* ,v
sulifalcafe pinnl. J - | in. 1., J in. br. ; texture coriaceous ; veins immersed ; main
rachis and th a t of the pinnæ densely clothed throughout with ovate-acuminate
dark-brown scales.—Gaud. Voy. Bonit. Atlas, t. 2. Blechnum polysticlioides.
Brack. Fil. U.S. F,vp. p . \35.
Hab. Sandwich Islands ; gathered lately hy Dr. Hillebrand.—Very differentia habit
from No. 1, aud the rows of fruit are shorter and not quite close to the inconspicuous
Gen. 36. W oodwardia, Sm.
Sori linear or linear-oblong, sunk in cavities of tbe frond, placed in single
rows parallel with and contiguous to the midribs of the pinnce and pinnules.
Invol. subcoriaceous, the same sliape as tlie sorus, closing over the cavity like a
lid. Veins forming always a series o f costal arches, fo r the rest fre e or anastomosing.
A small genus with fro n d s usually ample and bipinnatifid, lohich belts the
world in the North Temperate Zone, extending very slightlu within the Tronic.
T ab. IV. f. 36.
§ Euwoodwardia. Fronds miiform, the veins forming at least one series o f
areolations between the sori and the margin, Sp. 1-2.
1. W. radicans, Smith ; st. strong, erect, naked, scaly a t the base : f r . 3-6 ft.
1., 12-18 in. br. ; pinnm lanceolate, tlie lower ones often 1 ft. 1., cut down below
within a short distance of the rachis into finely-toothed lanceolate pinnl. 1 - lJ in.l.,
those of the under side the shortest ; veins anastomosing once outside the line of
fru it ; gemmæ few and large, placed a t the base of the upper pinnæ.—H k . Sp. 3.
p . 67.
Hab. Madeira and the Canaries, I
pain, Italy, Sicily, Northern India, Java, California,
Mexico, and Guatemala.
2. W. orientalis, Swartz ; st. erect, densely clothed a t the base with large
linear-lanceolate scales; f r . 4-8 ft. 1., 12-18 in. br. ; pinnm lanceolate, sometimes
more than 1 ft. 1., cut down below nearly to the rachis into sinuated or pinnatifid
pinnl., sometimes 4 in. 1., those of tlie under side shorter and none a t the base of
the pinnæ ; veins anastomosing copiously outside the sori, upper surface of tlie
frond often producing copious gemmiferous buds.—Hk. Sp. 3. p . 68.
Hab. Japan southward to Formosa.—Probably this ought to be joined with the
§§ Anchistea, Presl.
the margin. Sp. 3-4.
Fronds uniform, the veins all fre e between the sori and
3. W . Virginica, Smith ; st. strong, erect, 12-18 in. 1. ; f r . oblong-lanceolate,
12-18 in. ]., 6-9 in. br. ; pinnm linear-lanceolate, 4-6 in. 1., j-1 in. br., cut
doivn within 1 lin. or iess of the racliis into linear-oblong lobes which are 2-3 lin.
br. a t tlie base, tlie lines of sari which margin the midrib of the pinnæ often
reacliing low down in the lower ones.—H k . Sp. 3. p . 69.
Hab. United States from Vermont to Florida.
4. W. Japonica,'&\i axiz ; st. 6-12 in. 1., erect, scaly below ; f r . broadly ovate,
12-18 in. 1., 9-12 ill. br. ; pinnm lanceolate, often 6 in. 1., 1 - lJ in. br., pinnatifid,
with lobes J - f ill. br., which reach half or two-thirds of the distance down to the
rachis, the lines of sori which margin the midrib of the pinnæ confined to the
upper p a rt of the upper ones.—/ « . Sp. 3. p . 69.
Hab, China and Japan.
§§§ Lorinseria, Presl. Fronds dimorphous, veins everywhere anastomosing.
Hab. United States, from Massachusetts to Florida.
TT 7 J ” ttit- • of n 18 in 1 e r e c t n e a v ly n a k e d ; huTTcn f r , v a iy iU o
« « 1 b rih
in an erecto-patent direction.—H k . Sp. 3. p . iO.
Hab. Hong-Kong.
Gen. 37. D oodia, B . B r .
« » . o n * . I l f h«,v . " j t o ; J .1?— “ s r
Zealand, and Australia. T ab. IV. f. 87.
^ Pinnatifid. S p . 1 - 3 .
-, TA „ T! Hr • to 2-4 in ]., erect, dark-coloured, asperous ; f r . 6-18 in.
1. D. aspera, K. B i. , st. f J spreading liuear pmnæ on each
1 2 - 4 in. b r„ ^ t e T r g i n stroFgly sei/ated, the base dilated,
side, which are 1-2 m. k, i „.foaiiftto mere auricles ; texture coriaceous ;
- i » " "
short distance from the midrib.—/ « , fip- 3 - P- 71-
Hab. Temperate Australia.
aeh side, the largest of at’ed'.’ ti J upper ones connected, the lower
‘S ; texture coriaceons ; son
drib.—/ « . Sp. 3. p . 72.
below, as in the last.
s, D. i i » , k ™ : 1". Ibase
with dark-coloured e a c h side, wliich are
la n c e o la te , witli n um e r o u s spreadmg 1 1 ec fifdufoted and serrated, the hase
2-3 in. 1., J m. br., the point blunt, the n » . coriaceous ; fertile
1" ft- i
I ■ ¿ D i j í
I '■ 'I f Aj
-, J . ' k
I ' i
i r
t í : ià ?
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