108. P . (Gram.) australe, M e tt.; rliizorfie creeping, forming a dense ma ss;
f r , 1 - 6 in. 1 ., 2 - 6 lin. br., the small ones spathulate, tiie larger ligulate, bluntish
a t the point, tapering gradually downwards into the short stem ; texture coriaceous
; St. and hoth sides naked or slightly ciliated, the edge not bordered ; veins
oblique, often fo rk ed ; sori close, copious, oval or oblong, in rows nearer the
midrib th an the edge.—H k . Sp. 4. p . 167.
Hab. Southern extremity of America and adjacent islands; Tristan d’Acunha,New
Zealand, Australia, as far north as Queensland and New Caledonia.
109. P. (Gram.) sessilifolium. I l k , ; f r . tufted, 3-9 in. 1., 2-3 lin. br., narrowed
gradually below the point, bluntish, the edge entire or slightly undulated ;
texture subcoriaceous ; hoth sides naked ; veins forked ; sori oblong, placed end
to end in two long rows close to the midrib.—H k . Sp. 4. p . 168. t. 272. A.
Hab. Philippines and Malaya.
110. P . {Gr&m.) fasciatum, M e tt.; rhizome strong, wide-creeping, clothed witli
broad grey scales ; St. 1-2 in. 1., rigid, deciduously ciliated ; f r . 1 ft. or more 1.,
j - f in. br., narrowed gradually towards both ends, the edge e n tire ; texture coriaceous,
the surface naked, midrib very p rom in e n t; veins immersed, forked • sori
oblong, in two long rows end to end close to the midrib,—/ / / . Sp. 4, p . 169.
Hab. Malaya.
m . p . (Gram.) Deplanchei, Baker ; rhizome stout, densely coated with stiff
spreading dark-brown fibrillose scales ; f r . sessile, 6 - 9 in. 1 ., f - j in. br., narrowed
g radually to both ends, the edge entire or with a few conspicuous lilunt teetli
about the middle ; texture very coriaceous ; both sides naked ; veins oblique
once forked ; sori oblong, oblique, immersed, in close rows in the upper ha lf of
the frond near the edge.
Hab. New Caledonia, Deplanche, 5.
Fronds lohed or dichotomously f r k e d . Sp. 112-114.
1 1 2 . V . flahellivenium, Baker ; rUzome wiry, slender, wide-creeping, h ardly at
all s c a ly ; st. 1 - 2 in. 1 ., wiry, naked, very slender ; f r . j - | in. ]., nearly as br.,
roundish or broadly oblong, the edge very distinctly thickened, subentire'or with
a tew riiallow rounded lobes ; texture tliick and rigid ; veins flabellate, three or
four times dichotomously foiked, distinctly visible when the frond is held up to
the light, sometimes the ultimate forks uniting before they reach the broad
thickened border ; sori distinctly immersed, 1 - 6 to a frond, all in the upper half
not fa r from the edge, on the back of the veins. ’
Hab. Borneo ; gathered by Signor Beccari, communicated by Mrs. Lyell—A very
distinct and interesting novelty ; more like Drymoglosmm Hgidum in texture than
anything else.
113. V, muUifidum, Bory ; st. tufted, very short, slender, naked ; f r . 2 - 3 in. 1.,
lg - 2 lin. br., entire or forked, tapering downwards g ra d u a lly ; texture coriaceous;
both Sides n a k e d ; veins immersed, simple, o b liq u e ; sori large, roimdish
prominent, close, when mature projecting over tlie edge.—/ f t . Sp. 4 . p . 1 7 4 . ’
Hab. Bourbon and Mauritius.—The forking is probably abnormal ; and if so, this
should be placed next to P. parastkcum. Bojer’s “ Grammitis obtusa, Willd ” is
evidently the same pknt. ,
114. P . furcatum, Mett. ; st. densely tufted, short, naked ; f r . 3-4 in. 1. 1 lin.
br., once or twice dicliotomously foiked, gradually attenuated below, the edge
entire or subsiiiuated ; texture subcoriaceous; sori oblong, distant, oblique,
terminal on the principal veins.—/ / / . Sp. 4. p. 174. Grammitis, H k . <& Gr.
t. 62.
