I l l » “ la n g u a g e 's th©dEsfat)a& ^ia^tfierMailafr, andAthe
Yellotv sea- * Chihesei u As to the .foimer^t|se mafcivfi Malhpis%afcr;‘
“ already serving in the Lion, .whof spoke sotniefEnglislr,
“•and the* Epgtishsailor who spoMetheMalac]dlah|^age,
“ mightbewof serYije^/j >ahd;ias.tef the dShifcisevihkiBx-
‘IIceHenoy would;: fore the ip®itli0tiserviee,t giwe .dp ithb
“ personal hch^enieniee!h@le^pedted^t^derhse’fi-omitrhe
“ attendance-oh a1 servant obtained! by him from & mis-1
sionary at Macao,; who u Was agmversant in that lah~
‘i(^ii%e^las well as > in. the jLhrtiig.umq. i Thoseethme*
‘ “•persons might.enable! tbfefccmnmaaadeii dfoifidfitihe^oh-
4 ijebtaj invieWjj not only. at Jeddop but/ also-iin:* other1
‘f>places to the southward, where he would haveGooea*
“ <si®nsfoigodrbm thericed iAsssoi^r?ss. he/shophi Temve1
‘1 an-answer from thejapanese.soveredg.n, arafeer waiting'
“ about <a fortnight at Jeddb,i if be$shod 1 d happen to> fihd
“ that; no) answer'; either written or Verbal, Was likeiy*:to
‘fi fofe jetiimed tal<heddter delivered b^hifo^hb vaiitS
“ proGeedto Manilla,-: where be was to . hja nd l tnr tha ‘go'j
vternor^fhhe Llrilapjline islands (residingithere^adetter
“ from the'KmbassiadoEJ - ./File harbdurybf CSavafo, at Ma-
‘V niHa^ waSideseribed .asfperjfectiyilandlocked, and was1
‘f convenient as well(aSf sa% for ?shsipstof the! largest* MKey
‘5iin:all>seasQnsi©f the: yeafts i'Fresh:provisions osf eybry'
** hhid [wefeeisaid to be procurable -there dir-great cafopfad -
‘fance, and atreasoriable rates. In thisharbour, therefore,
‘/ the Lion should remain, until' the commanderifound
it p r actecab lek&Wsai 1 farfiier- to'itrhe^ sQuthWaf) wh 1C ll, Navi^atioi?'
•frbrrT *thei experiendei%ft Mr. Dslrpm-ple,^ WtJfifd ’ pro-
bably happ’en $abbujhfNoVe'mb1ll& <- Baling! —
sZander’focomtibuSiise Jahda^fee? hs^thight ofeHin-isShi^
lusefiuf information1 of*thei present* S’tlttehof the^cdirntryj
matur’al and'civil, of its-trade",! ahSbof the'cfef’a'oterJdf
the people, i lb-was not unlikely*thaK in thedfeadisig
(port-Of Manilla might 'b^i,fotiAdJWrfidpfei^?fflts'l Wh'o’
had be©nfi in; Japan;' anfd'had' ae (paired ^Ichowfed^l df
thedlahgMgeirofvtha'fc' .Country,. Such:pfefrWrt^ic^n1-
vetsant - -atTfiheJffsaVib' - time.in any. o f Jbte’ifiuropeari
•tbnguesg' di:tat.#evastl in the dh-fe^^®*nMJ>ay,-Would
* ijd an acqui-sitioM.® thfe>B^ijetofvte®'E#hassaddr!i%i}^
* iB&gwft'o -execute his^cbrnmissioistaMhfe J&paa$§§l$ (Mtfrtl1
And the®§ Was ®bi reward not 1 very ftmhhK exdefediii^'' .
a; reasonable' tiOnbpensatiorts, Phatihfe would" no'ibwfll-
inglyreonfer'on' sucfe a^ipbrSom'^awd be wOtfMwB&if^.
i fore- 'sttbsefibe fo-Kthetbiwfttions ‘St-r^^fousbi^iwe#''-
'should find *it rieceskryfto make, if -he)Should* hsppeii
to meet'onein tHd'co'tftse' of hi^bxpeditionl'
“ In pr®®ied|n§ifo the southward, as'fbfesrystfoi-iHf
'be-;.!Sir^Era-Smus would -Mcteliihbu ppb e sidi^btheibhlli-
Land ^ifigraphy; totvisit: the island^^^l^&e^i^wIhlSh*
by aismamiiefeiptsaeeount of an|^p’^ewc*ed!'hahigati»‘r,3
subjoinedito ithhse' instrubtionsjiapp'eaire'd^tp. Contain it
rvdry good harbour, and to be in othefifespe^fstadvarr-'
VOL. I . ' . 3 S ■ ■