órè quickly
oatóghfe, and more? I aeeuramlyürendered obyt ithoée ;>who
leaTOiid'Eelr%d|ife, vthan:;byfanywho9Ï?%in“JfiO!>kttemp£
it; aften being; advanced in: yeans; 9* a Sbn tglole |nij •thel.ap>
ptosf imatië®. sometimes! in? thé1 inflations of; thfewbic©,
in iutterkig fllhmése.Wörds of diffê®eht<aiièanings, that dt
is not uncommon, evimf among die natives^dn ordetfUTo
avoMmistakesïn'conversatieton add to’ thtnprineipal
terms used, the nearest .synonyms in sensë, by Way «of