.‘.‘i among; seamen i is termed?! tah^e::land:; andf extending
“aiSliwds; the. .«centre, pf the -islafed i; i from' whfeneeTiaite>.
“ nieal. mountain arises, not; unlike lihi ai^earanpeidl©
t‘ ‘ the BericoOfbT^neiiffei ~M‘is^^ffae^^m^ay-zoSSiMSa.
Eg jQrnz • / Boats fe;,to isound : :and'ivto;£xarninecthe
g“ ^hb^ffor^a'QonYejdontplfteegtoiland andwatbr.. In cpn-
£Hseq^^^ejditheir ;#epott^the Lionastoodiri, andearns to
‘ ‘^nj|ng ip^ theanortlucriddj rin tldrty
.${{'afchorns’ water, ®i»e mailsifrom thejxho^s.^ thehbltoin
.‘/tBlapki Sand with slime; a small, rockp of£i tlifij^feSt
point,:: bparingi ^uth^est'hycsdutb, jastbpj®? with
£| the; westfem; extremity, of the iisland;j a caseadeplptdall
of ^dt^r-wptyii^iitSelfpuponiiite Beadl^ikpiarliiBy
flam thfi#oMbe*n7ppi^!Ma|lie
'eastelrn extiemity:, mppsmdo? BejssteAlpf A n ^ i^ n d
.‘ “’^teop,;',exeept thpjYfest.point, whej^theie^r^feredseljS
r< about two cables’ length,, or near ;five ihundBediyaEds,
“ from the -shores The'sMfhhwfeh'SuaehpitedpJss^haw^-.-
shadowed by thedafck mass of that portion of the island
‘ ‘ whpse;sid^s%eemed4o^fise,likea ihossrgrownwaU,viin‘-
?!?} mediately fromthe ocean. Gnithe night the.^lpv;ation
.Mlsfdpplf apid,band bebwaeh ibhe? risilgltpaiti and||h&
/di#$&IR«$ Jfef| ft flatj5 M son® sklent, pover^d* with .sed^e1-
16 grass,intp©|jffijrsgdij$th small- shrubs,twhich, being
-V^ pfer-feedy-gfeenj lboked, fpom ithebdaipyilike a pleasant
p? wajt£jipdby arstream .thfet (fell f >after w4rd»i< fitom
f& its banks; iipon the?; beach.: The /officers, who went
ashore,reported that the jeasks might be filled with fresh Tristan
I W I I i l H B B f : ' , ° . ' . .. , ,4’Aeilnha. water by means of a long nose, .without moving them —
from the .boatsThe landing piaee^f^here’abouts,- was
also-described as being .safe, andrsupterior to any other
it-hat had bepteOxamined-. Fromthe plain the land rose;
gradually, towards the^tentral -mountain,! ihlridges
£py^ted with tr|gesTof a moderate 'lljzerandj height. The
qoast abonnded w-ith^sea«lions and seals, penguins and
albatrosses. One of -the latter was brought on board,
his wings measuring ten ;/fpet from tip to tip^but
others are said to have bepn «found much,larger. The
coast was covered with a broad sea weed, several