lanceolate, glossy, neavly black ; si. G-9 in. 1., naked, glossy ; / r . G-18 in. L,
8 -1 2 in . br., cut down to a liroadly-winged rachis into nearly entire acuminate
lobes 4-G in. h, f-1 in. br., the lowest^ pair deflexed ; main veins distinct to the
edgæ ; areolæ fine, with copious free veinlets ; sori in single rows near the midrib,
—I lk . Sp. 6. p. 88.
H ab . N. In d ia , u p to 10,000 f t.—Resembles P . trifid um, b u t th e pin næ reach down
d eep er, an d th e main veins a re closer an d more d istinct.
372. P. (Ph ym .) longissimim, Bhime ; rUzome wide-creeping, the scales large,
ovate, brown, adpressed ; st. 12-18 in. 1., firm, glossy ; f r . 1-4 ft. 1., 6-12 in. br.,
cut down very nearly to the rachis into numerous erecto -patent acuminate
linear subentire lobes 4-8 in. 1., j - j in. br..; texture coriaceous ; both sides naked ;
veins forming large distinct costular areolæ and beyond them smaller irregular
ones, both with free veinlets ; son in close single rows near the midrib, forming
distmct papillæ on the upper surface.—I lk . Sp. 5. p . 89.
H a b N . In d ia , N eilg h erries, Malaccas, P h ilip p in e s, F o rmo sa.—M. D ep la n ch e sends
iiom N ew Caledonia a p la n t th a t ag ree s w ith th is, ex c ep t th a t th e sori a re submarginal.
t t Drynaria, Bory. Fronds with either a separate sterile fr o n d or the base o f
the ordinary one pinnatifid like a sessile oak-leaf. hroionish in colour and rigid in
textitre. Sp. 873-383.
A. Sterile fr o n d not separate. Sp. 373-376.
373. P . (D ry n .) Heracleum, Kze. ; rhizome stout, the scales long, silky,
fibi-illose, bright-brown ; f r . 3-6 ft. 1 . , 2 ft. or more hr., the base with a coriiate
lobed wing 3-4 in. br., the upper p a rt cut down to a broadly-winged rachis into
entire acute iobes, wliicii are often 12-18 in. I., 3-4 in. br. ; texture rigid ; both
sides naked ; main veins distinct to the edge, with 0-8 irregular quadrangular
areolæ between tbe inidrib and edge enclosing smaller ones with copious free
■veinlets ; sori small, copious, scattered, slightly immersed.—I lk . S p . 6. p . 93.
G. F . t. 1.
H ab . J a v a an d P h ilip p in es.
374. P . (Dryn.) Meyenianum, Schott. ; rhizome very stout, the scales j in. 1.
linear, crisped, bright-ferruginous ; / n 2-3 ft. h, 8-12 in. hr., the lower pa rt cut
down nearly to the rachis into erecto-patent linear-oblong blu n t entire lobes
3-6 in. 1., j-1 in .b r ., the upper p a rt pinnate, with numerous close pinnæ 4-B
m. h, which consist only of a firm inidrib, with a row of small round lobes on
both sides, each with a sorus tliat covers it ; texture of the barren lobes coriaceous,
the mam veins distinct, the copious areolæ with free veinlets.—77/. S p 5.
p . 94. Aglaomorpha, Schott.
H a b . P h ilip p in es.
375. P . (D ry n .) conjugatum, Lam. ; rhizome verv thick, densely matted with
long linear crisped bright-brown scales ; f r . arranged in a circle, 2-4 ft. L, 12-18
in. br., the stem with a lobed wing 2-4 in. hr. on each side at the base, which is
nan-owed and more deeply lohed upwards, passing gradually into the frond,
which is cut down nearly to the rachis throughout into entire erecto-patent
pm næ 4-8 in. 1., 1-] j in. br. ; texture rigid ; both sides naked ; main veins
distinct to the edge, the transverse veinlets forming about 6 quadrangular
areolæ between the midrib and edge ; the sori in a single row close to the anterior
mam vem, sometimes confluent.—P . coronans, Wall. H h . Sp. 5. p . 95. F il.
E x . i. 91.
H a b . N. lu d ia (subtropical region), Moulmein, H o n g -Ko n g , Formosa.