Hab. Guiana and the Amazon valley.
Fronds pinnatifid. Sp. 115-131.
t Lohes not reaching more than halfway down to the rachis. Sp. 115-118.
115. P . harhatidum. B a k e r ; tnfted, slender, j - j in. 1., clothed with soft
brown spreading hairs ; f r . 1 - 1 j in. 1 ., j in. br., the edge entire or broadly lobed
to a depth of j line ; texture subcoriaceous ; hoth sides more or less densely
clothed with long soft hairs ; veins pinnate in the lobes ; sori medial, uniserial.—
P. ciliatum, Bojer, Hort. Maur. p . 416. {non Willd.').
Hab, Bourbon.
116. P. andinum, I l k . ; f r . tufted, subsessile, 4-6 in. 1., j - f in. br., regularly
bluntly lobed about a quarter or th ird of the way down, the point acute or
bluntish, the lower p a rt narrowed very gradually ; texture subcoriaceous ; hoth
sides th in ly clothed with soft spreading hairs ; veins once forked ; sori large,
round, one to each lobe.—H k . Sp>. 4. p . 179. 2nd Cent. t. 6 .
Hab. Andes of Ecuador and Peru.—May possibly be P. crispatum, L. (Plum. t.
102. B.).
117. P . trichosoriim, H k . ; rhizome creeping; st, 1 - 2 in. 1., slender, densely
clothed with soft spreading liairs ; f r . 3-4 in. 1., j - f in. br., the point bluntish,
the edge crenato-sinuate to a depth of 1 lin., the lower p a rt narrowed from the
middle ; texture coriaceous ; both sides, and especially the edge, clothed with
hairs, like those of the stem ; veins in pinnated g ro u p s; sori in 2 - 8 rows on
each side.—/ ? / . Sp. 4. p . 178. 2nd Cent. t. 12.
Hab. Andes of Quito, Jameson, 849.
118. P . trifurcatiim, L. ; rhizome stout, creeping, densely clothed with linear
scales ; st. close, 8-5 in. 1., more or less villose, often bent ; f r . 6-9 in, L, 1 in. or
more br., with broad blunt entire lubes reaching from a th ird to halfway down ;
texture coriaceous ; hoth sides nearly naked ; veins in copiously pinnated groups,
with the lower veinlets forked, sometimes anastomosing ; sori copious, p rin cipally
in two rows in each lobe, immersed. — P . cornptoniæfolium, Desv.
Hk. Sp, 4. p . 192. P . seolopendrioides, H k . Sfi Gr. p. 42,
Hab. West Indies to Peru.—The Linnæan name was founded on a forked form
figured by Plumier.
Lohes reaching neaidy down to the main rachis. Sp. 119-131.
119. P . serrulatum, Mett. ; rhizome wide-creeping, fibrillose ; st. tufted, short,
slender, naked ; f r . 3-6 in. 1., 2-3 Hn. br., the upper part, sometimes the whole,
subentire, but more usua lly pectinato-pinnatifid, with rigid erecto-patent lobes ;
rachis suhrigid, flexuose ; texture coriaceous ; both sides nearly naked ; sori
oblong, confluent.—H k . Sqo. 4. p . 174. Xiphopteris, K a u lf. H k . Gard. F . t. 44.
Hab. West Indies and Mexico to Brazil, Peru, and Juan Fernandez ; Sandwich Isles,
Madagascar, Mauritius, Guinea Coast.—X. extensa, Fée, is a narrow elongated form ;
X. Jamesoni, Hk. 2nd Cent. t. 14, a form with a distinct uncut upper part, the lower
two-thirds pectinato-pinnate, and the texture so rigid that the threadlilce inidrib remains
after the pinnæ fall ; Gi'ammitis myosuroides, Schk. {P. setosum, Mett. Hk. Sp. 4. p. 175),
is apparently a form of this pinnatifid throughout ; and P. ? binerve, ilk . Sp. 4. t. 273. B.
one of the curious abnormal conditions of Aovstichim sorbifolium.
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