»ie «M sea,' of in the wjaws which dash against the-shore, when, Janeiro. ’ f> ’ m. , \ v :• ^
■■ -T-. fortunately, the anchor held, which had lowar^H
from the ship, and saved hej\ She was afterwards
warped ®ot by boat?w On sounding near the rock, it
''was found to be nearly perpendicular, and that the
ship’s sides might have.struck against it, without the
keel’s touching any bottom.
;PASS AOB '#P § (SOOTHEKP! BAltf» W w f ' ATLANTIC,: I A|f»
v i i f t r i s t
r i f T t ^ - r d k i t i R , a n d o f t h o s e OF s t .
i In a~ former chapter it was?abseiw§d ihat the wind, passage to
wh ich in#o®^pfipieliiBaiesas found talflpsq varij&foi * %«!&"ni
that; an| idea;;of babonafcaneyi isi>§fti»allyf>6teYi^‘^ ib y a a=s====a
comparison with tit, / erases toharvetta
andinear the rtrbpiosi.1: The stead y m@iibW M fhe^atmo^
sphere iin those':par-ts, ,with an :uniformltendlnQy fpra
tHeieastward to; the westward, whiehift®der®v^>,yflgf s. in
the latteradiredtion so ieeitain and’ expeditiouss becomes
aimost serious obstruction toareturnhy the sammrgiutg,
It was thenbservatien of these uu.ehapgcabii gales, that
sox much afefased ^hel crew chGolumbus $sbip, whelk be
Weaoiin ^ue&bqfi J^e. western %bfldsirTfee^)fo|#dithat
this wind, tho so favourable to his,prds^m> pursuit, would
prevent them fpm revisiting. their <.eo;unt®y j and Afciir
resfptmenl was so strongly: e*eitbd against him ,: ihafi all
the firmness ° f his mind,’ and 'a^s»nrfi@a#® his''ge®i\jSi
were »necessary to. preserve' hdm^from its fatal eense*
quekbeft Qn his retirii ^ judgedttfeatbiinslead