B. Sterile fro n d distinct. Sp. 376-383.
370. P . (D ry n .) Fortunei, K u n z e ; rhizome woody, the scales linear, bright
ferruginous ; f r . dimorphous, the barren ones 2-3 iu. 1., 1 - lJ in. br., tlie upper
lobes deltoid-acute, tlie fertile ones 12-18 in. h, 4-6 in. br., out down nearly or
quite to the rachis into lanceolate or oblong acute or bluntish entire erecto-patent
lobes 2-4 in. 1., |-1 in. hr. ; texture subcoriaceous ; main veins distinct, i-2 lin.
apart, connected by prominent transverse veinlets, with a few faint ones in the
intervals ; sori in single rows of 3-4 betweep the main veins.—/ f t . Sp. 6. p . 95.
H a b . S o u th China, h o th th e coast au d in te rio r.
377. P . (D ry n .) splendens. I lk . ; rhizome woody, the scales grey, fibrillose,
adpressed ; f r . subsessile, 2-3 ft. 1., 1 ft. or more hr., the lower p a rt barren, cut
down n early or tpiite to the racliis into erecto-patent entire acute lohes 4-8 in. 1.,
1-2 m. hr., the upper fertile pinnæ distant, ligulate, 4-8 in. 1., J - J in. hr. ; main
veins distinct, with distinct transverse veinlets and copious intermediate ones and
free veinlets ; sori oblong or subquadrangular, filling up tlie whole of the fertile
pinnæ except the midrib.—/ / / . Sp. 5. p . 96. Dryostachyuin, J . Sm.
Hab. Philippines and Singapore.-
- f t . J . Sm., is a form w ith th e fe rtile pinnæ
slightly pubescent.
878. P . (D ry n .) WUldenovii, B o ry ; rhizome t\\iàk,xYoo Ay, the scales J in. ].,
linear, crisped, blight ferruginous ; f r . dimorphous, the liarren one 4-6 in. 1.,
3-4 in. hr., tile lobes short, rounded, blunt, the fertile one lJ -2 ft. ]., 6-10 in. hr.,
the upper lobes 4-6 in. 1., J - J in. br., linear, acute, slightly repand, reaching
down to the rachis, the lower ones shorter aud blunt, witJi a narrow wing down
the stem to the base ; texture coriaceous ; areolæ small, copious : soi'i slightly
immersed, uniserial.—7 //. Sp. 5. p . 97.
Hab. Mauritius and Bourbon.
879. P . (Jli'yn..) propinquum. Wall. ; rhizome wide-creeping, the scales
linear, bright-ferruginous ; f r . dimorphous, the barren ones 4-9 in. 1., 3-4 in. br.,
cut h a lf or three-quarters of the way down into bluntish or acute lobes, the fertile
ones l j - 3 ft. 1., often 1 ft. br., with a distmct stem, the lobes 4-6 in. L, j - | in.
br.,^ reaching down nearly or quite to the rachis ; texture subcoriaceous ; areolæ
copious, the free veinlets few and variously directed ; sw i in a row near the
midrib, placed a t the point of union of several veinlets.—Hh. Sp. 5. p . 97. P .
Wildenovii, 77. G. F. t. 35. [non Bory).
H a b . N . In d ia (up to 7,000 ft.), J a v a , an d th e W e s t A fric an islan d s.—T h e ty p ic a l
p la n t has more or less d is tin c tly to o th ed fe rtile pinnæ, b u t iu th e J a v a n P . 'pleuridioides,
M e tt. {P. WUldenovii, Blume, n o t Bory), th e y a re q u ite en tire .
380. P . (Dryn.) rivale, Mett, MSS.; rUzome stout, the scales dense, linear,
bright-ferruginous ; f r . dimorphous, the barren ones 4-6 in, 1., 2 in, br., cut down
three-quarters of the way to the raehis into spreading blu n t lobes, the fertile
ones 1-2 ft. 1., 6-8 in. br., with a distinct stem, the blunt entire lobes 2-3 in. J.,
j in. br., reaching down nearly or quite to the rachis ; texture of the fertile frond
papyraceous ; main veins not more th an j in. apart ; areolæ fine, with copious
free veinlets, all directed towards the edge, the close sori termina l on free
veinlets in the costal series.
H ab . N . E . H im a lay a s .—D is tin g u ish e d from th e la s t by its much th in n e r te x tu re , an d
ven a tio n lik e Goniophlehium. Th e veins of th e fe rtile frond a re scarcely a t all raised, b u t
a re very d istin ct.
381. P . (Dryn.) quercifolium, L. ; rhizome stout, the scales bright-brown,