elevation of-their spirits, 'on’hieing liberatfed^frhm the M a d e ira . . . . A / '■ | a ^ n l |
,r_ shadMes 'bf* a school, and Ratified' with a subordinate
aUtkbr-ity in the ship. They were the' first 'to''ascend
$ » top s of tlpbhaSts; or to clamber on tBe'beamsV c a illé
yards,* suspended across them, holding orilÿ ’by^d-bÿfèy
_ iùd in such apparent peril, that 'sj^ëtâfOTi'hréfleêtfhgîldn
; fhP quick alarmsFSf - maternai tehdëMi^
exclaimed, in thelê|u’gfftige'usually spoken't'ô’ïhè Chinese
inii^pfeteff;—**si' mâtres name vïdférerêfc1 | Wëfê^their ^no-
thers tb see them dn that posture!
On the? first of October the- ships set- jsaihagain, taking
their last departure^out bf England, drSÉI
and stretching ovefdxom thé'“ hiliy^dishôf Devhhshîre;
came-sôônrwithin vièw-ofjBfitetnyf*and
©sliànt, after Which they saw^for nine dty^iïcFlàfid.
HöweYer étStial such a-situation is to^vëfy’^a^i'gâTOT^
since the invention of the mafiners'/c'ômpass^it' is ah
awful speetaele; tc0-him, who gëfMv intcPit ;teintheJfeist
time; and the mind con templates,'-Vithîsbme'Mel^ëë'of
admiration, the ingenuity of man, in applying *thTé qha-
lity of a particular fossil (#hichTuhder^ eeSÉifi^föirfiQb
and properly suspended, points'always towards the
same portion of the heavens) to the pürposé öf directing
his way through the trackless !oceanv When but rof
sight of land a pleasurable sensation is always fëltf on
meeting with other vessels.' Several wére perceived
availing themselves of the Same wind to go different
rgytes,|ij but,, the English; haying then, nn^nemy to apprehend^
jtql^ac^jthe^prngre.s^raf fhe.present. voyage
^a^jrnot {in^me^^^lj#>.e.ffg,.rtc To* apnmacti1ytp,i pi ,&®oid
jfcjjiem ;^apdij^y^ra^rnr^s GpwencMtinfed^I^teer, with
faygi^rable gale^,,, in a. di^eetaon,parallelttomot, in
■§ight pf^Spaiil ,^^rfcugal,. tfye ^^aitepf Gifoalta^jandlh'e
northern part ojf.^yOTcak'^
v] .Sir T^asm.ps^oteey e d t That: snailChips'. bound from
“ :Europe; > islapdof Madeiw^w.illdiscover that
“ their way^is influqnCpd*1lm^fiUrrent,’1; fr®rp*the
“ '^ftstern pmag^into th ^ a y J^wydtkete^,een:|ljJshant
1 .ap d^Cap e ,E inis ter re, anddnto tla.e.Me^literranean,* amd,
“ as.yvelLftaS|Ms q^esvafio^ Madeira-,
‘^equl^.cuab^.hixn ito^as^em^^u^^Qunpnt^lipuhhbe
‘ ^estimated ,to,s.et south-east, about ejlegen nnlesdn fifty
sj||Thefj^ships., ^s,^ping. their .paursA. .agreqablyMo.j.this
^.tinjate, rand ;.yassi§tedv|iqr the \ eppreptlon \o£ the ^ log
reckoning, as to iopgi^tud^, hkaeveral timer'ke^gcMpid
lunar phsejrvalions, dppnd thcynselyej^oii the.hciiatJLi^ef
October in ,%ght ol^th^^I^a^^of^f^^SaBteijand^Ma-
4ek%». 1 Wh^n abre^bn.f-rPprto Santo, Ma;deka4^pea|ed
jggj onp, great'mountain^yad^ae, summit,was,,.hidden in
the.v cjpuds .M^hortlyj i afterwards, appeared three,
small islands, ^lled.th^ Dese^,tasj3pf ^^icl^^he ttss5®
mo^t.di^tant we^e \ittle'jbgfctgk tlpan^ppinted rugg^rocks.
The third, galled; ,the -TahlevD,eser|a,,was.elefeatedjfrbnt
Passage to