iSumatr*. are two species^roa: varietiels, of’ thetsswaMoW, whosehtlsïis
& are al ike ValÉablei
Nothing seemed to be known about theàë p tBÉplÉ thé
southern Æxitreaaaitÿ: ofi Sumatra ; atdeaishby suChufthe
Hntov.e^aSivi«it^é>.frequ entlythe-ships ,ÿhà^*g'Éruf6r4M
other vegetables fok sahr;. o f whom some? câïne in boats*
of which, both^ends were alike made sharp, »With a
moving rudder-ito each’, in- Orders-to be> refeidy to steef
backwards or forwards wi th e q u â h îéaSe« 5- 4 n d ’ ©ffh@f S3 in
canoes, soe narrow. :as’ to: have outriggers oh tH# side to
prevent :.their oversetting’. Each o f thesoftcahees Was
managed b y * smp èp efô o n ,- using 1 an f oar Widened1 ;at
both ends,. tiViServe the purpose of paddling-altôrn'atèlÿ
Un*3each;sidte& T h edw ltsp as well as -the{"c4nt)eSp^vefe
manned by a^pe^lêw h o h esid ë fch rê ftyS lén g i'tte^ iîfïs
ofmostio6 theislandsfnfthe;©Mnéset^©asyaüdcârèîknoWri
b y the . general name oh Malays, having- a language f e d
mamiers: common to them all. The^OUthernektremify
df'Sümàtrads peopled, ?but very thinly, b y a*|tfpfpltail§
who seem to lead an indolent and miserable life;!* T h ö iï
dwellings vnear thhshore were^ nothing more tb an jshgdi§|
- in w h ich they could not stand Upright ;• théix^pttiitniâ
did not extend very much beyond the; waist. • Such a
condition, indeed, which in most parts’^ E u r n p e Would
imply the utmost wretchedness, is guarded by the'clh
mate from any actual suffering.
Several large tracts of land in that neighbourhood' aré
^0^.ered\onlywith}a2ll©®g^(fpfehgra>ss^gi3(#s^teng'wild* Upon Sumatra.
aiscdb ^similar toithalt^hihh pf^dheedf th'M%mrrbuUdiri5g
wsffd&lsf J and»had!^thdiihh,#? probaMly|^h#lr®t-IeaMdlfrom
trees by Kurnanindushyntbut|‘beiftig»Sow abfhdbhed td
^oatahM)u'siVege(ati'a%^%?m#d#6 impl^iiifmnferljlop^
lation greater, lhan thbqak&Mft No'dl§reSroif devas,lMi®wS,
ori de’dlinelcarf -be, indeed;^hp]frsingf#ift the inhabi&M^'
werAeitstai constant. atelohhostility^ which hjta’hed'n-
ferred’ from-' the tsaurtiiondstilbWubs'ishn^wii'c^tg’sttphem,)
of ftever»ghim*g5 thofotherwise halfhaked' witftpn&bfeihgf .
arihed^^ A'people* thafeffetpoor jfis^iid't’apt td pufeka^d
WhbMs /.superHwous^thatlis * lazyfi t^ 1 Mf e Ti s f
hiselfesstjieoij in a hd^'dlitnate;; \ WMa#is' cUttibef-i
s®mk$whhout$ne&feMsityd rThe-iwea|t#h'J worn:ib|ki thfeih
isdastorks, 1jjjofd daggerf which,»toUEender/.’it- i 'stffifeiibril'
fatal to 5bhosetwHoii§i they may1 wound hep®
steep: in «some: poisonous tj uie%®fisWbgetdbft^5 Theyiap^/
piiared'. generaltptof^ atlosvwc stature,kb ij) wnn eblUpfexifeni
withbroad.tfaces^rlfcge .mouths* sfl^oMgiMl^ytbairpauci'
very littleiheardsd which,' asr it appear®^*theydoafefuilly
pick} but witMpineVrsK'cFi4w?rofikhtaBe -whc» weref seen f>y
theipassengdrstafithelhaonfand .Hindosfan-bad cbrinifth
nances) which indicafedt?a®y control dfi'fl^rminddoveff"
the sensual* or .Vulgar passions. ,
4 ..Somendegree* dfi eQnsideraieqepihiktoon' A.U^th0-wevdr?
haveodirecbsdutheir bonduefenn thetfoMHWlligrin-
stance; Sir Erasmus Gowdr ,-pJeviou;s i to*. his:ldepartu're a