th^Ifhtte near it, and a quantitybf$andas placed in the hott©m-;of
Yeiigw sea.. bo wl,, in) jwbicb > are stuck Some perfumed' matches
when an offering is intended to be made to thee&ivarifey!:
that^is; supposed to preside oyer the seal Tp that divinity
an altai;, well stored with trinkets ^and matches^ fis
eree^edriat-the-extremity.of. a very small cabin,qmund
which afenfche births for the* captain and crew, just'.df
suffieiejnfi tPf Contain . their peraprts ; each birth . is
suppliedrwith a mat, by way of bedy anbta hard'stuffed.
cushion to lay the head upon. Fqrtyvor fifty men were
sqaiftimes employed to nay i gafeepn ej,u n k. They.seemed*
all toptake an equal interest, and ,an equal .sharev iijj thh
GQnductjpf yhe/vessel ?t and,-it was understpod'that none
b f them?5 received fixed wages, but that 'eacho had fe.
pprtjo|i_;;rf;- tl|| profit .accmitfg. from' thei'.sQijV'iee /per-
formedj[, |
; a: sufficient number, of those .junks the., presents
anjdr,baggage werje transhipped^ tho imth-eu open c seif
without any dajmge; The:weather indeed was fine;.* TMo
Stqri|iy;!sfeeaspns: and it? iwas
impossible for the make much;stay in its
prpse^lf^^^di^lliSjefi' :It had he%jntendgdby the
E^st Indiai Company, that -asrsoonfas the; Hindostan
should be. discharged;by;th'e Embassador,;ait Tien^fp^g
she should, proceed to.Qantpn to? take a cargo from thence
;f^riEurqpe; irijthf usnahYfay of trad^j <But’ ^s she^must
in her ’route pass by, Ghu-san;,it/was now thought! de-
:M M I h e r *88 t©u'dh*ató^t in MmEBiiSMHBBffiMSlSmBhBI n8«g?tól:: A ' - , L ' t . , ,l^ '' thseugh-t thet proebringi at-laddr^g^home' one more advmkagöoüswserrns
thakiat Canton, ifjlMy'di-shouldih’appëdtt'oCbfe’grhnteddoW
the purchase’,^ at .vtfoed'orm©rip©r t<;! of th’e d a s deSilk®bf
thé neighbouring! provinces;1.\ | 0mtM^öa)®6t®tó^?!?0aptain
Mackintosh JWas^fchb‘i®br^rëadilyödlte'\yed?
bassador to.adcQmSpany him to Pefeim/that he m%h^hay#
the .opportunityb^soifeiting that-pérmhsionöpersóhall pf
from ithe* ;g0v-emtaent ^'#ndlmifhp,‘in hd'Si way hack t®
join his ship, hhv©*perhapslpêCa^ibnatol?®bsprdej*t.fcf*Éud|'
thod of manüfacturing th^gï^d^hl^^^iérflfy carried
from China;’ relative »'ièfwhiöh theyEaStdndïa>'CaMpa?by.
wa’sidesirous oböfetelMng^i^tieute^infbrmatidfei' lb
was' absolutely necessary likewishghêÖ’rënfche^ETrtbaVfflfl
dor * shuttkMeave thd Lion ermfoè' how#®yd>spOs'®
®K£herc4 rhile thoipubfc busihassi' m|gh(ihdfet^p hksflfe-
celiebcyt&u • shorets» No} feriowle'd^fe.'had sïbeëiï ö-btakiedS
of a^harboures,efficiently secure fbr?t her-' dnriiigkyfeteiiy
throughout the gulfsof Pekin. IfcJwaSith®®^h:tial%}ida;^4 ''
a,Chinese port was-the least desirable' foribiërbto con tine® 1
long in, notwithstanding'"everyJCafë, ;éèm®as3oi#sA'?
or difference’swith the natives t might take plaiee‘.€®;afife#C
the ;*general puiipWe'’of • the. Embassy , | The&sg^reiadri-
jsion even of ;ajiy disturbance ’ndght-’op'eraiötètes^iubk.-a
government'as.that-of the ChineséditoidGclaskm dale pie-
mature ; departure- oft the iEffiibaSsadoriOijlS^oierdid’l^iT
ErasmussCfower think ideemdueiyeito^^^