renfcHffé. ‘‘ Théisi,” it fe siM,, ‘
“ vered with puimen stone, a
‘ ‘ in Mnt, ■a hairfeff |>laiii
K Canary-beafiögbsónth-èast; as if risrog otitdPatt’W -
‘^•mense 'field of ijse,, formed by thbfclbuik belöW thëm.
■‘1 About! four
‘‘ the mood shrlhing hrigM/ tnGf ɧ|| Wëaf h©t Me'arV th<?^
Pr-began to aseenAp kiödJ ö > f^ |fe s^ ^ | thé I É M
f/drtetumv-feadMgfeo'xIlie^ ind highef SögiisIM^.
P IThepassagpe^was^foep ahd disaj^fëfeabréi%fei5^^ovétèé
‘ *. with pumice '3 tori ^whicf^r^yë^ivi^^al
“ In i ^ Aife Wi^S; WhêÉSSI
-‘iiwas ftecessaty tb clitab ovër- the kvaplda^i^Aroin
“ one^Iargei stone to another, till their-^rfivaï at ifoë;fèl0t
fi tof the Siigar?h>af^ It 'wa& höW- kböuf‘:Halif’,^ )^ i^ ^ !;
* d h è the b o n t h - w a i - v^fy:%1Sir/r*arid
ft^hfrising sun a beautiful Object. Hërfej théy -rëstèdi
“ bhp small flat, about five minutes, ifeat diinei-'MlWf
‘ ‘: themselves to cool, the air being so v&fy péËtëtraüin^
“ They thêndjegan* tov^bêiitl the ‘Sugat-daMfi ^ This
“ was by much; thé mostofafaguifigpkri; it «beih^êfi
ceedinglyr steeps and'* wholly' fcolisisting^of small pu-
micè stonïes-- so; that the ’fdéftj aff-ëVéiy step, sinks and
ibshdesiiback. ' wet© tobligéd -tb tak© bfekt^;-yfii
' ''Iteatedfy-' It; was- 'ïitoe'lttiölbi' jilan -SixJb%lliëkl ^WHëA
t lh©yi g@fc mponAhé; summit öf the Sügaf-Iöffi ;i At this
* time tlrejclouds had gathered- aboïïtk mil© and a half
osptrp©ndiehla»'d)i©lb^] and hadifci
t fiv # y i strikingle&ely&p^iafi®f|? M^eSan:|mihbtts© extfeht
1 *: of' frozen-f6b',-Ctb0^e'redATft'h ifindrtiiraM’e hiltooks5- of
in snow, satibye^f^hieSvvtte^^M^^-bfi^fea'nd&feifaly;
“ Balmap^CbmetatyJ’S-nd| Himrojdisl >FCtf@,! >'fraisd"dt their
to heads1. On'rhe sbq^'gfefeng^iittl^higheri the" efbfods
‘OdUiperVed, and 'opened Ip'-the ^ iew lhe5b6as’Ltan)\fod'.Ci
tcc^e&dleTuifepAioi&ted bn the-^Pdak^ disiinetl}^
^seeh/dhy geht-lemen 'irf^Orela'^.,- through their' tdle-
^dScbpesa IMK
§| Thetprospeet from f£b§lPea?k is' Vdr&aritfe rahd- eMen-?
‘ K^i^pmd'biher hill&bllMgSbf' a^neighf fo'intercept th'el
“ hr ig A'b- The* eoas'fifs«3p©^l‘M v<ed all-round,- and a distinct
“ idea!bfithe island formed.1 The'north^Wfe'sPdoasdap-
tt he^WeM^ulliV al'ed; p^lut' the \sbnthaels t^eems
“ dreatfy^’and batren. WitfoitoAhe summit is€h%xe#Va-
‘‘ lion;;-or ^a%1dr<5h,3nob1®&S than eighty’-feft Wdepth,
toyfrfto.'which' i-tfce gentlemSiu iddSC’eSdea? arid -^IhereA
1$ ’some i Sulphur^ With whi’c-ll^theYstffirfadg fef mbstly'lo-'-
‘ ‘ vere#. In many' paW^the’ffbhfc'<®HHbt' f^l^trpbh
“ d'hfe-tsa'me^spB^above^a minute, the-^h^eat'ipehetfktfag
M qhickly thrOilgn’thersh^’*^Smoke issures°ire^yen11 y
r ftom ther4i^fh.!' Justi%rideYH:he- siirfaie^fe ^SdFt’^red-
“>dislt bfeyp S0v’hbtKtl[aP4feP^ji^d;.intr-odu6hdfcmW it
‘■ ffiust-ipAahtly [%e - Withd¥a\^h. ' In‘^hel^auldfod'?'^fe
‘ * sulphm-e^Ust bdour is1$^elyoffensive; but eki1 the?ridge
“ it may be easily hhdulew; ^