K f
S i l J
i '
ft. 1-4 in. 1., firm, erect, scaly ; f r . 1 ft. or more 1., 2-3 in. br., the apex very
blunt, the lower p a rt narrowed into the stem very gradually ; texture very
th ick ; both sides naked, b u t the edge densely fringed with minute ovate-
acuminate brown scales; vmns immersed, nearly hidden.—U k , Sp, 5. p . 203.
Hab. Philippines, Cuming, 144.—This is referred by J . Smith to A. oUusifolium,
24. A. deeoratum, Kze. ; caud. very stout, the scales J - | in. 1., linear, hright-
brown, crisped ; st. 4-8 in. 1., firm, erect, densely clothed with blu n t squarrose
scales often J-§ in. 1., 2 lin. br. ; barren f r . 1 ft. or more L, 3-4 in . br., the point
acute, the base rounded, the edge densely fringed with scales like those of the
stem, but sm a ll; texture coriaceous ; veins suhparallel, u sua lly once forked,
sometimes anastomosing; fe rtile f r , nearly as large as the other,—H k . Sp. 5.
p . 195.
Hab. West Indies, Guiana, Peru.
Surface o f ihe fro n d slightly scaly. Sp. 25-45.
A. Fronds 1-4 inches long. Sp. 25-82.
25. A. Feeiy Bory ; rhizome filiform, very wide-creeping, the scales linear,
reddish-hrown, scarcely spreadmg ; S t . J - l J in. 1., slightly scaly ; barren f r . 1-2
in. ]., J in. br., the point bluntish, the edge conspicuously repand, the lower
p a rt narrowed gradually ; texture subcoriaceous ; both sides with a few small
ovate-acuminate scales ; fertile f r . J - J in. 1., J in. hr., on longer stems th an the
otliers.—« / . Sp. 5. p . 222. 2nd Cent. t. 92.
Hab. West Indies to Ecuador.
26. A. cardiopliyllum, H k . ; rhizome wide-creeping, J in. thick , densely
clothed with ra th e r large lanceolate dark-brown scales; st. 1-1 J i n . h, slightly
scaly, th e upper p a rt winged ; barren f r . f-1 J in. 1., |- g in. hr., the point blunt,
the base cordate, with a narrow decurrent h a f t ; texture very thick ; under side
with a few small liuear da rk chesnut-brown sc ales; veins immersed ; fertile f r .
similar to the other, h u t the stem longer.—« / . S p. 5. p. 229. Ic. t. 716.
Hab. Andes of Quito, Jameson, 212, 395.
27. A. s q u a m i p e s , H k . ; r h i z o m e firm, b u t not woody, wide-creeping, clothed
with adpressed lanceolate acuminate bright-brown sc a le s; S t . 1-2 in. apart,
J - I J in. 1., clothed with s’imilar scales; b a r r e n f r . J-1 in. 1., f - J in. hr., tlie
point blunt, the base rounded to a sliglit h a f t ; t e x t u r e coriaceous ; under s i d e
with a few small linear reddish-brown scales ; v e i n s raised beneath ; f e r t i l e f r .
ra th e r smaller th an the other, and the stem much longer.—H k . Sp. 5. p . 228.
le. t. 197.
Hab. N. Granada and Peru.—We cannot distinguish from this the Mexican A. ovatum,
Liebm., not Hk. A. humile, Mett. (N. Granada, Lindig, 167), is said to be like this,
but to have an oblong fertile frond (IJ in. 1., 4 lin. br.) larger than the barren one.
28. A. Lindeni, Bory ; rhizome short, firm, the scales dense, fibrillose, nearly
black ; S t . tufted, 4-9 in. 1., very slender, with a few scattered linear scales ;
barren f r . 1-4 in. ]., f - l j in. hr., the point bluntish or acute, the base rounded ;
texture subcoriaceous; the edge th in ly ciliated with subulate bright-brown
scales, which are sometimes scattered over the under su rfa c e ; vdns visible,
terminating within the edge ; fertile f r . much smaller th an the other.—H k . Sp.
6. p . 223. A. venustum, Liebm.
Hab. Mexico to Ecuador and Brazil.-The scales of the frond are longer and more
hair-like than its allies.
