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Hab. Assam, Philippines, and Malayan Isles.—This includes three species of Mette-
nius, his glandulosiim, asperum, and Uneatum, which we cannot separate clearly.
178. N. amboinense, Pre sl ; S t . tufted, 6-8 in. 1., greyish, n early naked ;
fr. 2 ft. or more 1., 8-12 in. br. ; pinnæ spreading, 3-4 in. 1., g -f in. br., cut
about a q uarter down into bluntish slightly falcate lobes ; lower pinnoe shorter
and deflexed : texture papyraceo-herbaceous ; rachis and under surtace sliglitly
pubescent ; veins pinnate in the lobes, with 4-6 veinlets on a side ; so n in rovvs
close to the midrib ; caps, naked.—« / . Sp. 4. p . 75.
Hab. Philippines, Oming, 83, 317 ; N. India, Malayan Isles ; Ceylon, Thwaites,
Very near N. molle, but more papyraceous in texture, and not so hairy or so deeply
179. N. Arbuscula, Desv. ; st. tufted, 4-8 in. 1., naked or slightly pubescent ;
f r 12-18 in. 1., 6-8 in. br. ; pinnæ close, numerous, 3-4 in. 1., f - J in. br., cut a
■qéarter or less down into blu n t lobes, several of the lower pairs short and
distant : texture lierbaceous ; rachis and lower side finely villose ; distant,
3-4 on a side ; sori in close rows.—« / . Sp. 4. p . 74. A. Hookeri, Wall. Hk.
2nd Cent. t. 22.
Hab. Mascaren Isles, Ceylon, Neilgherries, Amboyna, Philippines, Solomon Isles.
180. N. ahortimm, J . Sm. ; st. tufted, 6-12 in. 1.,^ firm, erect, quite naked ; / r .
1-2 ft. 1., 6-8 in. br. ; central pinnm 3-4 in. 1., m. br., cut about one-tlnrd of
the way dowm into close, entire, truncate lobes | in. br. ; lower ptnnæ distant
and reduced suddenly to mere auricles ; texture firm, herbaceous ; and
both sides quite naked ; veinlets 6-8 on a side ; sori medial.—Aspid. Blume, A.
decurtatum, Kze.
Hab. Penang, Java, Ceylon.—Allied to glandulosum, but the pinnæ lobed, and the
veius more distant.
181. N. refractum, H k . ; St. tufted, 1 ft. 1., naked, glossy ; f r . 12-18 in. 1.,
6-9 in. br. ■ pinuæ growing gradually less from near the bottom to tbe top, the
lower ones deflexed, 4-5 in. 1., f in. br., the lowest pairs very much so, the lobes
broad and blunt, reaching about a quarter of the way down to the midrib ;
texture herbaceous ; colour bright-green ; rachis and surfaces glabrous ; v e iM s
6-8 on a side ; sm-i medial ; invol. minute, fugacious.—« / . Sp. 4. p . 162. t. 2b„.
Hab. Brazil,—WeU marked by its bright-green colour and peculiar habit. A Fern
gathered in Trinidad by Aldridge, N. dejlexum, J . Sm. MSS., has similarly detiected
lower pinnæ, but they are narrower, and the lobes reach halfway down to the midrib.
I t ia not unlikely that this is Polyp, retrojlexum, Linn., founded on Plumier s t. 68.
182. N. latipinna, Hk.MSS. ; st. tufted, 4-6 in. L, slender, naked 8-12 in. 1.,
3-6 in. br., the upper half or th ird lanceolate, pinnatifid, with broad, oblong
lobes ; below this several ?>««»« on each side, the largest 2-3 in. 1., J - j in. br.,
cut about one-quarter of the way down into broad, oblong, subfalcate lobes ;
lower pinnæ much reduced and distant ; texture papyraceo-herbaceous ; rachis
and both sides naked ; veins pinnate in the lobes, with 8-5 distant veinlets on each
side, with a sorus about the centre of each.—N. molle, ?, Benth. F l. Hong.p. 456.
Hab. Hong-Kong and Java.—Very doubtfully distinct from N. molle.
183. N. pennigerum, H k . ; st. tufted, stout, 8-12 in. 1., finely villose ; f r . 2-4
ft. 1., 12-18 in. br. ; p innæ numerous, spreading, 6-9 in. 1., 1-1J in. hr., the apex
acuininate, the edge cut about a quarter of the way down to the midrib into
oblong falcate lobes, the lower pinnæ dwarfed and distant ; texture herbaceous
or subcoriaceous ; rachis and under surface finely villose ; veinlets G-9 on a side ;
sori medial ; caps, setose.—« / . Sp. 4. p . 82. Aspid. pennigerum, B l. (non Sw.).
