Straits of Of the prodigious, variety* of aquatic; animals, indei
Sunda- penderitly ohthose whichproduce the coral islands, m
large proportioruis doomed/to move only' along 'the thp,tr
tomrbfi the«seap.of which. the most numerous here were
I the *sea. urchin, starch, and the hblpthuria. Others ate
still more cobfinedin-their movements than. themommon
oysfefr- whose- shells&wvnbt immoveably fixed to a particular
spot, but* bits sometimes transported from one
bank;-to. another byThedmpulse of tides or-dunrenfs', qr
other*motion;of the waters near them; whereas;thg^|«re
animals of a-simiar kind’ll which, beside belngiinclosed
in a bivalveJshelli are imbedded,,with-theishellritself,
v, in a large mass -of-calcareous rock, bavin gorily, a. sufficient
play for ;the hinges, that the valves may open,.a|id
shut upon whatever, prey the passing-waves casually
waft towards, them. Theshare- somev among the man'f
instances, of the regular gradations of animal life, from
-rapid motion and exquisite sensibility, to the borders of
mere vegetable, irritability 5 where those two kingdoms
of natuae-seem to. meet, and .to be confpundedAoget^fi;.
The--coral'rocks above the surface, on which ,ydgetatiou-
- flourished, were many of them so small, as to .contain
each onlyta siiigle stem, liken vessel’s mast, upon jit; the
whole of them presenting; to. a distant view, the appearance
of several fleets: of shipping. Within one of these
clusters, distinguished, from its number, by the ftame of
the Thousand Islands, the Lion and Hindostan.anchored,'
during! thef#gftf^*hen sJfyfeleStbleai#5 and ther stars; I
shdii'eiwi'th sihguM iuspfe^feds^fith^S rsti^^sedoA 'd) |
iff%dfed&f a&igh^beto^fived, distincfel^^sihgfEbm g
huit!izon,%ffd,d^endM^be®tath it f,»kd; th^arf^tlhudi^^
dM-istanees tfrom Thef east ^or willfrpoiintd, vMigijl have
been taken :as abeciratelji astral o
•,sohtfiernscbnst#laduh,S!Cbf®i|bee^feurf|fea'^ |a'^d,aBgt4
leeined to form
any which theneye camrdad&Klfrfh «hi^tnotffchem -lati-
'“tudds.*'')-', ’ . .
v ':T i^ sH ^ 1trW#^'c/rr^hei® F^tta^ia
•■roadt, wMdfefes in-sixlbf%Se^/ ten' min«^sdtii:h'-m^
tu’de, and in ^ l^ #h u n d r ed |iu d fsK ^ ^ ^ s^ fty -5oiie
min#es4teasterji«longit^de! iietkl&eenwfoH'; -sthei vaprartionfdfcthe
comjfdss abdbL^half;aiSegfeMd’-t4fe‘%e'stward
'©fThe^pole.'; In ih-hpas^gdTbr?Ba1^aa'.thterl to setem l
shoalsV Beacons-areifcxed 6njsbiho?t# point«tJt/he"dan-
g6p A others are,wt'!:evenT hofciled hmt’he man«® cHarts
mbWoix^bis^e^;. • and^dupposettr^ba eoMectiefris
accretion, have'trfeen’- neafer. tot ThfessiUrfas.d TbaMHefe
is sdme iiore&^@f l'andv ddom <6f c r f f c ^ ^ a t %her^
trance of Batavia^d^emd^bfrom ad ibspbclaou MAhe
plan of that kity, feked about pcemttir-y btd ^h’aff a#^
of ■\fehiehra eapydsidnsertMsrh” O^ilbykfaedounbof Thp
Dutch-embassy tac,Chinad >Acbofd^tos this rplah the