Straits of'
Sunda. •
Rio de Janeirpi g bufcscjapcely to be-excebdediin ties .feft-
hetes^bpesff; (and gaietprof dts&dppearahcei^/Ehe two
gaeat islands:, t&rstianiiHtioniidi .wKiohT^d rdow’iftandKin
some places marshy, near the shore, rise afterwards in a
^adfiraJil®lop6T(iwaiS|J the' interior fof| 'thfei doamtE^,'1 'ad-
mittingin tjipir a&tetotitevety .vaEiet^o£idtna(ajon, aqd aid
tMe uhflerant’tints;of. yerdnisl -{Of the -sinaHer islands',
a'fewOia^ btedp'i and- naked sqlosj subh^agfoifei'imtke
nliddle ofrihe stiait, which thse<ln^lrdS nabigkors!.fei?e
distinguished, on that fc«hai^&yulib-Hta®§^
ibeibi^c&nd 1 tiwai! wgylamali! round! cte^waiJedy ftfeEKH
their bfi^wresj the £lap atadf!Bnfcfen:^haid>ipoatneJ thfe
ertfeM^iarei'entiEeiy fcvrfel; founde doiip«® bedsgoB cural;
andhoberediwith trees. Some of 3 thfe^Mahdslareii^?
rdumfed with m whiter ^nd^befficH>raKlMfe^&l^u!@ri#5S
by turtfo^bufc most of them drei ahnin^fwith - tihidb
shrubbery to the water’s edge, *the roots heiAg-swash^d
by’the seas* jor 'the branchesdippingAitp ib; I ap.^. Sn' thfi
outside arfoshqals, in.which a multitiidp ?ofeiittte ftquatic
animals are busied; in frdmihgr,eal|;irdpus habltatiohs!J&r
thbkjsrfeSdemeeSndproteetioii. fafeiebgr-adilial'ly
embrgfefabo^JtbnssmjfauearffAe^ateri ?.khd f-at? lehjph,
biy timl ad^^thious adhesi0rt’<nf:tJegetable matforj givlfig
biiithito 'plants .and! trees? vbsdbale mew idandsglops^i
toMhelsMemf MiosealrekdyipbodcKiedfoy'tHersaihe'muans;
It is iiftiposaWej/hot to be ;stwuek - witfo3the«divf milled
dperatidnssloitothpe-'for obtaining; the santeend, whether
eniployeH intoriginally hx-ingthe granitefoNadation of the
BrpSfei®*- im.4>hroWingLup«^yI:sitpte «addeh> afUli$Afese-f «
qtohbjEA^Hulsi^u^l^^and bf Amkt^daniriOJi impogti-:
nming'to^bisbaur^hrdraghthemearisbf^nimatetl Beings,
the foriWliom^JBta^ddHA in the-Siraits pfiSmiid»;'3 s
mOnet.ofb these; 1 coralline' productions1 is North Island,?
Where the biaii(iaund;'ithe Hlnd)0Btahiait^hor.?i:;3?h©
latter met, faea.n jt^e'Hibudii'df^etStfaitsliWitbcope ofjfehe
East-IndiaCompahYlshi^s retuminghQane from-China.
Shediadibmught 'djspatbhes: fomr.'tbe; iCompmiy’s. Com-*
iais&fonergt®toGa!ntO’ri to,;>the' Embfssador,vJ;wRichb> after
tbb^ship;ihaddwaited..tem'daysi for, hisdtofeiki#3y: at
Batavia,^fvere,-deft:JhetefaErj him; 0hr>th®jfciflj|ps! prai
<foediug-i1 togeth e-r -with thoiHindostan, to* that pl^eepith e
^yage-was; found, fo< rf s©mblp)a£$h«totrip7of»<pj©as&i£;
The.tea; was t perfectly smooth t ■ Sahd. it® sur&ee/stmddod
with cpfa|;fshw»sitr;^^(®wtttb*
stanedyftf’ which they ;foe:eompbspdafein aohard Maje*
and similar tojroebh buMn y^ibnfeplaee^ihd^f^6®®^
quantities of jraophyteso^eBeMraggeAfrom.; the seat, scat©
ral§‘(tb®raj'v^§rbfeas(? wssses^ and qfsvaxiousvspSefeVitbe I
raadfepQWffCplliipor'a’jvand feubipora, ©f‘ differenthsbab©®
pound, ^nct huaitelf^d sc anfp 'as to colour,'(brdsv'm
white ,i andifeime juand a Mr th ps e; c olo ut s notj,unfrec|uentiy
In the. Same specimen ufout mone. redpe^peptilfehe'stubularia
musipa.v. 1
Straits of" :Sii©da.