Nctinfiod. water, upon .tfoe shallowest part, .from, whemeetfjbë bluff through thé v A YeUow sea, head of Teh-choo-fbb lay east ir^ south eight or nine
miles, and Kei-étn èsfend north by wesfeuSoimdiir^itbis
d#y irrègalar^ from twelve to nine, ami dread fe fifteen
ft|thbms;r chiefly afcotttifi^elYe.'
Wednesday the rtwedty’Youlth o f July. Moderate
broeqes! from the soath-ea&icpiarter,’ and fine dead weather.
At tHnidaddlwel in thte momihg tbe water shnakd
sirddenly from fourteen to* nine fathoms, ’and soon aklow.
asisijf)fathoms ahda half. |i Presfeiitly afterwardsthejfDte
Boora&s Which had;been'sèmfeahead',1 fired seYerkTmusfeak
akisignals" ohiMtiggrij upon which the ships wote-rfounte
and stood off to- tho;.east-soüth<-ea,st‘.: Thfe stiTg®héaiid^
uponr rdek?s' óf shallow ground“ whs heard": distinctPyq
At kik 'in thë ittoAmg^ when1 ik-wasteimostxAm;. y|etn^.
rangdfof low sandy islands was-just’Visible'-being little
h%herthaHitHbsUrfaéejxtf'the sek. .Air nood the Leïröre-
mitiesjof!thesé sandy’ is'larids'borefoylcfompkss froin werst,
byi neith to4 north; the ' latter point -distant gabont; ^%&t
miles. On tMteastemmosfcislaKE is^altaH bdildffigforedte
ed, as the pilotmentioned,’ for the purpose:óf;warning^
ships;- in thdhight tifney ha k'eep clear -cd'tthe-sahds with
which thole;islands<are skrioundedi! :
- Thursday the twenty-fifth !of^ulyf.i The. twinel south,
and soHthMwèstefly, lightIbrebzes énd weather-dear'iï'The
squadron stood to tketeestward under easy sail, inclining:
a litttefotbrsotehwarcE, to keep dear^rftheildw island».'
Thèfdepth of-water regulafely decreased; -firotó fifteen! "tó
^yendathomss whien anolheir small low island appeared tfcVotjgh the
bear intgwnorth, and distant about six miles. Thesquadron ' ‘ OTfsea'..
from hence stood «sn a western -corns®; tiffmidmgft t, when
tho the h ian’s deptehfwkter wissixTaAoms;- (the Olar
rehcemadetl ersigm ahtf d angferl .The -asiiipsasktswa^Btif
hauled their wind to the south-(east,, ‘add deepenetethfe
water to ten fathoihs ;.' stabdl(mga®|i this nounrse .abmut fofo
•mites,-and then beaniwg 'awaysWe^.-north-'wMG iawimiles
ptetws the; depth of-water > was deormsesi «®sst3C' fathoms
and a h&lf, when they caaaafe to anchor. «sThc next -day#
twenty-sixth of JtMy; i t frained most yi'©lentlyd.iffiriiia!g>tthe
f(fte]|00®?ijaffid in the ieveEmag- fiheterwiesi for several
hj0jar§ fogdltor, such :arserfamtedigfeniai% hnd thunder,
^sdfewmi board the Lfon neverheforo>a:emkikiliered. $EH%~
‘lightning ■ seemed 4® over spread'the ®ky. with. ammeamf1-
‘®bfe sheets of livid # 3*116, ®dcompanind foy-conemued
peUfibtof^hmndec;,; that resemiMedrt’he f ilin g tfire'icC ® a |' ■
disciplined troops at The seav However, bemain-
3§dqsmfes6ly smoothmnd iinafuffied b y ichefee «nncuteisrib
b£ the atmosphere? and. the k’hips r®de;?at)'singie.adbMl
all the. time«. Soon afterwards theijkchadl(Was'perbeiYdd
rofeirningi-frihastlje^westward,^8116 Ivra!»*arrda«(ieddb^
an immense number afidhisitese vessels', mostly ^ttand-irig
dso from The westward. The land^was- hoti^fet-^isibih
from the Lion’s decks, but theifopstsf weekandteuildings
were seen exhibiting; arsingular 'appearance/ss ifipot^hed
up in the air. FrOm-the mast head§, Aowsvfer; fohefy
VOL. I . B