“■--r-iviEwa® on itheovestrshore^ahout a quarter qf aipile
tg from ;tbe'water fortt i> Itris a batte% mounting-ssey^n
‘ ‘ guns, Bearing down the river,. Opposijteitp dhi&ity$s
“ a battd^jrof isix^iguns,,feeing ftbep:ys#E; and : tvfO;■.$$
1% the eastward. Thisi formedtsone?,flank Q£ia;dhie:ifchM
“ occupied the low land to tbe i
‘ ‘'Theralinev was, ,a;low.-hi^sfc work! of earth, ? tjajtft was
^‘..scarcely discoverable. The capals Mkieh) inj^sjg,§t
“ ;the town joined the" grfeat-.icanal, .or H#er;,rat th^dis^
nuance d&haif a. mile from thertephance.;; Below,rfbe
Adjuriation a boom was laid, of; wood/>arme^|^i$hiiip)'U
“ spikes. A littlerdbove; waslthe. castle,. !a regular. ;sqg,are
“ fort, but without ravelins .or other outworks.,
“ two; grins mounted on each flank, and twOsoGp^PJI1 e'
‘Stirnes'thrfee,! on\eaeh face: they were;not en\ barbette,
'not-jfrop'erl y en embrasure? but jhada' SituadpKjbetween
< ‘ both, having both their disadvantages^.1without :the
“ advantage of either. The wall was obmasonr.y, -about
“ twenty-four feetghigh. It had no ditch ; fett a. canal
“ surrounded it at some distance; It had ngucqtdon.
“ The long* of the ixterior side;ofihe work was about
o seven hundred fe e t ; The town) is rectangular,#hffe^
*•* quarters offo mile long, and half a. mile-broad,-.unclosed
“ by a wall of about twenty: feet.in< hfjghtu:; Small
.«prqjtetions were; constructed^
,<> intervals of about three!. hundred . apd, ;fifty feet.
<f These; generally mounted three guns each.. Ik,was
‘5 aCoaUal, sMde'^J
“ AtvsKbrkdi s(illg£sofr oi# thri^oT four -small |
‘djstah foftsJof'earthwerei^®ttdun^aft^dlafJpl®fes»''perifuhapss
£®r>dfefefifce'afafos#th*dd!nhaBitaWs dfi the* inland.
^ll/£Tfhehest#blishment^^piil^blipS wasidh^^hau-
Ibsahd' twotf hundred*fe#op#ahs*,:' of \tfhom thfe'dfhun-
fcftdrc&Hs&riittQVb&'aifeife Bu&ra&
B#rfel asi found] im|roS^iMb'|?6Uu^cbO'tMt?5'0# thdi'cliikdt6*
1 c to 'thernumbe#f^^p^^'lr^bi|rs'e^a‘Stffed't6 th^
Vfmati’v^®7fohfwhcah,five? hundrld^vtfere so
‘■‘.thatlitheiestabMshmenb ©fr ftEdfo^'te aftfe > wa safes'1
iMdfllsedhfo, |feveh:h&^l^d^i®ffire'!s^e|^ra#^'&feelhiEifpf
p- dre.d; <yolUnteferSif of the tpwiaf- -?w'h:k| we'®e formed rinto
HvfeWO'tGompanies!; but fgbiy were 'nOMd##&ij$ih\M?' The
' ifc irregulars ( -were i vfery toumeroUsp C0nsistiiih|lbf febroMed
ihrUatlvescob!JavapiwhO:' were> ‘rteY^^embodkd,' andAjf I
jftGhine&fe, Lof whom the D u j u a l d d s p ■ as to
“ ami them with larice'ifonLy. rMdkhudep^de^'^^a'^
‘tn o t tarbeoplaced -on thoje^eisfimiis'lohedthefifr'#f'thfe^€'
“ bodifestin favour of-tMeDutoh ;y and as tBeyf fetmahy^
“ of their European.;; £roops;!every jyeaf ptheirfestabiish-
“ ment appeared :too small! fofjf^hybeffeetu^ofesl^tanifc'evr
if,The chief protection*of:their, ill-manned viessefs lyihg
inhere,Umust be fromdhe fortified island of Oriru'stdwelf
it .situated )tO command thehhannel thafea&fds th^pfflri^
‘rK bipal passage into the^ road. ' The work- upon' that
o island, was of a pentagonal*’formif its bastions* w-ere