53. H. Serra, P r e s l; St. slender, wiry, 1-2 in. ; f r . narrow y oblong-acuminate,
pinnate, 3-4 in. 1., about 1 in. br. ; pmnce distichous, flabellato-pinuatitid,
recurved ; the ult. segm. 3-5 lin. 1., very narrow, conspicuously spmuloso-dentate ;
sori placed 1 or 2 in the upper side near the base of the pmnæ ; tmol. divided
two-thirds of the way down ; valves oblong, entire, or slightly toothed.
Hab. Chiloe and Chili.—Very near the preceding, but the segments very narrow aud
remote, and almost confined to one side of tbe pinnæ.
64. H. tenerrimum, V. D. B. ; st. very slender, in. 1., naked ; f r . 1-2 in. 1.,
less than * in. hr., pinnate, only the very summit winged ; ptnnæ distant, very
small and slender, simple or once or twice forked, vaguely undnlato-deiitate ;
sori 1 or 2 together, termina l ; invol. divided down nearly to the base ; mlves
rounded and ciliated.— V .D .B . Suppl. p . 101.
Hab. Peru, Spruce, 4700 and 4702.—Much the most slender and diminutive species
of the section.
56. H. Jamesoni, H k . ; st. 1-2 in 1. ; f r . flaccid, linear, S-9 in. h, f f in- i>i’- 1
rachis only slightly winged towards the apex, fringed throughout with soit membranous
spines ; pinnce forked at the apex, and with only 1 or 2 linear segm.
on each side ; invol. axillary, solitary ; valves obovate, conspicuously spinose.—
I lk . Sp. 1. p. 9G. t. 35. A.
Hab. Andes of Columbia, /ameso«.—Readily distinguishable by its long narrow frond
and flaccid habit. The costa, like the rachis, is conspicuously fringed with membranous
66. H.H. barbatum;barlatum ; st.st. slenaer,slender, ereci,erect, naked,naked, 1 1 in.in. ui or mless »» V’, 1. ; / f " r
. oblong-trian-
• “ ' ' ’ ed throu ^
giilar, U -2 in. L, about I in. hr., tripinnatifid ; raclas^ winged throughout ; lower
pinnae rhomhoidal-ohlong, with a broad winged rachis and short broadly roadly
spinuloso-dentate segm. ; sori tevmmal on the “segments o tth e upper pinnæ ; invol.
terminal of the tnvol.
suborbicular or broadly oblong ; valves divided more th an halfway down, and
deeply spinulose-dentate.—Leptocionium barbatum, V .D . B . Suppl. p. 62.
Hab. Tsus Sima, near Japan, Wilfm-d, 8 4 6 .-A stouter plant than II. Tunbridgeme,
with rachis winged throughout, broader segments, and terminal son.
67. H. secundum, H k . & Gr. ; St. 1-3 lin. 1., wiry, naked ; f r . pinnate, linear-
ohlong, 3-4 in. 1., 1 in. hr. ; p innæ recurved, flahellato-piunatihd ; ult. n a rrowly
linear, spinuloso-dentate, usua lly falcato-secund ; sori usuiilly solitary,
placed on the upper side of the pinnæ near the base ; mvol. 2-TOlved about liiHt-
way down ; valves oval-oblong, entire.—f t / . 8 / . 1. p . 100. f t / , tfi Gr. Ic. F il.
t. 133.
Hab. Staten-land and Cape Horn.—Near B . Tunbridgense, but a larger plant, with
two or three times dichotomous flabellate pinnæ.
68. H. Simonsianum, H k . ; st. slender, wiry, naked, 1-2 in. 1. ; f r . Imear-
oblong, 2-3 in. 1., f in. br., once pinnatifid down to a broadly-winged raclns ;
segm. fan-shaped, with only shallow divisions directed from the apex towards the
base ; veins dichotomous, the margins spmuloso-dentate ; sort 1 to 4, termina l on
the divisions of the upper pinnæ ; invol. broadly oblong, divided nearly to the
base ; valves spimiloso-dentate.—H k . 2nd Cent. t. 13.
