fej- meepingpla'ntsr which form a sorbofrieti suppbrted -by
other* trees, and afre iimjilksahteywithoti^an instrument
tb i.cut-« them. ;Some of them were, likewise, 'I'ofj'great
strength. One trailed along the ground^ itr tWmanner
ofsomeaof>the convolvulus kind, with a stalk about an
mehi<in': diameifeiffhteughbntyiarf jof a length iMS&fediiig
^ihbndrod^i&^BiThe h^t^ferWahio£*ft4ttetent%f^#j!
was,! ‘ Sometimes; bsuffoeating ■ and when/neaEr waiShy
ground, thej.moStfaitbps opignats ^wbfef-extremely
mmting’* In- sionh^ ppriA spots were foUnd‘f\Wild |o f spiders,
woven with threads bfis# strong la; texture,I'bS h&§
easity*:td;]bedividedwiffhout'd butting, ihStromeht-P'^hlil
seemed to petodete&adiKle the-idea of him, 3 who,f«in the
southern prdvJricesl of Eufbpey '-pro;po,sed{ai mandfiettob
from spid^s^hreMs;; whiGh SySci^fidieuldUs'to the:fipp>
M ^h©le><Wfho?naVe>'&nly' viewed- thb flims^ Jwebs^srfftlr
insects spin in1 (Eriglahd. The - eye! was often1 delightbcf
withHhe^ightibf treiSto superb blbs$bm, sand -witb^thfS*
beautiful plumage of fhl? birds; rsettfte :bf-^h4Mi'i - -KStyA,
ever, instead o f charming With' their notes,-threw-but' a
hissing, sound, jj that^ga^e the alarm- of tirp8ntS"abbUtS'6'
dart their venomi In the^'excursions, the-g'entlenSi#
seldom felt the imconypblen?ed o f rain. The d¥y Season
wasiset in ; and the w in d b eg a n fol render it pfacticaMe
for, the ships to make some A^^'tho sltwly^towards the
Straits,spf BancW'l,. add it-'Was determined to atteiiipt it
Without delay:/' Jib BBj| ,
of Apbiit afidlta> shortapassage ^ rwhiokjtimplied^ithat' the -*
moHSoOn! continued/still unfavourableiifiu&igoin^Uthere,
at Seastiquicklyr;. Those ships brought a>cbpfirmationiof
thef former.ifavoUrahlei ineountWffoarp i(&hiria,j arid fur-
^igh^di.apiesirablfi oppoxtupit^i^ writing to. -Europe.
Afety tsooriiafterwards theiwdmdsttv^ere-' soMfarjsWft^ as
tb.engogragedhe.ILiori itbi^fe# sail; but thet ©rirrenfejran
still to-rtheusbut-h-westvi/often-' upwarfls') o f tWQ>imilesuari
hourvwhileU’hetbreezds/wser©: $apMgfhfimancksa; mueb in?
teriiuptedbbyt eklms, < fhatfdittleJ adviicedwisyinadaiiiahd
the« aneHoaspwdre'dbfter»|lowered,J|twjbehdnt» riHe* ships
from?Ming drivembatoki1 . till- thei twenkybkib b£April,
when the current«begad I to/change; its ’ directions to «the
teasfe-douth-easty and-the nesst dapitp the/ nbrtjhihast, half
a.mile an hour.: Of the. slight airsfhutibfew^thbuttobst
advanbageewas; taken hyicro-wdk^ASaiiiBasjitnueldas the
Lion l CQukbiae dnade to. cany*/ Onbadhiside^wOrd stk<hs
ding^s^ils^spreadingJinucbibeyoEida^hehullv^and: above*
tlii^maiai-tb'prg^.llant-royal|s&ihdv^bicfo. is *the\ fourth in
numberioneiabove another. from ithd deck, 'and diminishing,
from itb;enCe sucpeSsiyelyrini siae^tWay'a ififth, small
sail .of al triangular' form,--arid from itshgiearieleyatiob,'
bay.edu a | sky-1 scraper^/which1 wasj. not; without Jeffeeti
While^hel squadron WaJsnat anehbr .within .three >nriles‘of
the .Brothers, which are .two small (islands' icoverediwibh
treed, «and §uirrounded with cbfal ^efefe? 'an opportunity