A. multilineatum, Wall. N. artioulatuin, Moore, J . Sm. A. megaphyllum, MeU.
Hab. Himalayas, Ceylon, Malaccas, Johanna Island, Angola, Guinea Coast,
184. N. cyatheoides, K a u lf .; st. 1-2 ft. 1., strong naked, glossy,
9 3 ft 1 1 ft or more br. ; pinnæ close, spreauing, 4-6 in. 1., |- 1 in. bi., the apex
sramin'éte the edo-e irregular, furnished with acute forward-pointing teeth to a
t o h of 1-2 hn., t t e lowest papyi'“ ®®-
toba c èo u s or subcoriaceous ; racAi® and both surfaces naked ; ®cmyn pmnatifid
g L ^ s of 10-12 veinlets’ on a side, with often a sorm on each close to thè
main vein.—Hk. Sp. 4. p . 76. t. 241. A.
Hab. Sandwich Islands and S u m a t r a . - A l l i e d to N. ferox, but less deeply cut, and the
stem not fibrillose.
t t P in noe cut from one-third to two-thirds down to the midrib. Sp. 186-196.
185. N. asplenioides. B a k e r; st. 6-9 in. 1., greyish, villose; /®. 12-18 In 1.,
4-5 in. hr., oblong, the lower half pinnate ; upper fin n æ L L ’
blunt, those n ex t in order connected by a wing to the rachis tp ! J S
the longest 2-3 in. 1., J in. br., bluntly lobed one-third of the way to the
ilm fow?est distant a id growing gradually shorter i
and under surface finely hairy ; veins pinnate in the lobes
each side ; sari minute, in rows near the midrib.—Polyp. Sw. N. scleiopliyllum,
Presl. H k . Sp. 4. p . 65.
Hab. West Indies.
186. W hispidulum. B a k e r; rf. tufted, slender 12-18 in. h, greyish, villose;
fr 12-18 in 1 6 in. br. ; pin-n/e distant, spreading, 3-4 m. 1., r f ‘ft- “ •>
ap'ex acuminate, the edge cut about halfway down into oblong, slightly falcate
fobes, the lower ones s®4 4 “ rly dvvarfed_ down to mere auric^^^^
and ènder surface finely villose ; veins pinnate m the lobes, with
L ch side, with a large ¿orus on each near the edge ; caps, n a k e d .-A sp . Hccaisn.
N. angustifolium, Presi, l i k , Sp. 4. p. 69.
Hab. Philippines and Malay Isle s.-T h is is nearest N. Arhmcmla, but the pinnæ are
much narrower and more deeply lobed.
187. N. molle, Desv. ; si. tufted, 1 ft. or more
LqIvu • f r 1 2 ft 1 8-12 in. br. ; pinnoe spreadmg, 4-6 m. i., f m. bi., cut a.Dour
“ f k v d'ow^ to the midrib iuto sc a re e l/fa lc a te , blu n t lobes, thè lower pmnæ
distant and ra th e r shorter than thè o th e rs; texture herbaceous; rac/ws and
surfaces finely yillose ; veins pinnate in the ' ’
sori distant from the midrib ; caps, n aked.—« / . Sp. 4. p. 67. (m p a r t) .
Hab. Cuba andMexico to Peru aud Brazil ; Himalayas and Hong-Kong to New Zeaknd
: t L n . t . ’;“ f h r p p ^ ^
the s p e c i e f tL it
seems a pity to drop it.
188. N. hcterocarpon, Moore ; si. tufted 1-2 ft. 1., slender, jM o f i A - 2 ^
1 8-12 in br. • pinnæ 5-6 in. 1., j in. hr., cut down halfway oi moie to the
rèchis into linefr-oblong subfalcate lobes; lower P 'L ^ l f i t o e L w ' u D r ’•
texture herbaceous ; raoA*A and under surface villose and „ f a
veins pinnate in the lobes, with 8-10 veinlets on a side ; sor* m lows
main vein ; caps. n a k e d .-A sp id . B l. Mett. F il. In d . p . 233. N. molle, H k .
Sp. 4. p. 67. (*«* part).
Hab. Hong-Kong and Malaccas.—Very near some of the forms of N. molle, but less
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