Hab. Khasia Hills and Sikkim,'fcofts, Griffith, Dr. Hooker.— The least divided species
of this section.
69. II. pectinatim, Cav. ; St. 2-4 in. 1., wiry, naked ; f r . oblong, pinnate, 3-C
in. 1., l |- 2 ill. br. ; main rachis only winged towards the apex ; ptnnæ with only
a slight wing to the rachis on the lower, hut deeply pinnatifid on the upper side,
witli long, narrow, parallel, simple or slightly forked linear spmuloso-dentate
seqm. ; sori often 6 to 8 to a pinna, termina l on the lower segments of the upper
side ; invol. divided nearly to the base with ovate entire valves.—f t / . Sp. l . p . 96.
t. 34. D.
Hab. Chili and Chiloe. -A beautiful species, easily recognized by its peculiar pectinate
60. II. multifidum, Swartz ; st. 2-4 in. 1., wiry, naked ; f r . broadly ovato-lanceolate,
tripinnatifid, 2-6 in. ]., 1-6 in. br. ; main rachis winged above, wingless
below ; the second, rachis broadly winged throughout, wavy ; pinnce ‘ànApimit.
rhomhoidal-lanceolate ; idt. segm. linear, 2-3 lin. 1., conspicuously spinuloso-denta
te ; sori 1 to 12 to a pinna, terminal on the lateral segments of the upper Pjnnæ
on both sides ; invol. obovate, tubular below ; valves divided not more th an lialt-
way down, entire ; recept. sometimes exserted.—H k . Sp. l .p . 98. H k . é Cr. Ic.
F il. t. 167. IT- b'eejeense, Brack, t. 3 7 . / 2.
Hab. New Zealand, and islands of the Pacific.—An elegant plant in the larger forms.
In exposed situations the fronds are much drawn together, and the segments are
6 1 . H. triangulaire, Baker ; st. 2-4 in. 1., smooth, naked ; f r . ovate-triangular,
tripinnatifid, 4-6 in. 1., 2-3 in. br. a t the base ; main rachis winged above ; the
second, rachis broadly winged throughout ; pinnce rhoniboidal-lanceo ate ; lowest
pinnl. deeply pinnatifid, with simple or forked conspicuously sj)inuloso-dentate
linear segm., 2-3 lin. 1. ; sori usually solitary, placed on the upper pinnse a t the
base of the anterior pinnule at the outer side ; invol. large, ovate, fully a line deep,
divided about lialfwaj’ down ; valves nearly entire.
Hab Fernando Po, Mmin, 333.—Much resembling II. multifidum and hivalve in habit,
but the segments are broader, and the sori are rnuch larger and usually solitary. I t is
the only Leptocionium which has yet been found in Tropical Africa.
62. H. hivalve, Swartz ; st. 2-4 in. 1., wiry, naked ovate-triangular, trip in natifid,
8-8 in. 1., 2-3 in. br. ; main rachis slightly winged above ; the second,
rachis winged throughout ; loioer p innæ triangular-acuminate ; ult. segm. linear,
2-3 lin. 1., spmuloso-dentate ; sori very numerous, often 6 to 8 on a single pinnule
• invol. suborbicular, entire, divided down nearly to the base ; recept. always
included.— Sp. Fil. l . p . 98. t. 35. D. H. pyriforrae, V. D. B .
Hab. New Zealand.—Best distinguished from H. muUifidum by the shape of the
involucre. The frond is broader below and the sori are more abundant.
63. II. Smithii, H k . ; st. 1-2 in. 1., wiry, naked or sligMly tomentose ; f r .
of tlie pinnæ on both sides ; invol. oblong, small, divided about halfway down ;
valves e n t i r e . - f t / . S p. l . p . 97. t. 36. B. L. sen-ulatum, Preslii, affine and
liolochilum, V .D .B .
Hab. Philippine Islands, Java, and Malayan P e n i n s u l a . - A y D.
plant gathered by Drs. Hooker and Thomson in the Khasia Mountains, whieh resemb es
this in habit, but has a broad undulato-cnspate wmg to the main rachis and shghtly
1 pinnæ. Probably it is a distinct species ; but I have not seen the truit.