29. A.
dark chesnut-brown ;
Klotzsch ; rhizome wide-creeping, the scales dense, linear,
:. J - l J in. 1., slender, slightly scaly ; barren f r . 2-3 in. 1.,
J in. br., narrowed graduaUy to hoth ends ; texture herbaceous, the under surface
with scattered linear dark-chesnut scales ; veins visible; fertile fr . J in. 1., J in.
br., the stem 2 in. 1.—I lk . Sp. 5. p . 224.
Hab. Columbia, Moritz, 319.—Most like the last, but the scales different, and the
frond a different shape.
30. A. Lloense, Hk. ; rhizome slender, wide-creeping, the scales adpressed,
lanceolate-acuminate, ferruginous ; S t . 1-2 in. apart, 2-5 in. 1., slender, slightly
scaly ; barren f r . 2-4 in. 1., J - I J in. hr., the point blunt or acute, the base
narrowed suddenly or ra th e r rounded ; texture subcoriaceous ; under surface
with a few small linear dark chesnut-brown sc a le s; veins visible, not reaching
the edge ; fertile f r . much smaller th an the other, on a longer stem.—H k . Sp, 6.
p. 229. lo. t. 657.
Hab. Mexico, along the Andes to Peru.
31. A. heteromorphum, K lo tz s ch ; rhizome filiform, wide-creeping, the scales
small, scattered, lanceolate-acuminate, brown ; st. 1-3 in. 1., slender, slightly
scaly ; barren f r . lJ -2 in. 1., J-1 in. hr., the point bluntish, the base rounded ;
texture th in h u t firm ; both sides scattered over with linear da rk castaneous
sc ales; veins conspicuous, raised and darker in colour than the rest of the frond ;
fertile f r . much smaller and the st. much longer.—H k . Sp. 5. p . 224.
Hab. Columbia and Ecuador.
32. A. Iluacsaro, R in z .; rhizome woody, wide-creeping, th e scales short,
black, fibrillose ; st. of barren frond 1 in. 1., clothed with small furfuraceous
scales ; barren f r . 3-4 in. 1., J - f in. br., the point very blunt, the lower p a rt
narrowed very gradually ; texture coriaceous ; the lower surfme viscid, the upper
with scattered minute furfuraceous scales ; veins fine, close, in d istinct; fertile f r .
narrower th an the other and the st. much longer.—A. Calaguala, Klotzsch. H k .
Sp. 5. p. 218. A. Ruizianum, Moore.
Hab. Columbia to Peru.—Distinguished from all tbe preceding by its ligulate fronds
and very coriaceous texture.
B. Barren 6-18 inches i Sp. 83-45.
33. A. Gardnerianum, Fée ; eaud. woody, erect, tl'ff scales large, ovate-lanceolate,
pale-brown ; s t . tufted, 1-2 in. 1., firm, erect, densely clothed with
similar spreading scales ; barren f r . 4-0 in. 1., f-1 in. br., the point blu n t, the
base ra th e r rounded ; texture coriaceous ; upper surfaee nearly naked, lower
with small th ick ly scattered furfuraceous scales ; veins raised beneath, fine,
usually once forked ; fe r tile f r , narrower th an the other, narrowed at the base
on a stem 6-8 in. 1. « / . Sp. 6. p . 233.
Hab. Brazil and Venezuela.— Texture and general habit of c o n f o r m e , but the scales
almost dense enough to entitle it to a place in the next group.
34. A. alpestre, Gardn. ; rhizome wide-creeping, densely clothed with lan ceolate
acuminate bright-chesnut scales ; S t . of barren frond 4-6 in. 1., erect,
slightly scaly ; barren f r . 0 in. 1., f in. br., bluntish at both ends ; texture subcoriaceous
; surface ra th e r th ick ly scattered over with small linear bright-
chesnut scales ; veins distant, prominent ; barren f r . 2-3 in. 1., J in. hr., the
St. 1 ft. 1.—Sert. P I. t. 25. A. eximium, Mett.
Hab. Organ Mountains, Brazil, Gardner, 5924 ; N. Granada, Lindig, 318.—Differs
from the next principally by its shorter fertile frond roundéd at the base.