XXIV.« An|exact portrait bfcl&hinese bridge,-; ancba 'barge* Midi Its-
masts« struck* 'or lowered down, to enable it ito passomder the arebritaS
'/X X V . ‘One’o f tbe methods u sed in China for-working thedham-purn|>yj,
to raise water for agricultural purposes? out* o f one-fes^riJQMtfk. another.
XXVI .'^Chinese ipiougb ■ "suohi as are mostsgeneraljyiin jtte- tlttgufh-
oufctheidSintr^SfUojSbas- hut one-handle,- iaiad iio;couiter,'_ «his-! last-being;
A.ptrtfed1 »T.ripregsary 7as’tbere;is^U'Qylap.fflduUda;andUofayaitePtfy ;XiO;.;turf
j te-’eat' thro in China.
< ,> X XV ff. -Tbfe^Gafnelia Se«ttiqcal- x a ^ % ^ CH ^ sa iT ^B aA tW o r
flower of tea1, a plant which growsjn great abundance?, andtwitJiou&mttcK
cultiVatiorff-on the hills obthe. SBrlthem pravinces. 3$rom tbejnuUk.or
berry, of this plant, very much resembUng,'hu5»lk^r^ah^th«tt|afeseedi.
the Chinese express a very fine-esculent oil, which is in hijh^stimation
X X V n i. The Cave ofi'Gamoensat Macao,,in-whieh this poet'is:said
thihave composed his fembus poem of the Lusiad column thatappears
to support the immense, overhanging rock is modern, . and perfectly'rjfiner'
cessary, the stone having for ages continued to hang without the aidiobtbc
, .p IlA P T E R I.
EM^ASsl. 1
I t has <j oftsewodfthat- thei igafgresis .aind
pursuits iqftsoJ a®tayi :and. ofaiien(Har<p@$ti>oii i of theoco m-
mujpfcy*>'ast da^ehgage!(®iidit1laldfe' th’^#isgho,ut|f?l:ke<iBritish
doiajiitó®!as^fc®p!^ a tM tiffi«e^^p(lh^:©ftlïheïatténtioxi:,
and, in tfÉl^ proper- sp irit @tf»a ^eommemial nation, influ-
^rf&5many'iof>the1tm!i&afcBes;iohithefgcrY'erp®nenti ;It Seas
-n’afuraM(yi5su|>]losed¥,htiife®efdr.e,'i<wh#rK'tH© determination
•wasj.kiiownfi ofrataadoite^ a7nIeffifelssy^toj China .from- Great
Britain, fehatdt,>w,aslundertakèn for^nnahadraial -purposes.
In* foci?, thedntte^itas©vbetwe-ehi bhektwo. 'eoumtfies’- was
.carriedi.Ojfcdni ahman narntli art Tfeqaaired.ayehaSaftfe. No C1T-
cunastanlce had^bcearred, when- itr/wsas.ifirst^-afitemptefofey
th© Engiisb^orisiT^editCihafe beds- established},
that could: tdndt to|ipléce it on a more advantageous footing
for themi T h en a tiv ë sfo f othër Eurq|ffean^eountrie^',
who .undertook tdï#aae-vin China,-; wdrp?ig©lisrally, in
thi-s^espect, morë forMraaMn-’
‘ - r The} PdEtugueze wfoidfohe?ftst^wh'd’ frequented! the
Chinese coasts upwardsLöf twoxentu-ries?ago-,. and about
f 8£."i. B
Occasion o f
the Embassy.