Sj|ht?Te | a i 1 dohtaining^kgkfskto illuminate th'e<gtfeat
of a palace: such lustres varying in their
“ forM and «ffect^Mfcof^irig to
‘^l>uMei%fele®|)Mee^\#LiGkieoirfpose'> th'em^iJn' tfhfesesare
«'pf^|ce?dr*GiFculaV rlatn^pSliwM^hl diffuse^ b y . a method
‘•<dtetel^disBM?ered,c i much -gmhdWiland > fto&Tel vivid
‘f hghl th w a r t had-'bl;e'n>tmaMfe^4(Mpl>€^UGd^b'efo?e>I 1
»j.ii.« Sfe^fet^eotker p a t k a g e s ' £ added,. consistbi^Mf a
° gre&i; riumberimf ' A ^ production's and -manufaictures^lf
' c-Oke4t Britain, -particularly irrwool 5»hd 'Cotton,, astweli
!rjasiri-%teeband other metak.k In sUcteawa.fffeiy2>t herp,
f‘-is ls&W$kAce that to e - 'r» a y ! be^fehhdSsfeGep^blelifck
- “-tbeM use;, their- euFibskyytopas object,4 rof isygepafeaM
with j2f*feW'bB the great-manufaetures o f .Ms Imperial
Maj est^’s derm iM’dnfSpi -
J @ To- the'^peeMemtof «uch' atfeigs^as:wer^capabklrf
‘b transportation*?’kte‘ added.’se&SSiliyepresint&M&dslk.ikeii
“ frefei- nature, -Of fcitibsj 4owns| -IchurchesfhsfeatS^^fe:
■‘^'dtehsi^asfcle^-Widgfes/foke&pvbleabos^and ariftej&AticsF
m likewise yp battles by'sea 'add land-; i dockyarifedf
-“ placesiJfor building ships, li©i%i-race#, bullfighting*
*xMfid! bf 'mbst ether objects curious ^remarkable Mltlfl
B ritann ie M^jfsty,' knd? oth®r>parts of
“ Europe; dlsd/bf several of the most eminent persons,
-*4 th^^a^family- pftSixfeat Britaittjihft fiijkfe1-
■ ‘ jaeihtatibns %hbtoselved%eiftg monumept^fitheiatts^by
• **s ^ ich d ito y areunpdd in their^ present adysmp&hsiatfe. ”
ThisfdeScriptionv Beside beingi translated; into'Ohidesfe1,
.was iike^lspi^fp.G,apeIn^®&ndfriedjihto-Latin;b,5f5Mn i^ig^a
Hiiln-io,,ds.jhis Majs^feyi’s^eftercto thejEmperqr.had been; YeS^
in order fo^afforblytbj 'the ? »ksappa rites <i n hiS s&Wke at *
Pekin,, amtbppcntu M iity. in g ,rla t y .feyror iwhi r-h
mightfhaM© ^hjnemd^^pSriatij&n, the^ststle
pf^wfitirua in that foteuag^fo® theyyMnt »b&ipgpfamiliar
only,;to«fehpse who'>;peipm ployed*afbjput the* pdflfsg. This
Chinese translation -was.., h o^^^r^ s|uffic,iiP,nitWt.i ru-el»l i gi 4
Mt-ta-zhin, -vtfi? nimMion, their
admiratibryof ^rffents.-. ..Ajsnfm^ent. ^feiihbeyof pm*
mri jui^s iwasilpro'vjidedjte^ky^hthe \vholel ajcrbss', thb
ba|»j>^y©Jad‘jwfcicJbl it-s^as again<P^eess|^y tQiranship dll
the lar^l^siin.t^ ^ ^ s 'iojE another'fiaritorand'» eon str ucfeiom ;
jfe^fo^meKjBein g,! unshipKPa?iigatfe- up^he.-river, ifo the
n^gMbprliQ.pd of, the Gapital.slasBjd, the^dAteri^ommeab
and-dpica^ tljiresisytheisuigerstriking ifpojivthe^bar, or
m&oc^^.ional vmloiicepf the sea without, if ^ClMier junks
^erljJtuppl^dj likewise,- fo^ co.nVeyingvfehe^persons “^ntf
baggag|kpfj the^Enlba-ssy drbmvtte ,sfiips intb^the» river;
^K^j^ssjbls^fitrto navigatof upon it-werei ready to re?
ggiyej themjdhjis Excple^'y haying: signified his. intenfr
as ther m,ethold he undeEstobd
to-,B?i'the, m©s t, cpnEyeii i.en t.. ■
j^ WJxen the^sba^junks werb all assembled,' to thetiiumbei
about thirty yfessply^hnndothe-.^nadrc^Witherwhole
exhibited a curious contrast, anddsih'gulaa spectacle, of
the towering masts and. complicated} taoklipgibf European